Usage of it in the process of translation

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 15 Февраля 2013 в 14:58, дипломная работа

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This paper studies the use of information technology in the translation work.

At the present stage of translation special importance is the problem of using innovative technologies. Among these are, for the most part of the information and communication technology.
Over the last ten to fifteen years of the work of the translator and requirements for it have changed significantly. The first changes were the translation of scientific, technical, official and business documents. Today, as a rule, it is not enough just to translate the text, using the computer as a typewriter. The customer expects the interpreter, that the design of the finished document will match the appearance of the original as closely as possible, while meeting the performance standards in the country. The translator also requires the ability to effectively use a previously completed orders on the same subject, and the employer, in turn, relies on a significant time and cost savings in the translation repeated or similar pieces of text. These conditions can be observed only if the interpreter is not only fluent in the native and foreign language, and a deep study of the chosen subject area, but focused and confident in modern computer technology.



1.1What is IT and its usage in the process of translation...............

1.2 History of the development of modern information technology in the translation…………………..

1.3 Electronic dictionaries and their definition…………..


2.1 Literature review research methodology ……………..

2.2 The practical usage of “IT” by electronic dictionaries Abbey Lingvo, Promt and Google……..




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1.1What is IT and its usage in the process of translation...............

1.2 History of the development of modern information technology in the translation…………………..

 1.3 Electronic dictionaries and their definition…………..



 2.1 Literature review research methodology ……………..

 2.2 The practical usage of “IT” by electronic dictionaries Abbey Lingvo, Promt and Google……..















This paper studies the use of information technology in the translation work.

At the present stage of translation special importance is the problem of using innovative technologies. Among these are, for the most part of the information and communication technology.

Over the last ten to fifteen years of the work of the translator and requirements for it have changed significantly. The first changes were the translation of scientific, technical, official and business documents. Today, as a rule, it is not enough just to translate the text, using the computer as a typewriter. The customer expects the interpreter, that the design of the finished document will match the appearance of the original as closely as possible, while meeting the performance standards in the country. The translator also requires the ability to effectively use a previously completed orders on the same subject, and the employer, in turn, relies on a significant time and cost savings in the translation repeated or similar pieces of text. These conditions can be observed only if the interpreter is not only fluent in the native and foreign language, and a deep study of the chosen subject area, but focused and confident in modern computer technology.

Thus, IT created a new culture of communication in electronic form at the same time a significant increase in its volume. Under the influence of this, and with the expansion of international cooperation have increased significantly informative (non-fiction) into the field of science, engineering, economics, law, etc. Changed the very nature of the translation process, it became necessary to increase the efficiency of PD through the use of modern computer technology. From the above it can be concluded undoubted relevance of this topic.

The aim of the study was to explore ways to optimize the translation process by means of IT.

Achieving this goal requires the following specific tasks:

1. Establish a universal model cycle translation work with IT, describes the steps necessary to perform skilled and subsequent support order for translation.

2. Analyze the features of the use of IT "translation work";

3. To analyze the effectiveness of the use of IT in the translation work and to determine whether a computer is able to replace the traditional interpretation;4. Based on these results give a predictive assessment of the prospects of development of IT in the translation work.

The object of investigation stages of PD, in particular, the present stage of translation and editing.

The subject of research is the effective use of IT in PD, in particular machine translation for interpretation.

The scientific novelty of this research is to try to establish the significance of the use of IT in modern translation, determine the extent of impact of IT on the quality of the translation, a universal model cycle of the translation with the use of IT.

The practical value is to optimize the transfer of ICT in the results of the effectiveness of a software in PD, which can be used in writing the master and the subsequent translation work.

The validity and reliability of the results provided by aligning them with the basic provisions of the didactics and methodology of translation, the logical structure of the study, the choice of methods, appropriate goals and objectives, practical testing, the implementation of research results in the practice of translation.

