Рефераты по иностранным языкам

My favourite writer

12 Апреля 2013, сочинение

As I study English I try to read as many stories by English writers as possible. The names of English writers and poets such as W. Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie and many others are well-known to educated people all over the world. When I think about English writers the first name that comes to my mind is that of Charles Dickens. He was born in 1812 in Portsmouth; he was the second of eight children in the family.

Nanotechnology Applications

28 Мая 2011, реферат

The future of the material sciences is closely linked to nanotechnology. And Nanotechnology engineering is a multi-disciplinary engineering field, which draws from and benefits areas such as materials science and engineering, chemistry, physics, biology, and medicine. The purpose of this presentation is to tell about nanotechnology applications in these fields.

Nature Protection

08 Сентября 2013, реферат

Computers project that between now and the year of 2030 we are going to have increase of the average temperature between 1,5—4,5 Degrees C. Sea levels would rise by several metres, flooding coastal areas and ruining vast tracts of farmland. Huge areas would be infertile and become uninhabitable. Water contamination could lead to shortages of safe drinking water. It looks like the end of civilization on the Earth. For hundreds of thousands of years the human race has thriven in Earth's environment.

New Year in France

11 Февраля 2013, статья

New Year celebrations in France are popularly called “R?eveillon”. Earlier, French people used to celebrate New Year between the end of March and the beginning of April. However, after the introduction of the Gregorian calendar, in 1582, they adopted the reformed calendar. Today, like other parts of the world, they consider 1st January as the beginning of the year. In France, New Year’s Eve (31st December) is called la Saint-Sylvestre.

New Zealand

26 Декабря 2012, реферат

Реферат на английском языке

New Zealand. Economic and political structure in brief

05 Апреля 2015, реферат

In today’s world, the Governments, the business and investment community, and the general public have no doubts about the importance of the role of policy makers in shaping the financial and economic events. If successful, the policies can make a significant contribution to the nation’s prosperity. If not, the effect of the wrong policies can be to ruin the economy, even with a lot of potential. The effect of the wrong policies can sometimes be compared to the effects of a destructive war. Monetary policy is the set of tools that are used mainly by the Governments or central banks if these are independent of Governments.

Now you should only to read and translate this text, a task on this

02 Ноября 2012, лекция

The term society is most fundamental to sociology. It is derived from the Latin word socius which means companionship or friendship. Companionship means sociability. According to George Simmel it is this element of sociability which defines the true essence of society. It indicates that man always lives in the company of other people.

O Popielu, którego myszy zjadły

27 Ноября 2011, творческая работа

Upłynęło już wiele długich miesięcy, jak bratnie plemiona słowiańskie opuściły dawne swe siedliska szukając nowych siedzib dla swego dobytku. Dużo ich było, mnogie tysiące. Na czele jechały zastępy konnych wojów odzianych w skóry dzikich zwierząt i zbrojnych w łuki, oszczepy i okrągłe tarcze ociągnięte skórą bawolą. U pasów połyskiwały im krótkie miecze żelazne. Za nimi, na wozach zaprzężonych w woły i krytych zgrzebnym płótnem, jechały niewiasty, dzieci i starcy, i sprzęt domowy, i żywność, a dalej stada koni jucznych, i krów mlecznych, i tabuny baranów.

Oil and natural gas

13 Апреля 2011, доклад

I’d like you to go through some words that may be useful for proper understanding of my report especially for people who are not connected with the Petroleum industry.
Oil and natural gas are produced by the geological process of anaerobic decay of organic matter deep under the Earth's surface. As a consequence, oil and natural gas are often found together.

Opening a Pandora's Box: Proper Names in English Phraseology

23 Февраля 2013, курсовая работа

People and places, pets and hurricanes, rock groups and festivities, institutions and commercial products, works of art and shops are given a name (Lehrer 1994). Naming serves to highlight entities that play a role in people's daily life, and to establish and maintain an individuality in society.

Operating Systems

22 Июня 2011, доклад

If you have a computer, then you have heard about operating systems. Any desktop or laptop PC that you buy normally comes pre-loaded with Windows XP. Macintosh computers come pre-loaded with OS X. Many corporate servers use the Linux or UNIX operating systems. The operating system (OS) is the first thing loaded onto the computer -- without the operating system, a computer is useless.

