Рефераты по иностранным языкам

Corporate culture

03 Апреля 2011, реферат

Introduction Corporate culture is the shared values and meanings that members hold in common and that are practiced by an organization’s leaders. Corporate culture is a powerful force that affects individuals in very real ways. In this paper I will explain the concept of corporate culture, apply the concept towards my employer, and analyze the validity of this concept. Research As Sackmann's Iceberg model demonstrates, culture is a series of visible and invisible characteristics that influence the behavior of members of organizations.

Corpusiuriscivilis – свод римских законов – основа законодательства для европейских законов

17 Февраля 2015, контрольная работа

В завершенном виде Свод Юстиниана составили три разные по объему, по принципам составления и, отчасти, по характеру рассмотренных в них вопросов части: Институции, Дигесты и Кодекс.
Институции (Institutiones) представляли систематизированное изложение общих правовых принципов, как они понимались в римской юридической традиции, и основополагающих институтов главным образом частного права


25 Февраля 2012, реферат

Counter-Strike (shortened sometimes to CS) is a tactical first-person shooter video game developed by Valve Corporation which originated from a Half-Life modification by Minh "Gooseman" Le and Jess "Cliffe" Cliffe.

Custom Service of USA and Hong Kong.

06 Ноября 2012, реферат

Customs is an authority or agency in a country responsible for collecting and safeguarding customs duties and for controlling the flow of goods including animals, transports, personal effects and hazardous items in and out of a country. Depending on local legislation and regulations, the import or export of some goods may be restricted or forbidden, and the customs agency enforces these rules.

Dealing with

07 Мая 2012, реферат

British English, or English (BrE, BE, en-GB), is the broad term used to distinguish the forms of the English language used in the United Kingdom from forms used elsewhere. The Oxford English Dictionary applies the term to English "as spoken or written in the British Isles; esp[ecially] the forms of English usual in Great Britain", reserving "Hiberno-English" for the "English language as spoken and written in Ireland".

Después de tocar fondo: una nueva política europea para España

13 Мая 2013, реферат

La primera la provocaba la elección de Jeroen Dijsselbloem como nuevo presidente de los ministros de Finanzas de la zona euro, a quien España decidió no apoyar. El gobierno sabía que actuaba en solitario y además no tenía objeciones de fondo sobre la aptitud del holandés. Sin embargo, prefirió la protesta simbólica de la abstención por haberse quedado sin ningún representante entre los cargos relevantes en la gestión de una crisis donde el país se juega literalmente su futuro: ya sea el Eurogrupo, el Banco Central Europeo (BCE), el Mecanismo Europeo de Estabilidad (MEDE) o los diversos supervisores financieros.

Destination image formation

30 Августа 2011, реферат

The following section of the paper refers to the critical evaluation of the existing literature on the concept of destination image, its components, formation process and factors influencing this process. Further the author tries to show the link between destination image and mega-events, with the main focus on mega-sports events. The nature of events, their classification and the impact resulting from hosting mega-sports events are also taken under consideration in order to provide more in-depth information for readers.

Deutsche Küche

01 Декабря 2014, реферат

In Deutschland wird außerdem häufig Kaffee getrunken, nicht nur zum Frühstück, sondern auch am Nachmittag in der Form von Kaffee und Kuchen. In Ostfriesland ist Tee sehr beliebt. Als nichtalkoholische Erfrischungsgetränke sind vor allem kohlensäurehaltiges Mineralwasser, Fruchtsäfte, die Mischung aus beidem, „Schorle“ genannt, sowie Cola und Limonade beliebt. Als „Spezi“ wird eine Mischung aus Cola und Orangenlimonade bezeichnet. Gern werden auch Kreationen wie Eistee und verschiedene Mixgetränke getrunken. Stilles Mineralwasser wird immer beliebter.

Development of the Russian Banking System

30 Ноября 2011, реферат

The transition period of the market reforms in Russia allows the selection of the three phases of the national banking system developments. Each phase is characterized by the state of the national banking system connects with the certain model of the Russian economic developments. The contents of the first phase (1988-1998) were the appearance of the private banks, their developments under the provided privatization process and the rapid growth of the domestic debt market. Exactly the debt model of the Russian economic development determined the system financial crises in August 1998, which governed the crisis of the national banking system and led to bankruptcy of the some biggest commercial banks. Thus the second phase connects with the process of the national banking system recovery after that crisis. Third phase assumes the further positive developments of the national banking system under the task of the production rates acceleration – exactly this aim turns to be the key for the Russian economy in the medium-run.

Diana Spencer-Princess of Wales

22 Апреля 2012, курсовая работа

The course paper is devoted to probably one of the most extraordinary and outstanding people in the history of Great Britain - Princess Diana Spencer. She was an angel of light; people from all over the world loved her and saw her as a glamorous leader of fashion, a caring mother and more recently as the undisputed champion of the under-privileged, the handicapped and the elderly. She did more than had ever been done before to focus attention on what were previously unmentionable subjects, and the practical and constructive way in which she displayed her compassion and sympathy was a fine demonstration of modern royalty at work.

