Переклад науково-технічного тексту

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 26 Декабря 2011 в 18:24, реферат

Краткое описание

Загальноприйнято вивчати англійську мову, як міжнародний еквівалент спілкування,але це не зменшує ступінь значимості вивчення інших іноземних мов. Можливо, хтось скаже, що не кожна людина здатна вивчити іноземну мову. Так! На жаль, здібності у кожної людини суто індивідуальні, хтось більш схильний до точних наук, у когось більш гуманітарний склад розуму. Але, безсумнівно, у кожної людини є здібності і з цим фактом навряд чи хтось не погодиться.Найголовніше ці здібності розвивати, підживлювати та зміцнювати.


Вступ 3
І. Теоретична частина 7
1.1 Класифікація трансформацій 7
1.2 Синтаксичні трансформації 9
1.2.1 Зміна складу членів речення 9
1.2.2 Заміна простого речення складним 11
1.2.3 Заміна складного речення простим 12
1.2.4 Членування речень 13
1.2.5 Об'єднання речень 15
1.2.6 Заміна двоскладового речення односкладовим 16
1.2.7 Заміна типу синтаксичного зв'язку 16
1.3 Перестановки 18
1.4 Граматичні заміни 21
II. Практична частина 24
2.1 Переклад науково-технічного тексту 24
2.2 Аналіз тексту 32
Висновки 38
Список використаної літератури 42

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     Найголовнішими  морфологічними особливостями (the morphological features) статті «Mechanical transmissions» є широке вживання безособових форм дієслова, зокрема дієприкметника минулого часу. Як спосіб економії мовних засобів широко використовуються в технічному тексті й складні конструкції з інфінітивом і герундієм. Можна виділити і широке вживання абстрактної лексики, з одного боку, і специфічний, своєрідний спосіб її конкретизації, не властивий іншим стилям мовлення, з іншої. У науковому мовленні завжди широко використовується абстрактна лексика; слово як правило, співвідноситься не з конкретним предметом, а виражає загальне поняття.

     Спосіб  утворення термінології шляхом додавання  препозитивних визначень є сугубо специфічним для англійського науково-технічного тексту, що здійснює деталізацію, конкретизацію  загальнонаукових слів. Відвернений  й узагальнюючий характер науково-технічного тексту проявляється в широкому використанні безособових і неозначено-особових займенників one, you, we. Одним з найсильніших і найбільш розповсюджених засобів  вираження узагальненості в науково-технічному тексті служить пасивний стан. Додатковим засобом вираження узагальненості служить також часте використання таких узагальнюючих слів, як generally, usually, as a rule, in most cases.  

           Список  використаної літератури 

     1. Латишев Л.К. Міжмовні трансформації як засіб досягнення перекладацької еквівалентності. / / Семантико-синтаксичні проблеми теорії мови і перекладу. - М., 1986. - 107с.

     2. Левицька Т. Р. Проблеми перекладу: на матеріалі сучасної англійської мови. - М.: Межд. отн., 1976, - 262с.

     3. Левицька Т., Фітерман А. Чому потрібні граматичні трансформації при перекладі? / / Зошити перекладача. - М., 1971. - Вип. 8.

     4. Ліщенко М.І. Віртуальні і актуальні аспекти пропозицій. - Мінськ, 1988, - 189с.

     5. Лінн Віссон. Синхронний переклад з української на англійську. - М.: Р. Валент, 1999. - 335 с.

     6. Львівська З.Д. Теоретичні проблеми перекладу. - М., 1985, - 214с.

     7. Міньяр-Белоручев Р.К. Як стати перекладачем? - М.: Стелла, 1994. -144с.

     8. Міньяр-Белоручев Р.К. Теорія і методи перекладу. - М.: Московський ліцей, 1996. -190 С.

     9. Міньяр-Белоручев Р.К. Загальна теорія перекладу і усний переклад. - М.: Воєниздат, 1980. - 237 с.

     10. Нешумаєв І.В. Синтаксичні трансформації при перекладі англійського тексту на російську мову. / / Лінгвістичні та методичні проблеми української мови як нерідної: Текст: структура та аналіз. - М., 1991. - 126 с.

     11. П'янкова Т. М. Посібник з перекладу українських поліеквівалентних термінів на англійську мову. - М.: Вищ. шк., 1973, - 219с.