Oscarowe przekleństwo

12 Сентября 2013, контрольная работа

Od wielu lat wśród amerykańskich aktorów krąży pogłoska o tzw. "klątwie Oscara". Objawia się ona tym, iż po otrzymaniu upragnionej uznane aktorki przeżywają kryzys w związku, który prowadzi do rozwodu, najczęściej z inicjatywy drugiej połówki. Dla czego tak się dzieje? Odpowiedź na to pytanie możemy znaleźć po rozpatrzeniu małżeństwa ogólnie.
Dlaczego ludzie zawierają małżeństwo? Jest to tylko tradycja czy wyjaśnone za pomocą ekonomii działanie? Dzisiaj, nie dla kogo nie jest tajemnicą to, że małżeństwo jest jedną z form inwestycji długoterminowej, z której można czerpać zysk. Korzyści nie są jednak wyłącznie dobrem materialnym, może nim być prestiż, uznanie, bezpieczeństwo czy inna wartość. Każdy mężczyzna, wybierając sobie żonę, kieruje się nie tylko miłością. To samo jest u kobiet. Małżeństwo można przedstawić jako ekonomiczny wybór racjonalnej jednostki

Pasažieru maršruta aprēķins

07 Марта 2013, курсовая работа

Autobusu transports ir viens no masveida pasažieru automobiļu transporta. Tas spēle svarīgo lomu kopēja transporta sistēmā valstī. Tas pārvadā vairāk nekā 60% no visa pārvadāta pasažieru apjoma un pasažieru apgrozījums sastāda apmēram 40%. Autobusu izmanto ne tikai pilsētas robežas, bet arī starppilsētu, piepilsētas, starpvalstu un regulārajos maršrutos. Autobusi īsteno transportu saikni visā pilsētas teritorijā un apvieno visus pilsētas rajonus vienotā pilsētās kompleksā. Iekšējo rajonu, starp rajonu maršrutos autobusu transports īsteno pasažieru pārvadāšanu līdz dzelzceļa stacijām, vasarnīca, tāliem autoostas autobusu satiksmes

Physiology and Treatment of Pain

12 Февраля 2012, реферат

Pain often occurs in critical
care patients and is
one of the most clinically
challenging problems
for critical care nurses.
Pain and discomfort in these patients
can be due to surgical and posttraumatic
wounds, invasive monitoring
devices, prolonged immobilization,
mechanical ventilation, and routine
nursing procedures such as suctioning
and dressing changes.

Planning Ahead

01 Июня 2015, контрольная работа

II. Прочитайте список слов по теме «Professions», соотнесите название профессии с ее определением. Переведите слова на русский язык:
IV. Дайте определение следующим качествам характера, выбрав из списка соответствующее определение:

Political system of the USA

12 Сентября 2011, реферат

The United States is a federal constitutional republic, in which the President of the United States (the head of state and head of government), Congress, and judiciary share powers reserved to the national government, and the federal government shares sovereignty with the state governments. Federal and state elections generally take place within a two-party system, although this is not enshrined in law.

Political system UK

17 Октября 2013, курсовая работа

The single most important fact in understanding the nature of the British political system is the fundamental continuity of that system. We have not had a revolution of the kind experienced by so many other countries and Britain has not been invaded or occupied for almost 1,000 years. The last successful invasion was in 1066 by the Normans. Is this true of any other country in the world?

Pollutants Can Seep Into Groundwater Supplies

14 Апреля 2013, доклад

Fifty percent of the United States population depends on groundwater for daily drinking water. Groundwater is also one of our most important sources of irrigation water. Unfortunately, groundwater is susceptible to pollutants. Groundwater is generally a safe source of drinking water, however, there are concerns that contamination may increase as toxins dumped on the ground in the past make their way into groundwater supplies.

Pollution of environment

29 Января 2013, реферат

Many years ago people lived in harmony with the environment because industry was not much developed. Now the situation is quite different. People all over the world cannot ignore the problem of the protection of the environment because of modem industry and the need for energy. Newspapers and magazines write a lot about water pollution, air pollution and land pollution. There are some laws and decisions on this important question. There are state organisations and international conventions which pay much attention to this problem.

