Контрольная работа по "Английскому языку"

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 18 Декабря 2010 в 09:09, контрольная работа

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Controlling Robots with the Mind. Astronomical hunt ends in success.Augmented Reality: A New Way of Seeing. Atomic memory developed. Examination Topics for Advanced Students.

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Общенаучные и специальные методы исследования государственного управления.docx

— 27.81 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Astronomical hunt ends in success.doc

— 25.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Augmented Reality.doc

— 91.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Atomic memory developed.doc

— 21.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)


— 31.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Constant Changes.doc

— 69.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Controlling Robots.doc

— 49.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Examination Topics for Advanced Students.doc

— 25.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Gas Between Stars.doc

— 49.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)


— 29.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Donald Savage.doc

— 31.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Time Machine.doc

— 70.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Hall of UFO Mysteries.doc

— 56.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

How to Build a Time Machine.doc

— 99.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

iPAQ vs. other new Pocket PCs.DOC

— 29.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Jupiter-sized planet discovered.doc

— 97.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Farthest Planet.doc

— 30.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Little Big Science.doc

— 78.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Kirsten Larson.doc

— 26.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Looking For Life Among The Stellar Garbage.doc

— 34.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Loony Moons.doc

— 29.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Last Mile by Laser.doc

— 72.50 Кб (Скачать)

July 2002 issue

Last Mile by Laser

Short-range infrared lasers could beam advanced broadband multimedia services directly into homes and offices

By Anthony Acampora 

Imagine a city water distribution system that doesn't deliver water to buildings and residences because its pipes don't reach far enough. Much the same situation exists for America's high-speed data-transfer network. The multibillion-dollar optical-fiber backbone that was built to bring truly high-performance multimedia services to office and home computers across the nation has come up a bit short--for nine out of 10 U.S. businesses with more than 100 workers, less than a mile short. Despite swelling user demand, the prospect of delay-free Web browsing and data library access, electronic commerce, streaming audio and video, video-on-demand, video teleconferencing, real-time medical imaging transfer, enterprise networking and work-sharing capabilities, as well as numerous business-to-business transactions, still lies just over the horizon--actually, buried under local streets and sidewalks.

Traditional copper wires and coaxial cables connecting buildings to telephone and cable television systems simply do not possess the gigabit-per-second capacity necessary to carry advanced bandwidth-intensive services and applications, whereas optical-fiber bridges needed to connect millions of users to the optical-fiber backbone would cost too much to install (between $100,000 and $500,000 a mile). As a result, only 2 to 5 percent of that nationwide network is being used today.

Although various fiber-free data-transmission technologies, including microwave radio, digital subscriber lines and cable modems, are attempting to span the broadband connectivity gap, free-space optics (FSO)--basically, fiber-optic communications without the fiber--is thought by many experts to have the best chance of succeeding. Newly revived over the past few years after having been invented in the 1970s, FSO relies on low-power infrared laser transceivers that can beam two-way data at gigabit-per-second rates. Small-scale FSO systems have already been installed around the world by several vendors.

The low-power infrared lasers, which operate in an unlicensed electromagnetic-frequency band, either are or can be made to operate in an eye-safe manner. Unfortunately, however, the lasers' limited power restricts their range. Depending on weather conditions, FSO links can extend from a few city blocks to one kilometer--far enough, though, to get broadband traffic from the backbone to many end users and back. Because bad weather--thick fog, mainly--can severely curtail the reach of these line-of-sight devices, each optical transceiver node, or link head, can be set up to communicate with several nearby nodes in a network arrangement. This "mesh topology" would ensure that vast amounts of data can be relayed reliably from central dissemination centers out to entire cities, towns or regions.

Commercially available FSO equipment provides data rates much greater than those of digital subscriber lines or coaxial cables--from 10 megabits to 1.25 gigabits a second, more than enough for most high-end broadband services and applications. Furthermore, state-of-the-art laser diodes already on the market can be turned on and off at speeds that could transmit information at even higher rates--as much as 9.6 gigabits a second. Although this equipment has not yet been adapted for FSO use, such a system would feature optical pulses lasting a mere 100 picoseconds (100 trillionths of a second) each.

Free-space optics systems can cost one third to one tenth the price of conventional underground fiber-optic installations. Moreover, burying cabling can take anywhere from six to 12 months, whereas an FSO link can be up and running in a few days. It is little wonder, therefore, that nearly a dozen companies are developing FSO technology. If things go as proponents predict, the industry could grow from approximately $120 million in 2000 to more than $2 billion annually by 2006, according to a study conducted by the Strategis Group, a Washington, D.C.- based telecommunications research firm.