     12. Рецкер Я.І. Теорія перекладу і перекладацька практика. - М.: Міжнародні відносини, 1974. - 216с.

     13.Федоров  А.В. Основи загальної теорії  перекладу (лінгвістичні проблеми):Для  ін.-тів і фак. Іноз.мов.Навчальний  посібник – М.:Вища школа, 1983.-303 с.

     14.Чужакін  А.П.,Палажченко П. Світ перекладу  – 2000. – М.:Валент, 2000, -184 с.

     15.Шведова  Н. Ю. Граматика. // мовознавство:Великий ененцикл.сл. /                  

Під ред.. В.Н.Ярцева. – М., 1998. -315с.

      16.Швейцер А.Переклад і лінгвістика, - М.,1973, - 310с.

    17.Юдіна Г.Г. Вдосконалення усного перекладу. – М.:Міжн. Відн.,

1976, -176с. 


      The most difficult was examined in this term paper, in our view, type of transformations - transformations are caused the translation of homogeneous parts of sentence.

     The adjectives of interesting and poor behave to the different logical plans; in English suggestion they are connected by the union of and, and in a translation we must disconnect them and even match against each other, so considerable in this case them logical incompatibility.

     As a syntax is closely related to the vocabulary, the far of of translating transformations has the mixed character, that during a translation there are simultaneously lexical and syntactic changes. The obligatory condition of adequate translation is ability correctly to analyse the syntactic structure of foreign suggestions, correctly to determine grammatical difficulties of translation and construct suggestion in a translation under right of language and genre of translation.

     Clearly, that a translator must be well well-informed with the grammatical features of initial and having a special purpose languages, bases of theory of translation, with the translated accordances in industry of grammar and vocabulary, by of translating transformations, methods of translation of different linguistic and мовленнєвих phenomena. All of it makes part of general jurisdiction of translator.

     One of the strongest and most widespread facilities of expression of generalized passive voice serves in a scientific and technical text. The frequent use of such summarizings words serves as an additional mean of expression of generalized also, as generally, usually, as and rule, in most cases.

     Both in English so in Ukrainian of suggestion can unite with each other as by coordinating and by by contract connection. For Ukrainian more characteristic is a coordinating construction, while in English by contract meets more frequent than in Ukrainian. Therefore during a translation from English on Ukrainian often there is replacement of by contract coordinating.

     Transposition is a change of location (to the order of passing) of linguistic elements in the text of translation as compared to the text of original. Replacement of parts of sentence results in alteration of him syntactic structure. Such the alteration takes a place in a number of cases at replacement of part of language.

     For example, replacement of noun a verb was accompanied replacement of determination a circumstance. More substantial alteration of syntactic structure is related to replacement of main parts of sentence, that is subject especially. Use of similar replacements to a great extent conditioned that in English more frequent than in Ukrainian, subject executes other functions, than denotation of subject of action, for example, of object of action.

      On the basis of the conducted research, we consider him most difficult by virtue of that he includes additional difficulties: applying grammatical transformations,  a translator must be very careful and attentive, not to violate the norms of language.

      Moreover, in this work transformations were probed caused the translation of homogeneous parts of sentence which yet in a greater degree complicates a task, before which it is put translator.

      For achievement of this purpose in first part were considered were grammatical transformations, studied reasons, are decided, that they are caused, character of grammatical transformations is set.

      Grammatical transformation can be caused the frequent in English use of nouns which mark uncreatures or concepts, in a role of «agent of action»  (that subject), that it is possible to examine as a certain sort of personification. Such personification quite is not a stylistic reception, so as it is the phenomenon of language, but not broadcasting and nowise does not carry individual character.

      One of the most widespread transformations such of syntactic alteration replacement of the English passive construction is Ukrainian active, at which the English subject in Ukrainian suggestion is answered by addition which stands at the beginning of suggestion; a subject in Ukrainian suggestion is become by a word which answers English addition from by, or a subject absents in general; the form of passive voice of the English verb is replaced the form of active voice of the Ukrainian verb.

      Transformation is used usually during the translation of the simple English sentences which are complicated syntactic components - infinitive, gerundive, absolute constructions. The English syntactic complexes do not have the system Ukrainian analogue which does of translating transformations inevitable. As a rule, during translating of such complexes the type of suggestion changes into the Ukrainian language, here a simple sentence grows into compound, sometimes in complex.