Supporting technologies - technologies of information processing that can be used as tools in various subject areas. However, they can provide a solution to set different plan and a different degree of difficulty. ICU can be divided into classes of tasks, depending on the class of ICU use different kinds of components and software. When you combine the ICU on the basis of a substantive problem of system integration, ie bringing various technologies to a common standard interface.

Functional Information Technology (FIT) - a modification providing technology for the problems a particular subject area, ie implemented subject technology. The subject of technology and information technology influence each other. For example, the appearance of plastic cards as carriers of financial information technology fundamentally changed the subject. In this case, had to create a completely new information technology. But, in turn, opportunities presented by the new IT technology influenced the subject of plastic media (in their defense, for example).Information technologies are classified by type of user interface. There are system and application interface.

The application interface is associated with the implementation of information technology function. System interface - a set of methods of interaction with the computer, which is implemented by the operating system or its superstructure.

Most of providing technology and functionality used by the user without intermediaries - programmers. The user may change the sequence of use of certain technologies. In terms of participation or non-participation in the user information process, technology can be divided into batch and interactive.








1.1What is IT and its usage in the process of translation


Information technology (IT, from the English. Information technology, IT) - a class of areas related to technology management and process the huge flow of information using computer technology.

According to the definition adopted by UNESCO, Information Technology (IT) - a set of inter-related science, technology, engineering, studying the methods of efficient organization of people involved processing and storage of information using computer technology and methods of organization and interaction with people and production equipment, and their practical application, as well as associated with all of these social, economic and cultural problems. The main features of the modern IT: Computer-processing; -Storage of large amounts of data on storage media; -Transmission of information to any distance in the shortest time. The current production of goods and other activities are increasingly in need of information services, processing huge amounts of information. Universal Technical processing means any information is a computer that acts as an amplifier intellectual capacities of man and society in general, and communication tools that use computers are used for communication and information transfer. The emergence and development of computers - is a necessary part of the process of information society. 

Informatization based on the introduction of computer and telecommunication technologies is a social response to the need for a substantial increase in labor productivity in the information sector of social production, which accounts for more than half of the workforce. For example, in the field of information the U.S. employ more than 60% of the working population in the CIS - 40%. [1]Modern information technology Modern information technology with their rapidly growing potential and rapidly declining costs have great potential for new forms of work organization and employment in both individual corporations and society in general. The spectrum of possibilities greatly expanded - innovations affect all spheres of human life, the family, education, work, the geographical boundaries of human communities, etc. Today, information technology can make a decisive contribution to strengthening the relationship between the growth of labor productivity, output, investment and employment . New services that extend across networks, is able to create a number of jobs, which is confirmed by the practice of recent years. Until the early 1980s, information technology was represented mainly by large computers and used for the needs of only half of the corporate "pyramid", because due to their high cost was not possible to automate the solution of management problems. Automate repetitive information processing was comparable to the automation of manual labor on the basis of the use of machines that have replaced people. It is estimated that from 1960 to 1980 more than 12 million existing or potential jobs related to information processing were automated through the use of traditional computers. Automation jobs are on the lower levels of the administrative hierarchy, led to a decrease in the size of enterprises, but at the same time did not cause major changes in the general model of labor organization. At the time, it seemed unlikely that information technology can contribute to the stability of social and economic development, on the contrary, the evidence showed that their role in increasing productivity, forming patterns of consumer behavior focused on new products and services, creating jobs in industries information technology, compared with the retirement of jobs in the industry - the consumers of their products were generally low. The information technology industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Over the last 5 years the industry revenues grew by an average of 10 percent per year, with an average growth rate of 3-4 per cent of the economy, which has led to an increase in the share of industry in GDP in both developed and developing countries. According to the forecasts of international analytical agencies, high growth rates of about 9 percent a year, will continue for the next five years. [4]Features of the technology industry can move to other countries not only software development, but also the support of products, and a number of auxiliary processes. A large number of international IT companies, starting with the second half of the 90's, opened its offices in India and China, and transferred the functions or performance of the entire business processes in these units. In parallel, an IT company developing countries provide services to customers in countries with remote access. The undisputed leader in all segments of the offshore far is India, with total IT exports of about $ 15 billion in 2003. [4] Recently appeared on the market in Eastern Europe, focused on the EU market, as well as China, which is mainly focused on neighboring countries (Japan, South Korea, Gonkng, Philippines). The development of telecommunications and multiple lower cost data was a critical factor in ensuring the growth of the export of services. Having a good telecommunications infrastructure at competitive prices is a necessary factor for a country to claim the leadership position in this market. Information technology market Thus, the market of information technologies transformed orientation towards IT services, with a significant part of these services will be provided to developing countries.




