Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 18 Декабря 2010 в 09:09, контрольная работа
Controlling Robots with the Mind. Astronomical hunt ends in success.Augmented Reality: A New Way of Seeing. Atomic memory developed. Examination Topics for Advanced Students.
The notion of computers being
inextricably and transparently incorporated into our daily lives is
what computer scientist Mark Weiser termed "ubiquitous computing"
more than a decade ago [see "The Computer for the 21st Century,"
by Mark Weiser; Scientific American, September 1991]. In a similar
way, I believe the overlaid information of AR systems will become part
of what we expect to see at work and at play: labels and directions
when we don't want to get lost, reminders when we don't want to forget
and, perhaps, a favorite cartoon character popping out from the bushes
to tell a joke when we want to be amused. When computer user interfaces
are potentially everywhere we look, this pervasive mixture of reality
and virtuality may become the primary medium for a new generation of
artists, designers and storytellers who will craft the future.
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