     The articulation of suggestion which one opening offer (more frequent difficult and rarer simple) is at transforms in two (and anymore.

     During a translation from Ukrainian, it follows to find out a translator greater flexibility in relation to the order of words, willingness to replace nouns verbs, and verbs by nouns, to convert active constructions into passive to drop some words and change parts of suggestion placed, to insert impersonal constructions.

     A transition is from the reverse order of words to direct. In the process of verbal translation from Ukrainian on English certain difficulties can present an utterance with the reverse order of words.

     There are different types of grammatical replacements in of translating practice. Replacements of part of language are the most widespread type of morphological transformation. Similar replacements are usually caused the «different use of words and different norms of compatibility in the English and Ukrainian languages».

     The text of «Mechanical of transmissions» is offered by the scientific article from mechanics and belong to scientific style (The of style of scientific prose).

     For scientific style (The of style of scientific prose) of our article the use of words is characteristic in a direct value («mechanical transmissions», «speeds», «moments» and others like that), logical connection («The of basic setting of mechanical transmissions is this concordance of parameters of motion of workings organs of machine with the parameters of motion of billow engine» and others like that), obligatory presence of specific terms («transmission», «Screw  of grove», «gear-wheels» and others like that), and also is the wide use of difficult suggestions with a clear logical sequence between components («While of the planet moves around the of Sun, it spins upon its own axis, the ends of which are the north and south poles» and others like that). After all of these signs it is possible with a confidence to take belonging of the article of «Mechanical of transmissions» to scientific style. This article behaves to educational scientific and technical literature which textbooks behave to, reference books et cetera

     A theme of the article is consideration of mechanical transmission as to the mechanism for the transmission of mechanical energy from an engine to the working organ of machine with transducing of parameters of motion (speeds, moments, kinds and laws of motion. The idea of the article is research and description of mechanical transmission and principle of its work. After a genre it is the article, written from the third face of singular and plural («The of basic setting of mechanical transmissions is this concordance of parameters of motion of workings organs of machine with the parameters of motion of billow engine», «Difficult of wheelworks are name mechanisms with toothed transmitters with the number of gear-wheels more than two» and others like that) and counted on the special circle of readers. The author of the article is unknown.

     The language of this article has grammatical, lexical and phraseology features. At first, presence of long suggestions which include plenty of second-rate members, but here dependency upon a subject and predicate of word often stand in the distance from a that word which they determine («Mechanisms of in which kinematics chains form one or and few reserved contours and in which the input stream of mechanical power in the process of transmission and transformation is divided by and few streams and then sum on an initial link, are named much streams mechanisms»).

     Secondly, use of multicomponent attributive combinations of words («structural implementation and external environments», «Permanent interaxle distance» and others like that).

     Thirdly, use of determinations, formed by gathering of whole syntactic groups («After of possibility of change of distance between the axes of asterisks chain-drives are with the managed and permanent interaxle distance»).

     Fourthly, use of syntactic constructions, passive constructions, turns (objective case with an infinitive, nominative with an infinitive): Necessity establishment of mechanical transmission between an engine and working organ of machine as component part of to the occasion dictated such tasks.

     The most typical lexical sign of this text is a saturation of text by the special terms, terminology combinations of words: billow engine, rotatory moments, circulating motion, gearings of pass and others like that. In a text in general the own names absent and there is only one example of abbreviation: DSTU 3321-2003. Dominant are words and combinations of words of terminology and professional composition, swingeing majority of words is used in direct sense. The basic volume of text is made by a neutral vocabulary, but book elements (terms) are included, emotionally and a vocabulary is expressively painted absents, because attention is concentrated on maintenance and logical sequence of text.

     The most important morphological features (the morphological features) of the article of «Mechanical of transmissions» is the wide use of the unpersonal forms of verb, in particular participle past tense. As a method of effectiveness of tongue costs elaborate designs are widely utillized in a technical text with an infinitive and gerund. It is possible to select and the wide use of abstract vocabulary, from one side, and, original specific of its specification, not incident to other styles of broadcasting, from other. An abstract vocabulary is always widely utillized in the scientific broadcasting; word as a rule, correlated not with a concrete object, but expresses a general concept.

     A method of formation of terminology by addition of prepositive determinations is especially specific for the English scientific and technical phototypograph which carries out working out in detail, specification of scientific words.

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