1.2 History of the development of modern information technology in the translation.


The transfer time is a computer - a difficult but interesting scientific problem. Its main difficulty lies in the fact that natural languages ​​are difficult to formalize. Hence the low quality of the MT systems using text, content and form of which is the constant object of jokes. However, the idea of ​​machine translation goes back far into the past.

First thought of the possibility of machine translation suggested by Charles Babbage, who developed in the 1836-1848 years. project "Digital Analytical Engine". Charles Babbage's idea was that the memory of 1000 50-bit decimal numbers (50 gears in each register) can be used to store the dictionary. Charles Babbage brought this idea as a justification for the request from the British government funds for physical embodiment of the analytical engine, which he was unable to build. [7.106]

And 100 years later, in 1947, William Weaver (director of the Division of Natural Sciences of the Rockefeller Foundation) wrote a letter to Norbert Wiener. In the letter, he suggested the use of technology to decrypt text translation. This year is the year of birth of machine translation. In the same year was the implementation of the algorithm of word translation, and in 1948, R. Richens proposed rule splitting words at the source end. In the next two decades, the machine translation system developed rapidly.[6.97]

In January 1954, the machine IBM - 701 demonstrated the first system of machine translation IBM Mark II. But in 1967, a special commission of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States recognized the "machine translation unprofitable" significantly inhibited the research in this area. The new lift machine translation experiences in 70 years, and in the 80's is economically advantageous due to a comparatively low cost of computer time. [7.107],

However, in the USSR, research in the field of machine translation continued. After the demonstration of IBM Mark II VINITI group of scientists began to develop machine translation systems for the BESM. The first sample of translation from English into Russian has been received by the end of 1955.Another line of work emerged in the Department of Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences (now the Keldysh Institute. M. Academy of Sciences) on the initiative of Lyapunov. The first machine translation software, developed by the team, have been implemented by car "boom." Thanks to the work on the creation of MT systems took shape such direction as applied linguistics.

In the 70 years to build MT systems development team worked VINITI PhD. GG Belonogova. Their first system of MI was developed in 1993, and in 1996, after several revisions was registered under the name RosAPO Retrans. This system is used by the Ministry of Defence, Transport, Science and Technology.

Parallel studies were conducted in the laboratory of Engineering Linguistics LGPI them. Herzen (now Normal University). They formed the basis of today's most popular MP "PROMT". The latest versions of this software using high technology and are based on advanced network technology transitions and formalism of neural networks.[8.110]

A sign of division - the problems standing in the way of information society.

Stage 1 (end of the 60's.) Characterized the problem of processing large amounts of data in a limited capacity of the hardware.

Stage 2 (up to the late 70's.)  Associated with the spread of computer series 1VM/360. The problem of this phase - lag software on the level of the hardware.

Third stage (from the early 80's.)  - Computer becomes a tool for the lay user, and information systems - means of supporting its decision-making. Problem - meeting the needs of users and creating an appropriate interface in the computer environment.