Die Judenverfolgunfg im Dritten Reich (1941-1942)

17 Апреля 2011, реферат

I. Einleitung

II. Im Allgemeinen.

III. Polen unterm Hakenkreuz.

IV. Exekutionen im Osten.

V. Die “Aussiedlung” (1942).

VI. Deportationen im Westen.

VII. Auschwitz.

VIII. Deutschland wird “judenrein”.

IX. Literaturverzeichnis.

Die sozial-ökonomische Entwicklung Deutschlands

05 Апреля 2012, реферат

Die Sozialstruktur der Bundesrepublik Deutschlands (die BRD), ist unter dem Titel «die soziale-Marktwirtschaft» bekannt. Die ständige Aufgabe der ökonomischen Politik - die Richtung aller Bemühungen auf die Bildung der sozialen-Marktwirtschaft und die volle Verkörperung ins Leben der ihm eigenen Striche. Die soziale-Marktwirtschaft wie die Konzeption der ökonomischen Politik ist auf die freie, wirksame, feste und sozial rechtmäßige Einrichtung der Wirtschaft und der Gesellschaft gezielt.

Dissertation Proposal Natalia Upir

02 Мая 2012, реферат

US foreign policy has changed under the Presidency of Barack Obama, who has engaged traditional and new allies, potential and actual rivals as well as soft competitors. This engagement requires deeper understanding, and analysis, to grasp possible implications to international relations in general and European security in particular.

Does social marketing work?

07 Июля 2013, реферат

Social Marketing is a way of planning communication programs that aim to influence human behavior. Community-based Social Marketing (CBSM) is a variant that includes influence techniques drawn from social psychology. Communication for Behavioral Impact (COMBI) is another variant that’s been designed for aid programs in developing countries. One of the most commonly heard definitions of Social Marketing is “Social Marketing is the application of commercial marketing technologies to the analysis, planning, execution and evaluation of programs designed to influence the voluntary behavior of target audiences to improve their personal welfare and that of society.

Donetsk law institute of ministry of internal affairs of Ukraine

07 Марта 2013, доклад

DONETSK LAW INSTITUTE OF MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF UKRAINE is a higher legal educational establishment with great history. It was created in February, 1993 on the basis of the Donetsk school of militia. Its history started in 1961, when Stalin (Donetsk) special secondary school of militia was founded. The institute during the period of its existence has gained profound experience in training specialists for Internal Affairs` agencies.
There are 6 faculties, 22 departments, 3 scientific research laboratories, psychological training centre in the structure of the Institute.

Economic and geographical position of Kazakhstan

11 Мая 2014, реферат

Kazakhstan is a country in Central Asia. Official name is the Republic of Kazakhstan .The capital of Kazakhstan is Astana. Area is 2724,9thousand square km .Population is about 16.6 million . Official language is Kazakh .Kazakhstan is a country in transition, not having access to the world ocean, but only - to inland seas - the Aral and Caspian Seas.The main products of the country is the ferrous and nonferrous metals , coal , clothing, grain, meat .Republic of Kazakhstan - a democratic , secular , legal and social state whose highest values is the man, his life, rights and freedom . She is also a unitary state with a presidential form of government .

Economy of Ukraine

13 Марта 2013, доклад

OVERVIEW: Ukraine has many of the components of a major European economy - rich farmlands, a well-developed industrial base, highly trained labor, and a good education system. At present, however, the economy remains in poor condition. Ukraine's economy is ranked 45th in the world according to 2008 GDP (nominal) with the total nominal GDP of 399.866 billion USD (2007 est.), and 8,624 USD GDP per capita (2007 est.).Ukraine is relatively rich in natural resources, particularly in mineral deposits.

Education in great britain

17 Февраля 2013, доклад

We all know that the Britains are very cultural people and many possess an outstanding mind. What makes them similar? National culture, heredity, traditions or may be education? But do many people in our country know about education in other countries? Many students would like to know about how their contemporaries in other countries live. In what schools do they study? Does the state ensure all them with necessary means for studying? What are their chances to obtain higher or technical education for worthy life in the future?

Education in the USA

29 Ноября 2012, реферат

To serve their citizens and help the country prosper all countries in the world without exception provide public education to children and teenagers as one of its main goals is to prepare students for productive citizenship, work and adult life. All this makes the notion of education universal while each country has its own system of education determined by its history, political system, culture, traditions and so on. So, in this work I want to represent the educational system of the USA and its peculiarities. I would like to mention that I chose this topic, because education has always been a focus of intense debate in the USA and continues to be of utmost importance to the citizens of America.

