Рефераты по иностранным языкам

Types of economic systems

31 Марта 2012, доклад

An economic system is the way a nation uses its resources to satisfy its people’s needs and wants. All economic systems consider the same three basic questions: What should be produced? How should it be produced? For whom should it be produced? The workings of scarcity and trade-offs affect what goods and services are produced. Because of the scarcity of resources, no nation can produce every good or service that it needs or wants.

Types of interest groups

26 Декабря 2012, доклад

Few would argue that one person could not make a difference in American politics. But there is power in numbers, and political institutions are more likely to respond to a collective rather than to an individual voice. An interest group is an organization whose members share common concerns and try to influence government policies affecting those concerns. Interest groups are also known as lobbies; lobbying is one of the ways in which interest groups shape legislation and bring the views of their constituents to the attention of decision-makers.

Types of neologisms and productive patterns of their building in the English and Ukrainian language

24 Ноября 2011, реферат

A living language leads a dynamic existence, it is constantly developing its internal and external resources, adapting to ever changing circumstances of social, cultural, political and scientific life, generating new forms and content and abandoning old ones, improving its expressive means and devices through their structural complication or simplification. Language is one of those spheres of human activity that are the first to bring reaction to social and other kinds of changes in human life and activities.

Types of pollution

16 Февраля 2013, реферат

Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into a natural environment that causes instability, disorder, harm or discomfort to the ecosystem i.e. physical systems or living organisms. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat or light.

Ukrainian economy

27 Ноября 2011, доклад

The Economy of Ukraine
The economy of Ukraine is an emerging free market, with a gross domestic product that fell sharply for the first 10 years of its independence from the Soviet Union and then experienced rapid growth from 2000 until 2008. Formerly a major component of the economy of the Soviet Union, the country's economy experienced a deep recession during the 1990s, including hyperinflation and a drastic fall in economic output. In 1999, at the lowest point of the economic crisis, Ukraine's per capita GDP was about half of the per capita GDP it achieved before independence. GDP growth was first registered in 2000, and continued for eight years. In 2007 the economy continued to grow and posted real GDP growth of 7%.[8] In 2008, Ukraine's economy was ranked 45th in the world according to 2008 GDP (nominal) with the total nominal GDP of 188 billion USD, and nominal per capita GDP of 3,900 USD.


06 Декабря 2011, реферат

St. Petersburg University was founded in 1724 by Peter the Great's edict. Russia's first institution of higher education was linked with the Academy of Sciences and the Grammar School. The first members of the Academy and professors of the University were foreign scholars, such as L. Euler, G. Graft, I. Braun. Practically all the Russian academicians of the XVIII century were graduates of St. Petersburg University. The University originally provided tuition in three fields: mathematics, physics, and the humanities.

Usage of it in the process of translation

15 Февраля 2013, дипломная работа

This paper studies the use of information technology in the translation work.

At the present stage of translation special importance is the problem of using innovative technologies. Among these are, for the most part of the information and communication technology.
Over the last ten to fifteen years of the work of the translator and requirements for it have changed significantly. The first changes were the translation of scientific, technical, official and business documents. Today, as a rule, it is not enough just to translate the text, using the computer as a typewriter. The customer expects the interpreter, that the design of the finished document will match the appearance of the original as closely as possible, while meeting the performance standards in the country. The translator also requires the ability to effectively use a previously completed orders on the same subject, and the employer, in turn, relies on a significant time and cost savings in the translation repeated or similar pieces of text. These conditions can be observed only if the interpreter is not only fluent in the native and foreign language, and a deep study of the chosen subject area, but focused and confident in modern computer technology.

Using visual material in teaching Past tenses in 4th form

24 Октября 2011, курсовая работа

The purpose of this study is to investigate the helping methods of using visual material in teaching Past tenses; to expose of variety of challenging often interesting activities and techniques in using visual material at the lessons of English.
To analyze scientific and define the mechanisms of formation of sentences expressing Past actions in the process of speech
To give useful information how Past tenses can be approached with the help of visual materials.
To present a variety of tasks provide effective practice with Past tenses learning strategies

Vacations with pay

27 Октября 2011, доклад

Vacations with pay for wage earners similarly constitute a comparatively new development in American history. A scant six decades ago, very few workers covered by collective-bargaining contracts received pay during vacation periods, and, at that time, other employees were permitted time-off only if they were willing to sacrifice pay. Today, the employer not furnishing this type of pay for time not worked is in a definite minority: 92 percent of all present-day labor agreements provide for paid vacations, as was noted earlier.