Bridging the Last Mile

Free-space optics uses apparatus and techniques originally created for optical-fiber cable systems, the very technology it is meant to supplement. Digital information in the form of electronic signals (the 1's and 0's that make up binary computer codes) is sent through a roof- or window-mounted infrared laser diode transmitter that converts each logical 1 into a narrow pulse of optical energy. When the system is operational, the absence of such an invisible pulse represents a logical 0. The process of modulating data into a digital optical signal is known as on/off signaling, or keying. Transmission efficiency is enhanced by packetizing data--splitting traffic into independent packets that can be individually addressed and sent. In addition, FSO can support wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), a technique that allows a single optical path to carry tens of separate signal channels, as long as each is encoded in a slightly different wavelength.

After being emitted by the 850- or 1,550-nanometer laser diode, the optical pulses are focused by a lens and sent out as a collimated beam of light, like that generated by a flashlight. Despite focusing by the lens, the power of the beam disperses with distance. When some of the transmitted light strikes the aperture lens of a receiver (located on a roof or in a window), the collected optical power is focused onto a photodetector, which converts the pulses into a weak electrical signal. A sensitive electronic receiver next amplifies and regenerates the weak signal, completing the data-transfer link.

Although the transmitted infrared beam is narrow, it does diverge, forming a cone with a fairly large breadth by the time it arrives at the receiving link head. The degree of beam spreading is determined by the size of the transmitting lens, varying inversely with lens diameter. As a result, the amount of energy actually striking the collecting lens falls off rapidly with distance (received energy varies inversely with the square of the distance). For any given data rate, transmitted optical power, optical receiver sensitivity and size of the receiving lens, this beam divergence imposes a maximum range over which the optical link can operate.

Free-space optics systems can cost one third to one tenth the price of conventional underground fiber-optic installations.

To increase this link distance, larger-diameter transmitting lenses must be used, thereby reducing beam spread and causing more optical power to strike the receiving lens. As the beam is narrowed, however, minute targeting variations produced by building sway and the thermal expansion and contraction of construction materials make it necessary to introduce auto-tracking capabilities at both ends. This requirement adds complexity and cost. Active tracking systems use movable mechanical platforms or articulated mirrors to point the pencil beam at the receiving lenses and to keep the receiving aperture pointed at the transmitter. Feedback controls provide regular adjustments to keep the transmitter and receiver on target.

Lost in a Fog

Susceptibility to fog has slowed the commercial deployment of free-space optical systems. It turns out that fog (and, to a much lesser degree, rain and snow) considerably limits the maximum range of an FSO link. Fog causes significant loss of received optical power. This optical attenuation factor scales exponentially with distance. In moderately dense fog, for example, the optical signal might lose 90 percent of its strength every 50 meters. This means that 99 percent of the energy is expended over a span of 100 meters and that 99.9 percent is dissipated after traveling 150 meters. Thus, to be practical, a free-space optical link must be designed with some specified "link margin," an excess of optical power that can be engaged to overcome foggy conditions when required.

For a given link margin, it becomes meaningful to speak of another metric--the link availability, which is the fraction of the total operating time that the link fails as a result of fog or other physical interruption. Link-availability objectives vary with the application. When FSO technology is used for private-enterprise networking (for instance, to connect two offices of the same company situated in separate buildings), 99.9 percent uptime may be acceptable. This value corresponds to a downtime of about nine hours a year.

In contrast, public carrier-class service, which is provided to a carrier's prime business customers, demands a link availability of 99.999 percent (in the telecommunications business, the so-called five-nines benchmark), which translates into only five minutes of allowable downtime a year. Fiber-optic systems regularly operate at the five-nines service level. It is noteworthy that a key potential application for FSO, cellular backhaul--transmission systems that connect cellular-radio base stations with mobile switches connected to the public switched-telephone network--requires an operational availability somewhere in between, around 99.99 percent.

Achieving this high level of performance is a challenge for free-space optics. The greater the density of the fog, the greater the attenuation, the poorer the availability and the shorter the allowable range. In regions where dense fog occurs rarely, excellent link availability may be achieved at a range approaching the maximum allowable, approximately one kilometer. In less favorable climates, however, this distance would be far less.