Educational Tourism

04 Марта 2013, реферат

For many in the world of education, the months of May and June represent the end of the academic year and the start of tourism’s high season. Thus, from the perspective of the tourism industry as the academic year wanes, new tourism educational opportunities begin to wax. Educational tourism is one of the fastest growing areas of the travel and tourism and one that is too often overlooked by tourism professionals and marketers is “educational tourism.” For example, many meetings and conventions have either an educational component to them or serve their members by being educational instruments. Often educational tourism is called by other names, such as career enhancement, job development or self-actualization experiences.

Effectiveness of Reading Strategies for EFL students of Pre-Intermediate Level

04 Мая 2012, дипломная работа

The paper presents the topic Effectiveness of Reading Strategies for EFL students of Pre-Intermediate Level. The purpose of the research is to identify the most effective reading strategy that can help enhance students’ reading comprehension. For this aim there were taken six particular strategies offered by different authors. In order to achieve the primary purpose of the qualification paper there were held experiments for each strategy with the group of second year students of English Philology Department of Uzbek State World Languages University, in number of 10. After each experiment there was a diagnostic test results of which were compared with other ones at the end of the research. The tables and formulas were used to illustrate and analyze the results of the survey. The Research Plan was coherently followed. The purpose of the research was successfully reached.

Elvis Presley

12 Марта 2012, реферат

Elvis Aron Presley (January 8, 1935 - August 16, 1977), also known as The King of Rock and Roll or The King, was an American singer and actor. Early in his career he was referred to as The Hillbilly Cat. Later, his friends referred to him as "E".

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

12 Декабря 2011, реферат

Emily Elizabeth Dickinson (December 10, 1830 – May 15, 1886) was an American poet. Born in Amherst, Massachusetts, to a successful family with strong community ties, she lived a mostly introverted and reclusive life.

England In The Middle Ages

11 Января 2012, реферат

Middle Ages encompass one of the most exciting and turbulent times in English History. The Medieval people of the Middle Ages were warlike, they have even been described as barbaric. The Crusades exposed the Europeans to a more refined culture. The elegance of the Far East, with its silks, tapestries, precious stones, perfumes, spices, pearls, and ivory prompted a change in culture with a new and unprecedented interest in beautiful objects and elegant manners. But meanwhile the battles for new territory and power raged on in Middle Ages History.

English cuisine

14 Сентября 2013, доклад

English cuisine can not compete with such exquisite cuisines like French, Italian or Chinese by popularity. Sharp-tongued French claim that cooks in Hell serve with British and not die of starvation in England can only be the case if three times a day to travel to the continent. Often they themselves Englishmen say that not too pleased with my kitchen. "English cuisine has no idea about the sauces. British roast beef is prepared without any spices. Steak fry for so long that it becomes hard as outsole. And if any remaining meat juice, it drained to cook it the pudding. A stuffing - British national dish, which they prepared with chopped meat - so tasteless that it can not save ... no amount of pepper. "

English language

31 Декабря 2010, контрольная работа

Выполнение контрольной работы по английскому языку, перевод технического текста.

English Language - Foreign Elements

23 Апреля 2012, реферат

The Norman Conquest had but an in-direct influence on the development of English grammar, on the other part of the language, the vocabulary, its effect was so great as almost to transform the character of our speech. Old English contained but a small proportion of borrowed words; but when it ceased to be a literary language, and almost all its Iearned compounds perished, their place was gradually taken by words borrowed from the French speech of the Norman invaders.

English Topics

03 Июня 2015, творческая работа

We knows that people are very busy and don’t have much time to spare. Nowadays some people prefer different hobbies such as fishing, skiing, swimming, dancing, sailing, and etc. If you want to be strong and healthy, go in for sports. When I was a younger I like all sports activities, especially swimming. Also I would like to say that nowadays is very important to be a creative person, such as Salvador Dali, Louis Armstrong. They are really creative and talented persons.
Some people think that they don’t have much imagination. I think they are wrong. Because absolutely everyone has imagination!
There are 3 ways to become more creative: 1) Making connections- this technique involves taking unrelated ideas and trying to find links between them. 2) No limits! - You must imagine that normal limitations don't exist. 3) Be someone else! - You must look at the situation from a different point of view.
In conclusion I would like to say that I prefer to spend my free time differently, for example with the people whose company I always enjoy. On the other hand I may go to cinema, theatre or I may stay at home and enjoy reading books.

Evidenţa achitării contractelor de studii

26 Марта 2011, лабораторная работа

Am creat fişierele pentru Тарифы, Договоры, Квитанции şi Отчет in excel.

Family Problems

24 Февраля 2013, реферат

Family is an essential part of every person’s life and of our society. Family is a little world with its own values and priorities. Close families share dreams, ideas, hopes and even possessions, and it’s a good side of being a family. However, as usual, every good thing can have its drawbacks. Same with families: they can often have different types of problems.