Контрольная работа по "Английскому языку"

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 18 Декабря 2010 в 09:09, контрольная работа

Краткое описание

Controlling Robots with the Mind. Astronomical hunt ends in success.Augmented Reality: A New Way of Seeing. Atomic memory developed. Examination Topics for Advanced Students.

Файлы: 48 файлов

Общенаучные и специальные методы исследования государственного управления.docx

— 27.81 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Astronomical hunt ends in success.doc

— 25.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Augmented Reality.doc

— 91.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Atomic memory developed.doc

— 21.50 Кб (Скачать)

Atomic memory developed


Imagine a CD with a storage capacity not of 650 MB but 650 million MB. Such a storage capacity is theoretically possible because of experiments using individual atoms to store data.

But don't expect it soon, the gap between theory and practice is wide.

In 1959 physicist Richard Feynman pointed out that all the words written in the history of the world could be contained in a cube of material one tenth of a millimetre wide - provided those words were written with atoms.

Now scientists have done just that, creating an atomic-scale memory by using atoms of silicon in place of the 1s and 0s that computers use to store data.

Proof of concept

The research is reported in the journal Nanotechnology. Scientists say it represents a first crude step toward a practical storage device in which atoms represent bits of information.

"This is proof of concept of what Feynman was saying 40 years ago," says Franz Himpsel of the University of Wisconsin.

The memory created by Himpsel provides a storage density a million times greater than a CD-ROM.

Atoms may be among the smallest physical things that can be used to store binary data. Their small size provided the awesome storage capacity, for example a grain of sand contains about 10 million billion atoms.

The new memory was made on a silicon surface by lifting out single silicon atoms with the tip of a scanning tunnelling microscope, gaps that represent the bits of data storage were created.

Conventional data storage uses millions of atoms per bit.

But while theoretically it is possible to use single atoms as storage bits in practice it may take decades to make a practical version of atomic memory.

This is because of the problems of working with individual atoms at room temperatures and the data rate at which information is put into the atomic memory, and subsequently read out again, is far too slow to be of any use at the moment.

Dna data

Researchers say that an intriguing aspect of the latest work is that memory density is comparable to the way nature stores data in Dna molecules.

The Wisconsin atomic-scale silicon memory uses 20 atoms to store one bit of information, including the space around the single atom bits. Dna uses 32 atoms to store information in one half of the chemical base pair that is the fundamental unit that makes up genetic information.

"Compared to conventional storage media, both Dna and the silicon surface excel by their storage density," says Himpsel.


— 31.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Constant Changes.doc

— 69.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Controlling Robots.doc

— 49.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Examination Topics for Advanced Students.doc

— 25.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Gas Between Stars.doc

— 49.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)


— 29.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Donald Savage.doc

— 31.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Time Machine.doc

— 70.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Hall of UFO Mysteries.doc

— 56.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

How to Build a Time Machine.doc

— 99.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

iPAQ vs. other new Pocket PCs.DOC

— 29.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Jupiter-sized planet discovered.doc

— 97.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Farthest Planet.doc

— 30.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Little Big Science.doc

— 78.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Kirsten Larson.doc

— 26.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Looking For Life Among The Stellar Garbage.doc

— 34.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Loony Moons.doc

— 29.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Last Mile by Laser.doc

— 72.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Life may swim within distant moons.doc

— 27.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

list of papers.doc

— 37.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Dwayne Brown.doc

— 26.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)


— 45.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Microprocessors in 2020.doc

— 39.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Bob Jacobs.doc

— 25.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Bob Jacobs.doc

— 25.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Michael Braukus.doc

— 27.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)


— 30.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

One Rocket to Launch Two Missions.doc

— 85.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)


— 43.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)


— 25.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Real time.doc

— 46.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Research into the Creation of the Laser-induced Fluorescence Diagnostics of the Condition of Heart Tissues, Transplants and Allografts in Cardiosurgery.doc

— 31.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Dolores Beasley.doc

— 40.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Satellites Shed Light on a Warmer World.doc

— 30.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Sonja Alexander.doc

— 31.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

The 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics.doc

— 44.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

The Galaxy and the Universe.doc

— 50.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

The Great Dark Spot.doc

— 51.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

The Great Dark Spot.doc

— 51.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

The Uncertainties of Technological Innovation.doc

— 37.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Sarah Keegan.doc

— 29.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)


— 34.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Why the Big Bang is Wrong.doc

— 40.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

10тыс - english.doc

— 67.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

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