Использование дискуссии на уроках иностранного языка как средства развития умения говорения в старших классах

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 22 Марта 2015 в 10:17, курсовая работа

Краткое описание

Цель работы – выявить эффективность использования метода дискуссии для формирования коммуникативных навыков на уроках английского языка.
Для реализации поставленной цели будут решены следующие задачи:
Рассмотрение общего представления о дискуссии;
Рассмотрение понятия о коммуникативных навыках;
Выявление особенностей применения метода дискуссии на старшем этапе обучения;
Формулирование методических рекомендаций по учету особенностей использования метода дискуссии в учебно- воспитательной работе.


Введение 3
Глава 1. Дискуссия как форма речевой деятельности. 6
1.1 Понятие и виды дискуссии. 6
1.2 Дискуссия как метод формирования коммуникативных навыков. 12
Выводы по первой главе 15
Глава 2. Включение в урок метода дискуссии для развития речевых способностей. 16
2.1 Планирование урока-дискуссии в старших классах. 16
2.2 Рекомендации учителям по ведению дискуссии на уроках английского языка 22
Выводы по второй главе 27
Заключение 28
Список использованной литературы 29

Файлы: 1 файл


— 285.00 Кб (Скачать)

- What can your choice of job be influenced by?

- Jobs can be attractive and not attractive. What qualities make them such? (Interesting, well paid, active, calm, independent)

- Who and what can help you to make your choice? (Parents, teachers, friends, information, interests)

- What are the most popular and important jobs?

3. Компьютерная презентация результатов опроса мнений учащихся о выборе профессии и карьеры (Cлайды 7, 8)

– Where would they like to work (Cлайд 9)

Ps: …

T: Thank you very much. You are really an excellent journalist and a brilliant psychologist

4. Discussing problem questions

1) Make a list of professions you know. (baker, engineer, doctor, model, pilot, driver, bank clerk, photographer, actor, miner, fireman, designer, hairdresser, clothes designer, architect, travel agent, vet, journalist, dentist, librarian, computer operator, computer programmer, nurse, teacher, scientist, artist, carpenter, accountant, farmer, shop assistant, waiter, metalworker, politician, postman, musician) 
2) Guess which profession it is: (слайд 10) 


a) a teacher; 

b) a doctor; 

c) a driver; 

d) a musician (a pianist); 

e) a receptionist; 

f) a secretary; 

g) an interpreter; 

h) a journalist; 

i) a hairdresser; 

j) a pilot; 

k) a singer; 

l) a mechanic; 

m) a shop assistant; 

n) a nurse.

3) Stress league (слайд 11)

4) T: Well, friends, I see that choosing a profession is very important to you. You know there are highly-paid and low-paid, challenging and boring jobs. Now I’d like you to answer the question: Which is more important – a high salary or satisfaction? My job, for example, is not highly-paid, but it is extremely interesting. What’s your opinion of the problem?

(Учитель каждому предлагает выбрать категорию и положить листочек с названием в определенную коробочку:low  –  paid but extremely interesting или highly  –  paid and boring jobs)

5. Discussion

Во время дискуссии учащиеся высказывают свое мнение по данной проблеме, в случае необходимости корректно перебивают друг друга, продолжают беседу.

- Sorry for interrupting…

- Let me say …

- I am of a different opinion… 

- I don’t think so…

- I fully agree with you…

- To a certain extent you are right, but …etc.

Т: What profession will you never choose?

Учащиеся дают аргументированные ответы (монологические высказывания о планах на будущее.)

6. Say which are the best and worst paid jobs? (Слайд 12)

A nurse in a hospital

A highly paid job

A shop assistant

Get a good salary

A worker in a factory


A bank manager

Get a lot of money

A dentist

Paid a lot

A teacher

Paid reasonably well

A professional footballer

A low – paid job

Nuclear scientist

Have a low income

A miner in the coalmine


7. Having a job interview (Приложение 5)

– Look at the interviewer’s checklist, listen to the interview and say what questions were asked and what answers were given.