To solve the range/reliability problem, FSO systems can be designed with limited link lengths as part of an interconnected optical mesh topology, a spiderweb-like arrangement that extends broadband service to many buildings that would otherwise be too distant from the fiber-optic backbone to be reached by a single FSO link. In a mesh network, the building located closest to the optical-fiber terminus is equipped with an FSO "root" node that attaches to the fiber and contains several optical transceivers. Other served buildings are also equipped with FSO nodes with multiple transceivers. These transceivers allow the nodes to communicate with nearby neighbors in an interconnected mesh arrangement.

Signals intended for a particular building are sent from the root node down a particular set of mesh links, with intermediate nodes serving as regenerative repeaters along the way. Similarly, signals are sent from a given building to the root node along another route. Thus, the length of each optical link is kept sufficiently short to achieve high immunity to fog. Should a link fail, signals would be redirected along an alternative pathway, making use of redundant routes, thereby facilitating rapid recovery from equipment failures. Finally, a mesh can be connected to several root nodes, thereby providing greater overall capacity to the collection of served buildings.

The optical mesh extends broadband service to many buildings that would otherwise be too distant to be reached by a single free-space optical link.

In addition to requiring a few optical transceivers, each regenerator/repeater station in a mesh system must contain an electronic switch to combine the signal traffic (multiplexing) from the local building with that beamed from other nearby buildings and to route signals between the root node and each served building. Furthermore, the necessary multiplexing, demultiplexing and switching functions mean that all the signals from all the users' diverse computing and communications equipment must be converted into a common format. This signal format conversion is accomplished by a device called a network termination unit. Although data can be passed through many nodes along various paths, it appears to users as if each signal has been delivered to the fiber backbone by means of its own dedicated transmission line. Fiberlike bandwidth can therefore be provided over wide areas, and new nodes can be installed relatively quickly and easily to bring buildings "on-net."

For each signal from each building, the network management software chooses a pathway through the mesh that passes through one of the system's root nodes. Because node failure can be sensed by the software, affected signals can be instantly directed around the problem. By reserving some unallocated capacity on each optical link, the network designer can ensure that there is sufficient capacity to reroute and recover from single- or multiple-link failures that might occur.

Competing with free-space optics to unclog the last-mile bottleneck is point-to-point microwave radio, a technology that is immune to fog attenuation. On the negative side, licenses are needed to operate in most microwave radio bands, and the spectrum available in most bands is limited, which means that capacity is restricted. Microwave radio is also more costly than FSO systems and may be susceptible to transmission interference. Further, microwave radio is subject to significant signal attenuation in heavy rain, especially at higher frequencies where more spectrum might be available.

If microwave radio were operated at a frequency of 60 gigahertz, however, it could complement free-space optics. The U.S. Federal Communications Commission has allocated some unlicensed spectrum at 60 GHz for high-speed applications. The greater spectrum allocation at 60 GHz implies that more capacity can be provided and a less spectrally efficient (hence, lower-cost) modulation scheme might be used, such as simple on/off signaling. Because severe rain (which might cause a radio link failure) and dense fog (which might cause an FSO link failure) do not exist simultaneously, the opportunity exists to boost network reliability by combining 60-GHz radio with FSO. Linking the two technologies would mean that the resulting system could be highly reliable over significantly greater distances.

Although free-space optics has some distance to go in addressing its remaining concerns, it's still the best bet to reach across the last mile and bring about the long-awaited broadband revolution.  


Life may swim within distant moons.doc

— 27.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

list of papers.doc

— 37.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Dwayne Brown.doc

— 26.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)


— 45.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Microprocessors in 2020.doc

— 39.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Bob Jacobs.doc

— 25.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Bob Jacobs.doc

— 25.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Michael Braukus.doc

— 27.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)


— 30.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

One Rocket to Launch Two Missions.doc

— 85.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)


— 43.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)


— 25.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Real time.doc

— 46.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Research into the Creation of the Laser-induced Fluorescence Diagnostics of the Condition of Heart Tissues, Transplants and Allografts in Cardiosurgery.doc

— 31.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Dolores Beasley.doc

— 40.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Satellites Shed Light on a Warmer World.doc

— 30.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Sonja Alexander.doc

— 31.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

The 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics.doc

— 44.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

The Galaxy and the Universe.doc

— 50.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

The Great Dark Spot.doc

— 51.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

The Great Dark Spot.doc

— 51.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

The Uncertainties of Technological Innovation.doc

— 37.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Sarah Keegan.doc

— 29.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)


— 34.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

Why the Big Bang is Wrong.doc

— 40.50 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

10тыс - english.doc

— 67.00 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

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