Контрольная работа по "Английскому языку"

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 18 Декабря 2010 в 09:09, контрольная работа

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Controlling Robots with the Mind. Astronomical hunt ends in success.Augmented Reality: A New Way of Seeing. Atomic memory developed. Examination Topics for Advanced Students.

Файлы: 48 файлов

Общенаучные и специальные методы исследования государственного управления.docx

— 27.81 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Astronomical hunt ends in success.doc

— 25.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Augmented Reality.doc

— 91.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Atomic memory developed.doc

— 21.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)


— 31.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Constant Changes.doc

— 69.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Controlling Robots.doc

— 49.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Examination Topics for Advanced Students.doc

— 25.50 Кб (Скачать)

Examination Topics for Advanced Students.

 1. Imagine an English friend has just come to Moscow. He's phoning you from the airport Vnukovo. Give him detailed instructions of how to get to your home.                                        

 2. Imagine you have got a long holiday and good money and you want to get some experience of life. Where would you go and why? .

 3. How soon is your birthday? Are you going to give a party? Say of how you are going to organize it and who you are going to invite. If no, why?

 4. You are at your friend's party, but you feel rather bored and would like to leave early. Give solid reason why you must leave.

 5. Imagine you are looking at the sea. What associations does it arouse in you: of life, music travel, philosophy, religion or something else? Why?

 6. How is our life changing: to the better or worse? In what aspects is it changing and why? Mow could you explain it?

 7.How are you changing? Arc you getting falter, thinner, taller, richer, happier, unhappier? Explain, why.

 8. Imagine you lost your way in London. Who would you ask the way and how? Explain who you are and where you stay.

 9. Imagine you want to sec the film but don't want to go alone. You are phoning your friend. Invite him/her to go with you. Try to persuade your friend that the film is worth seeing.

 10. Imagine and say what all these people are wearing now and what they are doing (or what you think they are doing ): your mother, your father, your teacher of English, one of your friends, the Prime Minister, the President.

 11. What are the differences between people in the north and the south (or the east and the west) of the Eurasian continent?

 12. Have you ever done something that surprised your family or friends? Say when it was and what and how. If not about you, than about your friends that surprised you.

 13. How important is cooking and eating food for you? Say something about your meals.

 14. Compare people from your country with the British or the Americans. Say something about their customs and way of life.

 15. Have your parents been an important influence in your life? Say about your parents in more detail.

 16. Say about your wishes and hopes and bow they have changed for the last 2-3 years.

 17. Say about how you and your family spend your money. Do you think you or your parents spend too much money or not enough on some things?

 18. Imagine you have spent a week with a friend at the seaside home of his/ her parents. They have been very kind to you, lent you their boat etc. How can you thank them for everything? Write (say) a thank-you letter.   

 19. A friend of yours has a problem. He doesn't like his studies at college and he is having trouble with parents. Say something to encourage him/her and give your opinion.

 20. Tell a story about something that you bought that didn't work.

 21. You have been to Sunday lunch at your best friend's home and there have met his/her school friend. You have discovered that you both like opera ( or jogging, or stamp collecting, or something else). Write (say) a thank-you letter and suggest that you do something together. Make a special suggestion.

 22. Your friend can't decide what .to do after leaving school. Give him/her some advice.                 

 23. Say about the system of government in your own country or in another country that you know well.

 24. What is your favorite hobby? How did you first become interested in it? If you have a lot of money to spend on this interest, how would you spend the money?

 25. Say how much or how little you know about Australia.

 26. Compared to the situation 5 years ago, do you think more or fewer people in your country regularly give money to help people in need? What are the main causes of poverty and hunger in the Third World (droughts, flood, armed fighting, something else)?

 27. Do you often ask other people for advice? Who do you ask? Say how often you asked some of the following people for advice: your mother, your father, your boy/girl friend, your teacher, other people (say who).

 28. Imagine you have just arrived to an English-speaking country. You are phoning your friend. Tell your friend about your first impressions and about your plans.                                          

 29. If you had to live in a foreign country, what 5 things you would miss most? Why?

 30. Can you think of a journey you have made when something went wrong, or when you had a lot of problems? Say about your experience.

 31. Are you satisfied with your life? How do you spend your working day (now, in the past, in your imagination)?

 32. Would you work if you didn't need money? If not, what would you do? Why would you like to live in the same way you do? What would you like to leave unchanged?

 33. How do you feel about these statements:

 a) animals should not be kept in zoos

 b) it is wrong to hurl animals for sport

 c) people shouldn't buy clothes made of animal fur

 d) hunting and fishing are good natural sports. Say why.

 34. Say about your past and present interests. What were you interested in when you were a child? What did you want to do in life? How much have your interests changed and what are your present ambitions?

 35. Imagine that an old man is coming to visit you. It's winter time. He is traveling by air and has never been before to Russia. Tell him what to expect and give him some advice.

 36. Imagine you are expecting a friend to come round to your place and he/she is late. What will you assume:

 a) something ordinary has happened to delay him/her and you do not worry;

 b) feel strongly worried;

 c) think he/she must have been in an accident. Explain why.

 37. Which of these kinds of book or magazine, article do you like most:

 biography, fiction (novel, stories) or practical (how to do things). Why? How could you explain it?

 38. Say about a time in your life when you were very frightened - either as a child or as an adult. How did it happen?

 39. Imagine that you are the leader of a new political party. What could you say about your party (membership) and the party's policies?

 40.How did you feel about school? Did you like it? If not, why? What would you change in it?

 41. Describe a place that you like or dislike very much.

 42. Say about your plans for next five years.

Gas Between Stars.doc

— 49.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)


— 29.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Donald Savage.doc

— 31.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Time Machine.doc

— 70.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Hall of UFO Mysteries.doc

— 56.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

How to Build a Time Machine.doc

— 99.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

iPAQ vs. other new Pocket PCs.DOC

— 29.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Jupiter-sized planet discovered.doc

— 97.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Farthest Planet.doc

— 30.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Little Big Science.doc

— 78.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Kirsten Larson.doc

— 26.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Looking For Life Among The Stellar Garbage.doc

— 34.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Loony Moons.doc

— 29.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Last Mile by Laser.doc

— 72.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Life may swim within distant moons.doc

— 27.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

list of papers.doc

— 37.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Dwayne Brown.doc

— 26.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)


— 45.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Microprocessors in 2020.doc

— 39.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Bob Jacobs.doc

— 25.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Bob Jacobs.doc

— 25.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Michael Braukus.doc

— 27.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)


— 30.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

One Rocket to Launch Two Missions.doc

— 85.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)


— 43.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)


— 25.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Real time.doc

— 46.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Research into the Creation of the Laser-induced Fluorescence Diagnostics of the Condition of Heart Tissues, Transplants and Allografts in Cardiosurgery.doc

— 31.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Dolores Beasley.doc

— 40.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Satellites Shed Light on a Warmer World.doc

— 30.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Sonja Alexander.doc

— 31.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

The 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics.doc

— 44.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

The Galaxy and the Universe.doc

— 50.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

The Great Dark Spot.doc

— 51.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

The Great Dark Spot.doc

— 51.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

The Uncertainties of Technological Innovation.doc

— 37.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Sarah Keegan.doc

— 29.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)


— 34.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Why the Big Bang is Wrong.doc

— 40.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

10тыс - english.doc

— 67.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

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