Variants of English language

11 Мая 2014, лекция

Every language allows different kinds of variations: geographical or territorial, perhaps the most obvious, stylistic, the difference between the written and the spoken form of the standard national language and other.
The problem of the work is concerned with variants of English in different various countries of the world. The reason why we have chosen this theme is that of enlargement of our knowledge of English language, of penetration in its historical past. These materials will help us to evaluate and understand the peculiarities of English language variants.

Varieties of Present-day English

16 Июня 2015, курсовая работа

The purpose of the present research term paper is to study the characteristic features of the standard English, present day territorial dialect of the English language and English slang, to investigate the spread of English around the world and to characterize the peculiarities of Indian English
Our work involves the following tasks:
1. To investigate variants and variations of the English language and to compare it with Standard English.
2. To explore the spread of English around the world and its historical background.
3. To characterize the general features of the World Englishes and their types.
4. To make a comparative characteristic of Indian English and Standard English, to investigate distinctive features of Indian English in literature.

Virtual reality

11 Мая 2011, творческая работа

A short presentation on the subject of virtual reality. Here you can find the describtion of some devices along with personal opinion on the theme. These speech will approximately take 7 minutes to tell it.

Wahlsystem Deutschlands

14 Декабря 2011, сочинение

Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland ist eine Parteiendemokratie, wo die Parteien die politische Ausrichtung bestimmen. Die Parteien verteidigen ihre Interessen im Bundestag, der aus 598 Abgeordneten besteht. Sie bekommen dort Plätze abhängig davon, wie viele Stimmen sie in Wahlen gewonnen haben. So geht die Staatsgewalt vom Volk aus. Die Wählerinnen und Wähler bestimmen das Kräfteverhältnis.

Weder Heimat noch Freunde

28 Марта 2012, реферат

Nach dem mörderischen Brandanschlag auf Türken in Solingen ist die Stimmung im Land explosiv. Erstmals haben Ausländer nach rechtsextremistischem Terror massiv und massenhaft zurückgeschlagen. Bonn gerät international unter Druck. Mit einem neuen Ausländerrecht will die Union die Türken besser integrieren.

Wer in aller Welt spricht deutsch?

13 Мая 2012, доклад

1. Die deutsche Sprache gehört zum westlichen Zweig der germanischen Sprachen und wird vor allem in Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Ostbelgien und in weiteren mitteleuropäischen Ländern gesprochen.Er ist auch einer der am häufigsten gesprochenen Sprachen: Deutsch sagt mehr als 100 Millionen Menschen weltweit.

Werner Sombart

16 Декабря 2012, доклад

The main ideas of Sombart:
He proposed the division of mentalities to the "natural" and "economic".
The purpose of the individual is the sacrifice of self for higher values.
Separation of the two sources of capitalism.

Why to experts in the field of economy and finance foreign languages

30 Апреля 2013, научная работа

Good knowledge of a professional foreign language for experts in the field of economy and finance is one of conditions of successful work and career growth. The Russian business is more and more integrated into world economy, and knowledge of the foreign language, at least one, becomes the same basic skill as ability to work at the computer. The enterprises and firms try to refuse a translation service, at least from the European languages, and employ as the employees knowing a foreign language and capable to translate narrow-purpose literature and documentation more willingly. The knowledge of

Wi-Fi Technology

27 Марта 2011, реферат

What we can say about technology? It’s a part of science which revolutionized. Our cars, televisions and many electrical machines are revolutionized. There were ten car companies in 1950, but now there are hundreds and invent new styles of cars. They changed their size and increase their power.


06 Ноября 2012, реферат

Wikipedia gives the following definition: "A puot is a flat-bottomed boat with a square-cut bow, designed for use in small rirers or other shallow water. Panting refers to boating in a punt. The punter generally propels the punt by pushing against the river bed with a pole. A punt should not be confused with a gondola, which is propelled by an oar rather than a pole".

William Stanley Jevons British economist

16 Апреля 2012, контрольная работа

Письменный перевод текста на английском языке

Writing a News Release

25 Ноября 2011, реферат

A news release lets the media and others know about a policy, program, event, or activity.
The release should have a clear objective.
When developing a release, consider the following questions: What is the news? Who would be interested in the news? Who would care? What result do I expect from this news release (inform, educate, persuade, activate, etc.)?

WTO Welcomes Ukraine as a New Member

08 Декабря 2012, реферат

The General Council today paved the way for Ukraine’s membership in the WTO by approving its accession terms. Ukraine will have to ratify the deal by 4 July 2008 and would become a WTO member 30 days after the ratification.
“Ukraine’s WTO membership will strengthen the multilateral trading system and provide this country with a stable and predictable trade environment that will boost its growth and prosperity. I am particularly pleased to welcome to the WTO President Victor Yushchenko, whose personal commitment to his country’s accession was a major factor in the successful outcome to these negotiations.” declared Director-General Pascal Lamy.

