Перевод контракта

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 04 Января 2011 в 12:15, контрольная работа

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In foreign trade transaction a contract is drawn up to give legal expression to the intentions of the partners and to guarantee that the obligations contained in the contract will be fulfilled. According to the purpose and contents, contracts can cover: goods, services, licences, patents, technology and know-how. A contract forms the basis of a transaction between the Buyers and the Sellers.

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     In foreign trade transaction a contract is drawn up to give legal expression to the intentions of the partners and to guarantee that the obligations contained in the contract will be fulfilled. According to the purpose and contents, contracts can cover: goods, services, licences, patents, technology and know-how. A contract forms the basis of a transaction between the Buyers and the Sellers.

     As a rule the contract contains a number of clauses, such as: Subject of the Contract, Price, Terms of Payment, Delivery, Inspection and Test, Guarantee, Packing and Marketing, Arbitration, Transport, Insurance and other conditions.

Here are clauses of a contract signed by a Russian trading organization (the Buyers) and a British company (the Sellers):

     I. Subject of the Contract

The Seller undertakes to sell and the Buyer to buy on the basis of delivery FOB London, Manchester or Hull (at the Buyer's option) the complete equipment, technology and technical documentation of the plant.

     II. Price and Total Value of the Contract

The total value of the contract including the cost of the complete equipment for the plant as well as technical documentation, knowledge and experience(know-how), engineering, after-guarantee spares and services is ... (pounds sterling).

     III. Terms of Payment

The total amount of... stated in Clause II shall be paid in English pounds by the Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs of Russia, Moscow, in accordance with the following terms:

     10% advance payment of the total Contract value shall be made within 30 days of the effective date of the Contract.

     80% of the total Contract value shall be paid in accordance with the Credit Agreement between the Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs of Russia and the Middle Bank, United Kingdom.

     5% of the total Contract value shall be paid within 30 days of the date of receipt by the Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs of the following documents.

     The Guarantee amount of 5% shall be paid within 30 days of receipt by the Bank of the Acceptance Protocol confirming the acceptance of the plant for commercial operation.

     IV. Time of Delivery

The delivery of the equipment under the present Contract shall begin in 8 months and shall be complete in 26 months from the date of signing the Preliminary Project Acceptance Protocol.

     V. Inspection and Test

1. Inspection and/or test of the equipment shall be carried out at the Seller's and his sub-contractors' works at the expense of the Seller in the presence of the Buyer's inspectors.

2. The Seller is to notify the Buyer about the readiness of the equipment for inspection and/or test not later than 15 days before the proposed time of the inspection and/or test.

3. If the Buyer's inspector cannot be present on the appointed date, the Seller shall have the right to carry out the test without the Buyer's inspector.

4. Final tests and acceptance of the equipment for putting it into operation are to be made in Russia.

     VI.     Guarantee

1. The Seller guarantees that the equipment supplied is manufactured in full conformity with the description given in the technical documentation of the Final Project and technical specifications and conditions of the present Contract.

2. The period of guarantee shall be 12 months from the date of signing the Final Acceptance Protocol but not more than 30 months from the date of the last delivery.

3. If during the guarantee period the equipment supplied by the Seller proves to have some defects the Seller undertakes to correct the detected defects or replace the defective equipment at his own expense.

4. The Seller guarantees that the Plant shall achieve the production capacity, product characteristics and operating requirements if:

    a) the plant is constructed and installed by the Buyer in accordance with the technical documentation supplied by the Seller;

    b) the plant is operated and maintained by skilled and experienced personnel and with raw materials that conform to the Seller's specification.

     VII.   Packing

     The equipment shall be shipped in export seaworthy packing in accordance with the requirements of each particular type of equipment or material.

The Seller shall be responsible for any damage or breakage of the goods that may be caused by improper or faulty packing.

     VIII. Marking

     The case in which the equipment will be packed, shall be marked on three sides: on the top of the case and on two opposite sides. The marking shall be clearly made indelible paint in English and Russian.

     IX. Insurance

The Buyer will insure at his expense all the equipment for its full value against all usual risks from the moment the goods are put on board at the port of loading. 