Stage 4 (from the early 90's.) - The creation of inter-organizational relationships of modern technology and information systems. Problems in this stage are many. The most important of them are:-production agreements and the establishment of standards and protocols for computer communication, organization, access to strategic information, organization, protection and security of information.

A sign of division - the types of technology tools.

Phase 1 (to the second half of the XIX century.) - "Hand" information technology tools which were: pen, ink, book. Communication is done by hand by smuggle through mail letters, packages, dispatches. The main purpose of technology - to provide information in the right form.

Phase 2 (end of XIX c.) - "Mechanical" technology, tools which were: a typewriter, telephone, voice recorder, equipped with more sophisticated means of delivering mail. The main purpose of technology - presenting information in the right form, more convenient means.

Stage 3 (40 - 60s. XX c.) - "Electric" technology, tools which were: mainframe and software, electric typewriters, copiers, portable recorders. Change the purpose of technology. Emphasis in information technology begins to move to the presentation of information on the formation of its content.

Stage 4 (from the early 70's.) - "E" technology, which are the main tools mainframe and create on their basis of the automated control systems (ACS), and information retrieval systems (IRS), equipped with a wide range of basic and specialized software systems. The center of gravity is shifting even more technology to form a meaningful part of the information management environment for various spheres of public life, especially in the organization of the analytical work. Many objective and subjective factors prevented challenge before the new concept of information technology tasks. However, experience has been gained by the formation of meaningful management information and prepared professional, psychological and social basis for the transition to a new stage of technology development.

Stage 5 (mid-80's.) - "Computer" ("new") technology, which is the main tool is a personal computer with a wide range of standard software products for different purposes. At this stage, the personalization process of ACS, which is manifested in the creation of decision support systems for certain specialists. Similar systems have built-in elements of the analysis and intelligence for the different levels of management, implemented on a PC and use telecommunications. In connection with the transition to microprocessor base undergo significant changes and facilities for domestic, cultural and other purposes.[5. 76]

Becoming widely used in various global and local computer networks. Information technology is quite natural that they become obsolete and are replaced by new ones. Pros methodology centralized technology: user-recourse to large amounts of information in the form of databases and information products to a wide range, ease of implementation, comparative methodological decisions on development and improvement of information technology through centralized adoption. Disadvantages of this methodology are obvious: limited liability, lower staff who do not contribute to the rapid acquisition of information by the user, thus preventing the proper production management decisions, limiting the user experience in the process of creating and using information. The advantages of this methodology are:-flexible structure that provides space initiatives user-greater responsibility to lower-level employees, reducing the need-to-use central computer and thus control of the data center,-a complete implementation of the creative potential of users through the use of computer communication. [3.115]

Described the advantages and disadvantages of centralized and decentralized information technology has led to the need to adhere to the line and the judicious application of both approaches. This approach is called a rational methodology, and show how in this case will be allocated duties: computer center should be responsible for developing a common strategy for the use of information technology to help users both at work and in training, set standards and determine the policy of software and hardware ,-personnel using information technology should follow the instructions the computer center, to develop their local systems and technologies in accordance with the general plan of the organization.

"The new members of the forum on CompuServe of foreign languages ​​are often asked the question, could you tell them to someone a good machine translation software for a reasonable price. The answer is invariably 'no'. "[6.40] Depending on the charge, the answer may be two main arguments: either that machine translation can not afford, or that machine translation is too expensive.

Both arguments are true to some extent. But the answer is not so simple. Studying the problem of machine translation (MT) should be considered separately the various subsections of the problem. The next division is based on lectures Larry Childs carried out by the International Technical Conference on Communications, 1990:• Fully automatic translation;• automated machine translation by man;• translate, the person using the computer.

Fully automated translation. Typically, this type of transfer is implied by most people, when they talk about machine translation. The point here is simple: enter your text in one language, the text is processed and the computer displays the same text in another language. Unfortunately, the implementation of this type of automatic translation faces some obstacles still to be overcome. [1,16]

The main problem is the complexity of the language itself. As it turned out, some progress has been made in the development of programs of transfer, distinguishing the meaning based on context. More recent studies in the analysis of texts rely more on the theory of probability. However, fully automatic machine translation of texts with extensive subject is still a daunting task.