Port of Los Angeles

04 Марта 2013, реферат

The Port of Los Angeles, also called Los Angeles Harbor and WORLDPORT L.A, is a port complex that occupies 7,500 acres (3,000 ha) of land and water along 43 mi (69 km) of waterfront. The port is located on San Pedro Bay in the San Pedro neighborhood of Los Angeles, approximately 20 mi (32 km) south of downtown. The Port of Los Angeles adjoins the separate Port of Long Beach, employs over 16,000 people, and is the busiest container port in the United States. For public safety, the Port of Los Angeles utilizes the Los Angeles Port Police to fight crime and terrorism, and the Los Angeles City Lifeguards to provide lifeguarding services for inner Cabrillo Beach.

Potential interview questions

12 Ноября 2011, доклад

Technically, not every item is a question; some are statements; but all are intended to prompt you for a response.

Pride and prejudice

04 Мая 2011, реферат

In fact, Pride and Prejudice was originally entitled First Impressions. However, the novel is not only about first impressions. Although we can find the first impressions about the characters through the first few chapters, this book shows us the effects of those impressions on the individual characters - prejudices of the characters.

Pride and prejudice

05 Мая 2011, реферат

In fact, Pride and Prejudice was originally entitled First Impressions. However, the novel is not only about first impressions. Although we can find the first impressions about the characters through the first few chapters, this book shows us the effects of those impressions on the individual characters - prejudices of the characters.

Principii şi probleme ale observării statistice

26 Февраля 2013, доклад

Observarea statistică (culegerea datelor statistice), constituie prima etapă a demersului metodologic al statisticii; reprezintă un proces complex de identificare, măsurare şi înregistrare a fenomenelor de masă, de tip colectiv, în forma lor individuală şi concretă de manifestare. Datele individuale obţinute prin observare statistică sunt supuse, apoi, prelucrării statistice, proces prin care îşi pierd individualitatea, regăsindu-se doar prin trăsăturile lor esenţiale cristalizate, prin generalizare şi abstractizare, în informaţii statistice.

Problem-solution essay

19 Апреля 2011, реферат

Nowadays, the use of carbonated drinks, meaning that they contain carbon dioxide gas creating those bubbles and fizzling which many kids and adults, as well, like so much has become into a global issue. Carbonated beverages include soft drinks and energy drinks. According to Cameron (2005), more than half of the young population in the developed countries consumes soft drinks frequently (p. 49).

Proposal for the dissertation

03 Апреля 2011, реферат

To investigate why some of the public advertising campaigns are powerful enough to change established human perceptions and behavioral models - what is the strategy of these campaigns; and what are the core points of its successful implementation?

Proverbs and saying in Englsh and in Russian

13 Февраля 2013, реферат

Russian learners of English often ask how to render this or that Russian proverb in English with the help of similar English proverbs. This collection contains Russian and English proverbs with similar meanings. Bear in mind that a list of popular Russian proverbs may be quite different from a list of popular English proverbs. Also note that the imagery of English proverbs is often different from the imagery of Russian proverbs. It is advisable for language learners to use only those English proverbs which have clear and direct meaning, and to use them sparingly. The list below is provided for studying, understanding and fun, but not for active use.

Providing of resource-saving waste processing in Crimea

21 Ноября 2010, статья

Main objective of this article is to examine and describe and address the problem of processing and recycling of solid waste in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. The ways of solution are offered. The economic efficiency of recycling of municipal solid waste is presented.

Questions and answers

05 Марта 2011, реферат

Can you please advise on ability to break-down for shipping and subsequent re-assembly. Not sure I need all of it but perhaps a trillion pebbles and I can on-sell the balance (for a dollar a 'throw'). Does it run on batteries or is it self-propelling (gravity)? clax (60 ) 1:58 pm, Mon 28 Feb

Dear reader, happy for you to break down on site, but please mind the furniture. Rocky is self propelled, likes to rock and roll and is looking for a new roll! 2:12 pm, Mon 28 Feb

Religion in Britain

04 Мая 2014, доклад

To know the language means to know everything about the social life of the people who speak it. It wouldn't be much exaggeration to say that religion is a very important sphere of social life. Thus, being eager to know as much as possible about Great Britain, on the one hand, and searching the answer to some burning questions, on the other hand, I turned my attention to religions of Great Britain. It is a well-known fact that Great Britain represents a multireligion society and if we look at this variety more attentively, we are sure to discover a paradox.