     В иностранной торговой сделке  контракт составляется,  чтобы дать законное выражение намерениям партнеров и гарантировать что обязательства, содержащиеся в контракте будут выполнены. Согласно цели и содержанию, контракты могут охватить: товары, услуги, лицензии, патенты, технологию и ноу-хау. Контракт формирует основание сделки между покупателями и продавцами.

    Как правило, контракт содержит множество пунктов, таких как: предмет контракта, цены, сроки оплаты, поставки, осмотр и испытания, гарантии, упаковка и маркетинг, арбитраж, транспорт, страхование и другие условий.

     Здесь пункты контракта, подписанные российской торговой организацией (покупатели) и британской компанией (продавцы):

     I. Предмет Контракта

     Продавец обязуется продать и покупатель купить на основании поставки Лондона или Манчестера (по выбору покупателя) полное оборудование, технологию и техническую документацию завода.

     II. Цена и общая  стоимость контракта

     Общая стоимость контракта включает стоимость полного оборудования для завода, так же как и техническую документацию, знания и опыт (ноу-хау), разработку, запчасти, послегарантийное и дополнительное обслуживание ... (фунты стерлингов).

     III. Сроки оплаты

     Общая сумма ... заявленная в  Пункте II, будет выплачиваться   в английских фунтах Банком  иностранных экономических дел России, Москвы, в соответствии с следующими сроками:

      10%-ый авансовый платеж от общей стоимости контракта должен быть выполнен в течение 30 дней после даты вступления документа в силу.

     80 % от общей стоимости контракта  должны выплачиваться в соответствии с кредитным соглашением между Банком иностранных экономических дел России и Банком Соединенного Королевства.

     5 % от общей стоимости контракта должны платиться в течение 30 дней после даты получения Банком иностранных экономических дел следующих документов.

     5 % гарантии должно будет выплачено в течение 30 дней после получения Банком протокола принятия, подтверждающего принятие завода для коммерческого действия.

     IV. Время поставки

   Поставка оборудования согласно существующему контракту должна начаться через 8 месяцев и будет выполнена через 26 месяцев от даты подписания предварительного проекта принятого протокола.

     V. Осмотр и испытание

1. Осмотр  и/или испытание оборудования  должны быть выполнены в работах продавца и его субподрядчиков за счет продавца в присутствии инспекторов покупателя.

2. Продавец  должен известить покупателя о готовности оборудования для осмотра и/или испытания не позже чем 15 дней перед предложенным временем осмотра и/или испытания.

3. Если  инспектор покупателя не может присутствовать в назначенную дату, продавец имеет право выполнить испытание без инспектора покупателя.

4. Заключительные  испытания и принятие оборудования для  запуска в действие должны быть сделаны в России.

     VI. Гарантия

1. Продавец  гарантирует, что снабженное оборудование изготовлено в полном соответствии с описанием, данным в технической документации заключительных проектных и технических спецификаций и условиями существующего контракта.

2. Срок  гарантии должен составлять 12 месяцев от даты подписания заключительного протокола принятия, но не больше чем 30 месяцев от даты последней поставки.

3. Если  в течение периода гарантии  оборудование, снабженное Продавцом, оказывается, что имеет некоторые дефекты, Продавец обязуется исправлять обнаруженные дефекты или заменить дефектное оборудование за его счет.

4. Продавец  гарантирует, что Завод должен достигнуть производительной мощности, характеристик продукта и необходимых требований если:

a) завод построен и установлен покупателем в соответствии с технической документацией, предоставленной продавцом;

b) завод  обслуживается квалифицированным и опытным персоналом и использует сырье, которое соответствует требованиям продавца.


    VII. Упаковка

  Оборудование должно быть отправлено в экспортной упаковке, пригодной для морских перевозок, в соответствии с требованиями каждого отдельного типа оборудования или материала.

    Продавец будет ответственен за любое повреждение или поломку товаров, которые могут быть вызваны неподходящей или дефектной упаковкой.

     VIII. Маркировка

     Ящик, в котором оборудование будет упаковано, должен быть отмечен на трех сторонах: на верхней части ящика и на двух противоположных сторонах. Маркировка должна быть сделана четко несмываемой краской по-английски и по-русски.