Educational background

Work experience

Personal and family background

Health and fitness

Reasons for applying

Present job

Leisure activities

Physical characteristics (height, weight)

8. Аудирование

a) Listen to a song about one of the profession and discuss the questions.

  • What grade did Caroline Foley teach?
  • What did the singer like about Miss Foley and her classes?
  • What kind of person was Miss Foley?

b) True/false statements

  • Miss Foley taught the projects.
  • The students didn’t write any books themselves.
  • Miss Foley had a way of holding up a mirror to the students’ minds.
  • Miss Foley was married and had some children
  • Her students rarely come to visit her.
  • They always write her letters.

c) General discussion

  • Do you have a favorite teacher?
  • Has anyone of you ever wanted to become a teacher?
  • Why do you think few young people choose the career of a teacher?

9. Работа с карточками (Приложение 6)

Учащиеся получают карточки с советами на будущее. Они выбирают карточку с советом, зачитывают его и переводят на русский язык.

III. Conclusion

Writing a sinkwein poem.

Синквейн – это пятистишие, где первая строка – одно ключевое слово, определяющее содержание синквейна.Вторая строка – два прилагательных, характеризующих данное понятие. Третья строка – три глагола, показывающих действие понятия. Четвертая строка – короткое предложение, в котором автор высказывает свое отношение к проблеме. Пятая строка – одно слово, обычно существительное, через которое человек выражает свои чувства, ассоциации, связанные с данным понятием. Например,

Интересный, запоминающийся

Вдохновил, заинтересовал, запомнился

Я получила удовольствие


Так как урок был посвящен выбору профессии, я предложила ребятам придумать синквейн о профессиях, например,

Caring, attentive

Examines, treats, cures

Helps people


Дети выполняют подобные задания с большим интересом.)

T: Thanks a lot for your work at the lesson. I enjoyed it. Today we have spoken about the world of jobs. Of course it is very important to make the right choice. But I think it is more important what kind of person you will become. I wish you to find yourselves in this world, be kind, be honest, be noble everywhere and in everything.



Приложение 4.

А dialogue:

- Good morning, Miss Brook. I’m Pat Ferrars, the manager of this shop.

- Hello, how do you do?

- Please, sit down. No, you are interested in the job of a shop assistant. Have you ever worked as a shop assistant?

- Well, no. I’ve never actually worked as a shop assistant but I helped in a shop during my school holiday.

- Good. Fine. Let’s have a look at these details you gave us. Your surname is Brook. And your name…

- Florence Clare.

- Your address?

- 140 Warwick Road, Kensington, London.

- Your date of birth is the 29th of September…

- 1996, yes.

- Are you married?

- No, I’m not.

- Well, what school did you go to?

- London High School.

- I see. What exams have you passed?

- English and Maths.

- Can you speak any foreign languages?

- Yes, French and German.

- What is your present job?

- I work as a receptionist in a small hotel.

- How long have you been working there?

- For six months.

- Why do you want this job?

- Well, I like working with people and I think I can be usefull to them.

- I see, what is your hobby?

- I like jogging and cycling.

- And what about your health? Do you smoke?

- No. I have no illnesses and no operations.

- Good. Right, well thank you very much, Miss Brook. If we want to see you again, we’ll let you know. We’ll be in touch with you anyway. Thanks for coming to see us.

- Thank you. Goodbye.

- Goodbye.



Приложение 5.

Советы на карточках:

  1. It will make a young person good if he or she makes a decision about his or her future career before leaving school.
  2. Choosing a career is not simple. While making your choice you should think about your talents, what subjects you like to do, in what field you have already made progress, whether you like doing things with your hands or prefer to work with your brains.
  3. In order not to make a mistake you should think only of how to make money in future.
  4. If you want to do well in the chosen field you should be greatly interested in what you are doing.
  5. You should make some efforts to achieve success.
  6. Do your best to become a really good specialist and you will make a fortune in the end, at least by making a lot of friends?
  7. So do yourself a favour.
  8. Don’t be too independent. Let others help you.




Информация о работе Использование дискуссии на уроках иностранного языка как средства развития умения говорения в старших классах