Your Step-by-Step Guide to Choosing a Career

20 Февраля 2012, реферат

There are hundreds of career options out there. How do you make a career choice when you don't really know what you want to do? Does it seem like an insurmountable (непреодолимой) task? it's not. Yes, you will have to put some time .and energy into making your decision, but your effort will be well worth it in the end. Follow these steps to making a good career choice.

Zur Umweltsituation in der Bundesrepublik

09 Июня 2011, реферат

Dem Umweltschutz wird in der Bundesrepublik eine grosse Bedeutung beigemessen .Die Erhaltung der Umwelt ist heutzutage eine der grssten Aufgaben fr Staat,Wirtschaft und Brger.Die menschliche Gesundheit,Bden und Gewsser,Gebude und wertfolle Kunstdenkmler mssen vor weiteren Belastungen geschtzt werden.Die Brger sowie geselschaftliche Gruppen haben viel zur Verbesserung
der Umweltsituation beigetragen .

Zusammensetzung. Klassifikation der Zusammensetzungen

27 Ноября 2011, реферат

Die Zusammensetzung, d. h. die Bildung neuer Wörter durch das Aneinanderrücken der Stämme, ist in den indoeuropäischen Sprachen eine der produktivsten Arten der Wortbildung. Die zweite Bedeutung des Terminus Zusammensetzung ist auch die Bezeichnung eines einzelnen zusammengesetzten Wortes. Die deutsche Sprache ist besonders reich an Zusammensetzungen: Redeteil, Schlafzimmer, Dampfschiff, dunkelblau, stattfinden u. a. m.

«Трилогия желаний»: блеск и нищета

02 Января 2012, курсовая работа

В начале 1910-х годов Драйзер приступает к реализации одного из своих главных творческих замыслов – к созданию широкого эпического полотна, которое он назвал «Трилогия желания». Она состояла из трех романов: «Финансист», «Титан» и «Стоик». Последний не был завершен и увидел свет уже после кончины Драйзера. Перед нами социально-историческая панорама, произведение о пути Америки, существенные черты которой во многом олицетворял главный герой трилогии. Драйзер стремился реализовать мечту многих писателей США – создать великий американский роман, произведение эпической масштабности, общенациональной значимости. Однако неправомерно видеть в трилогии лишь социальный пафос. Слово «Желание» (Desire), вынесенное в заголовок, многозначно. Трилогия рассказывает о силе человеческих страстей, которые движут людьми.

Аббревиация во французском и русском языках

14 Сентября 2011, курсовая работа

Цель исследования состоит в определении влияния аббревиации на лексику современного французского языка.
Для реализации цели ставятся следующие задачи:
1. Изучение научных источников по проблеме;
2. Анализ определения терминов «аббревиация», «аббревиатура», «сокращение»;
3. Анализ структурной классификации аббревиатур;
4. Выявление специфики использования аббревиатур в языке современной прессы.

Аббревиация как способ словообразования в языке современной французской прессы

12 Марта 2014, курсовая работа

Современная лингвистика уделяет значительное внимание изучению языка средств массовой информации, и прежде всего, языка газеты, который характеризуется жанровым разнообразием, яркостью, динамичностью, является своеобразной питательной средой для различного рода новообразований. Данная работа посвящена исследованию образования и использования аббревиатур в современном французском языке на примере печатных изданий. Эта тема актуальна, потому что словарь постоянно пополняется новыми словами, а, следовательно, и сoкращениями, и это позвoляет оставаться языку живым. Анализ типов аббревиаций и принципов использования сокращений в языке вызывает растущий интерес сoвременных зарубежных и отечественных лингвистoв (например, Doppagne, Каховская Л.Ф., Баранчев Э.Г., Когут В.И., Ворожбитова А.А, Карасик В.И.).


31 Января 2013, творческая работа

Презентация, освещающая основные характеристики Австралии

Автоматизированные системы

19 Декабря 2011, реферат

Automation is the system of manufacture performing certain tasks, previously done by people, by machines only. The sequences of operations are controlled automatically. The most familiar example of a highly automated system is an assembly plant for automobiles or other complex products.
The term automation is also used to describe nonmanufacturing systems in which automatic devices can operate independently of human control. Such devices as automatic pilots, automatic telephone equipment and automated control systems are used to perform various operations much faster and better than could be done by people.