     IX. Страхование

     Покупатель будет страховать за свой счет все оборудование на его полную стоимость от всех обычных рисков с момента помещения товаров на борт в порт погрузки. 

     I. Answer the questions:

1. What is the contract?

2. What can cover the contract?

3. What are the main clauses of the contract?

4. What manners of payment are practised by importing and exporting trade organization?

5. Is the time of delivery subject to changes?

6. What is the importance of inspection and testing? When and where are inspection tests earned out?

7. What information do Guarantee Clauses usually contain? On what factors do Sellers' guarantees depend?

8. What are usual responsibilities of Sellers in respect of packing and marking? What packing problems may arise? 


  1. The contract is drawn up to give legal expression to the intentions of the partners and to guarantee that the obligations contained in the contract will be fulfilled.
  2. The contracts can cover: goods, services, licences, patents, technology and know-how.
  3. As a rule the contract contains a number of clauses, such as: Subject of the Contract, Price, Terms of Payment, Delivery, Inspection and Test, Guarantee, Packing and Marketing, Arbitration, Transport, Insurance and other conditions.
  4. Importing and exporting trade organization practised manners of payment, such as: payment for collection, a Letter of Credit.
  5. Time of delivery does not change.
  6. Inspection and/or test of the equipment shall be carried out at the Seller's and his sub-contractors' works at the expense of the Seller in the presence of the Buyer's inspectors. Final tests and acceptance of the equipment for putting it into operation are to be made in Russia.
  7. Guarantee Clauses usually contain the information on terms and conditions of a guarantee.The Seller guarantees that the equipment supplied is manufactured in full conformity with the description given in the technical documentation of the Final Project and technical specifications and conditions of the present Contract. The Seller guarantees that the Plant shall achieve the production capacity, product characteristics and operating requirements if:

    a) the plant is constructed and installed by the Buyer in accordance with the technical documentation supplied by the Seller;

    b) the plant is operated and maintained by skilled and experienced personnel and with raw materials that conform to the Seller's specification.

  1. The Seller shall be responsible for any damage or breakage of the goods that may be caused by improper or faulty packing. The case in which the equipment will be packed, shall be marked on three sides: on the top of the case and on two opposite sides. The marking shall be clearly made indelible paint in English and Russian.

     II.      Agree or disagree with the following statements:

1. The Subject Clause is usually the first to be discussed when two parties start negotiating a contract.

2. The Delivery Clause is the most important clause when the execution of the contract starts.

3. Buyers sometimes make mistakes in payment.

4. The Guarantee Clause is always thoroughly discussed when the Contract is negotiated.

5. Sellers are always responsible for damage which may occur during the guarantee period.

6. Packing and marking very seldom cause problems.


  1. I agree.
  2. I agree.
  3. I agree.
  4. I disagree. The Guarantee Clause are fixed in the contract.
  5. I disagree. Sellers are not responsible for damage which may occur during the period of a guarantee on fault of the buyer.
  6. I disagree. Packing and marks very much frequently cause problems.

     III.     Choose one of the clauses of the contract and make up your own one, use the vocabulary. 


Mr. Blake studied the Buyer's contract terms and on Tuesday came to «TST Systems» to discuss them with Voronin. 

Voronin: Good morning, Mr. Blake.
Mr.Blake: Good morning, Mr. Voronin. Sorry, I'm a bit late.
Voronin: Never mind. How are things?
Mr.Blake: Not too bad, thanks. I think we can discuss business now. I'd like to clarify some details with you. How many woodworking machines would you like to buy?
Voronin: We can buy 40 machines.
Mr.Blake: And when do you require the goods?
Voronin: As soon as possible, say in May.
Mr.Blake: In May? Let me see. I'm afraid, that's impossible. Our machines are selling very well, and we are heavy with orders. We can deliver only 15 in May.
Voronin: And what about the other 25 machines?
Mr.Blake: We can deliver them only in six months.
Voronin: All right. And how about the terms of delivery? I hope they suit you.
Mr.Blake: Yes, we agree to sell the goods FOB English port and we can accept payment for collection too.
Voronin: Fine.

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