Тарих ғылымдарының кандидаты ғылыми дәрежесін алу үшін дайындалған диссертацияның

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 27 Марта 2015 в 12:53, автореферат

Краткое описание

Зерттеу жұмысының нысаны – Алтай-Тарбағатай таулары аралығындағы ерте темір дәуірінің археологиялық ескерткіштері.
Зерттеу жұмысының пәні – ерте темір дәуіріндегі ескерткіштердің зерттелуіне үлес қосқан ғалымдардың ой-пікірлерін, ғылыми ұстанымдарын, пайымдаулары мен тұжырымдарын саралау, жаңадан ашылған археологиялық нысандарды ғылыми айналымға енгізу, оларға сараптама жасау.
Жұмыстың мақсаты мен міндеттері. Зерттеу жұмысының мақсаты Алтай-Тарбағатай өңірлеріндегі басты-басты ерте темір дәуірі ескерткіштерін талдап, сипаттамасын жасау және олардың мәдени-этникалық атрибуциясын анықтау.

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– осуществлена периодизация археологических культур и памятников, введен в научный оборот значительный по объему материал по археологии раннего железного века и определена их культурно-этническая атрибуция;

– впервые введены в научный оборот материалы более 20 памятников в открытии и раскопе которых автор принимал непосредственное участие, а также материалы более 30 памятников других исследователей.

Положения выносимые на защиту:

– анализ собранного материала дает возможность систематизации памятников и результаты полученные являются составляющей мировой историографии раннего железного века;

– на основе составления карт археологических памятников раннесакского и берельского периодов выяснено, что они концентрировались в нескольких историко-культурных областях, стабильные и постоянные связи сохранялись на протяжении многих веков;

– выяснено, что на протяжении нескольких столетий регион населяли близкородственные народы, оставившие сходные по облику памятники материальной культуры. Культурная идентичность более четко  прослеживается в конструкциях погребальных памятниках рядовых членов общества;

– в результате исследований выяснено, что в рассматриваемый период население региона в целом сохраняет и продолжает развивать антропологический тип андроновского облика;

– материалы Шиликтинских курганов дают основание для обоснования возможности выделения их в качестве самостоятельной культуры, но с определенной оговоркой;

– обосновано мнение, что археологические памятники раннего железного века Алтая и Тарбагатая имеют генетическую связь как с предыдущими, так и последующими историко-культурными традициями.

Структура работы. Диссертация состоит из двух частей. Первая часть включает текстовый материал исследования, состоящий из введения, четырех разделов, заключения и списка использованных источников, вторая часть – приложение, где представлен иллюстративный материал работы.


































Archaeological sites of the early Iron Age intermountain of Altay and Tarbagatay (chronology, periodization and cultural attribution)




Dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of historical sciences on speciality – 07. 00. 06 – аrchaeology


Relevance of research: In the ancient history of the Eurasian region of Altai and Tarbagatay has a particular importance as the special historical and cultural region, where since ancient times, there are a complex ethno-cultural processes, migrations and diffusions.

Many events that radically influenced the historical fate of many nations and changed ethnical appereance beyond recognition of vast  Eurasian continent (for example, the Great Migrations, etc.), had a direct impact on the region studied by us, which essentially is in the midst of forming the so-called Hun-Sarmatian cultural complex. During the first millennium B.C. there were various cultural communities and archaeological cultures (mayemer, shilikty, berel, kulazhorga, etc.) that have consistently succeeded one another, transformed and created the basis for subsequent development of cultural phenomena.

However, despite the bright discoveries of recent years, so far there is no holistic view of the cultural complexes of the early Iron Age in science , in the region that we are studying; chronological attribution and interpretation, and use of them as a good source in the reconstruction of cultural and historical processes still remain as the actual problems.  
 The aim of research: Systematization the early Stone Age of  the Altai and Tarbagatay, the implementation of a detailed description and elucidation of cultural and ethnic significance. This implies the following tasks:

– systematic archaeological survey of the early Iron Age of the Altay and Tarbagatay;

– define the terms early Saks and Berel monuments, analyze cultural evolution;

– characteristics of development of Kulazhorga and Usun type of monuments;

– analysis of anthropological data about the population of the region early Iron Age;

– development of issues of absolute and relative chronology in the region of the early Iron Age;

– defining the place of the early Iron Age of Altay and Tarbagatay in the cultures of Central Asia of the studying era.

       Scientific novelty of the research: For the first time considered the most common problems associated with the study of the early Iron Age of Kazakh Altay and Tarbagatay. As a result, the following scientific innovations achieved:

– history of research of archaeological positions of the Altai and Tarbagatay were given on the basis of the methodological approach developed under the independent Republic of Kazakhstan;

– monuments of mayemer culture and Berel version of Pazyryk were subjected to a new scientific analysis, and justified by other development options of this cultures. Main groups of monuments of mayemer culture were Identified and mapped;

– based on recent discoveries in the Shilikty barrow Baygetobe, hypothesis about the formation and development of some of the archaeological cultures were justified; The features of land and structures within the burial and memorial monuments of kulazhorga and usun cultures were analyzed;

– anthropological data about the ancient nomads of the region were systematized;

– periodization of archaeological cultures and sites were implemented , and were introduced into scientific circulation for a considerable amount of material on the Early Iron Age Archaeology and Cultural attribution.

The author was directly involved in the excavation of more than 20 sites.

The positions which are taken out on protection:

– based on the mapping of archaeological sites of the early-sak and Berel periods, it has been revealed that they were concentrated in several historical and cultural areas, stable and permanent relations have persisted for many centuries;

– it was clarified that for several centuries the region was inhabited by closely related people, who have left similar in appearance sites of the material culture. Cultural identity can be traced quite clearly in the construction of funerary monuments of ordinary members of communities;

– as a result of studies, it was found that during the reporting period, the population of the region as a whole remains an anthropological type of andronov appearance;

         – materials of Shilikti mounds provide a basis to justify the possibility of allocating a new archaeological culture;

– there were substantiated the opinion that the archaeological monuments of the early Iron Age of the Altai and Tarbagatay have a genetic link with the previous and subsequent historical and cultural periods.

The structure of work. The thesis consists of two parts. The first part includes a study text material, consisting of an introduction, four sections, conclusion and list of sources used, the second part – the application, where there is illustrative material work.



































Алтай-Тарбағатай аралығындағы ерте темір дәуірінің

археологиялық ескерткіштері

(кезеңделуі, мерзімделуі  және мәдени атрибуциясы)


07.00.06 – археология

Тарих ғылымдарының кандидаты

ғылыми дәрежесін алу үшін дайындалған диссертацияның




05.10.2010 қол қойылды. Пішімі 60х841/16.

«SvetoCopy» қағазы. Көлемі 1,5 п.л. Таралымы 100 дана.

Тапсырыс № 79.


«Тарих тағылымы» баспасы

050008, Алматы қаласы, Жамбыл көшесі, 175 үй

Байланыс тел.: +7 (727) 277 53 49



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