The automated machine translation by man. This kind of machine translation is now quite feasible. Speaking of the machine translation by man, usually involves editing text, both before and after treatment with a computer. People translators change the text so that they are understood machines.

 After the computer has made a translation of the people again, edited rough machine translation, making the text in the target language right. In addition to this method of work, there are systems of MPs during the transfer require the constant presence of a human translator, helping a computer to do a translation particularly complex or ambiguous designs.

Machine translation with human applies more to the text with a limited vocabulary narrowly limited subjects.[1.17]

Translate, the person using the computer. In this approach, a human translator is placed in the center of the translation process, while a computer program is seen as a tool for making the translation process more efficient, and translation - accurate. This is a conventional electronic dictionaries that provide word you want translated by giving the person responsible for selecting the desired option and the meaning of the translated text.

Machine translation systems perform an automated translation. The units of translation in this case consists of a word or phrase, and the latest developments allow for the morphology of the word to be translated. "Development of the MP can translate on the set designer and / or user-correctable translation algorithm" [3, 40].For the implementation of machine translation, a special computer program, which implements the translation, which is defined as a sequence of unique and well-defined action on the text to find the translation equivalents in a given pair of languages ​​Yaz1-Yaz2 for a given direction of translation (from one specific language to another). The machine translation system includes a "bilingual dictionaries, with the necessary grammatical (morphological, syntactic and semantic) to ensure the transfer of equivalent, variant and transformational translation equivalents, as well as algorithmic means of grammatical analysis, implementing any of the accepted for the automatic processing of texts of formal grammars "There are also individual machine translation system designed for translation in three or more languages, but they are currently experimental. [2, 110].

Currently, there are two concepts of machine translation systems:

1. Model of "a large vocabulary with complex structure" which is incorporated into most modern translation software;

2. Model 'meaning-text first formulated AA Lyapunov, but not yet implemented in any commercial ,product.

To date, the best known are the machine translation system, as• PROMT 2000/XT company PROMT;• Retrans Vista Vista companies and Advantis;•Socrates - a set of programs of Arsenal.

In sytems PROMT developed almost uniquely complete morphological description for all languages, which are able to handle the system. It contains 800 types of inflection for the Russian language, more than 300 types, like the German and the French language, and even in English, which is not one of the inflectional languages, highlighted. more than 250 types of inflection. Many endings for each language is stored in a tree structure, which not only provides an efficient way to store, but also an efficient algorithm to morphological analysis.[1.14]

Instead of taking a linguistic approach that dedicate the processes of analysis and synthesis of proposals, based on system architecture was on the concept of the process of translation as a process of "object-oriented" organization, based on the hierarchy of the different components offer. This has led to systems PROMT stable and open. In addition, this approach made it possible to use different formalisms to describe the transfer of different levels.

the systems work and network grammar, similar in type to the extended network transitions, and treatment algorithms of filling and transformation of frame structures for the analysis of complex predicates.

Description of a lexical unit in a dictionary entry, which in fact is not limited in size and may contain many features, closely related to the structure of the system and algorithms is not structured on the basis of the age-old antithesis syntax - semantics, and based on levels of components of the text.

The system can work with incompletely described dictionary entries, which is an important point in the opening dictionaries for the user who can not demand fine handling linguistic material.

The system is released level of lexical items to the group level, the level of simple sentences and the level of complex sentences. All these processes are linked and interact hierarchically in accordance with the hierarchy of text units, exchanging synthesized and inherited traits. This device allows you to use different algorithms, formal methods for the description of algorithms at various levels.ES. ABBYY Lingvo.[13.245]

Информация о работе Usage of it in the process of translation