Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 01 Апреля 2011 в 13:46, контрольная работа
During the life every person is more or less connected with various organizations; there is no organization without people, there no people which are not connected with an organization. Here we will speak about a business organization (a commercial enterprise), exercising the function of managing production, distribution and sale of goods and services for the buyers’ benefit and sellers’ profit. If a group of people wants to form of an organization, they should consider the following conditions: a) presence of at least two persons; b) presence of at least one general goal; c) presence of a team of members who have intention to work together in order to achieve this general goal.
12. Why are some employees “difficult”?
13. Should you listen to gossip and rumor? What would be your actions in such situations?
14. Explain the rule “Draw out the reason behind the behaviour”?
15. Name and explain habits that can complicate interpersonal relations?
1. morale n моральное состояние, нравственная атмосфера
2. lend a ear уделить внимание, выслушать
3. carrot and stick морковка и кнут, пряник и кнут
4. burnout n переутомление, изнеможение
5. mind v возражать, иметь что-либо против…
6. succeed ( in) v достигать цели, преуспевать; быть приемником
7. keep promises сдержать обещание
8. trustful relations доверительные отношения
9. identity needs потребности личности, индивидуальные потребности
10. stand on principles придерживаться принципов
11. well-being n благосостояние, благополучие, процветание
12. attitude (to, towards) позиция, отношение к чему-либо
13. technical expertise техническая квалификация, компетенция, опыт
14. managerial expertise управленческая компетентность, опыт
15. stick in the middle держаться в середине
16. undeniable неоспоримый, несомненный, неопровержимый
17. undeniable sign явный признак
18. be out of hand выходить из под контроля
19. peer n равный по положению, статусу
20. blowups n вспышки гнева, раздражения
21. excel v отличаться, выделяться
22. assume v допускать, предполагать
23. quit v прекращать что-либо делать
24. take credit for получать похвалу за что-либо
25. gossip n слухи, сплетни
26. rumour n молва, слухи, толки
27. reportedly по сообщениям, как сообщают
28. remain calm and impartial оставаться спокойным и беспристрастным
29. non-judgmental adj. не поверхностный
30. smoothly adv. спокойно, учтиво, вежливо;
31. bully n хвастун, задира, забияка
32. instant success мгновенный успех
33. impasse тупик, безвыходное положение
Syn.: dead end, deadlock
34. consequence n последствие, результат
35. overwhelming adj. подавляющий, превосходящий, несметный
36. rate ( smb.) v давать оценку кому-либо
37. impose v навязывать, навязываться
38. cutting remarks резкое, саркастическое замечание
39. smart adj. толковый, сообразительный
40. emotional volatility эмоциональная неустойчивость
41. withhold v утаивать, скрывать; воздерживаться от…, отказывать
42. overestimate v переоценивать
43. fixture n постоянное качество
44. cling to… v держаться за что-л., цепляться
45.deflect blame away отвести от себя вину, оправдаться
46. gratitude n благодарность, признание
47. subset подмножество
48. pass the buck переложить ответственность на другого
49. exalt v превозносить, восхвалять
Conflicts in a work environment are inevitable. Whenever people must work together, there will be degrees of conflicts. Why? Because people will not always be in perfect agreement on all issues, goals or perceptions.
Conflict is neither positive nor negative. If conflict is managed correctly, it can be helpful in meeting the organization’s goals.
In order to handle conflicts, a manager needs to understand why conflict occurs. The sources of conflict include shared resources, differences in goals, differences in perceptions and values, disagreements in role requirements, nature of work activities individual approaches and the stage of organizational development.
Knowing the potential sources of conflict is important to a manager, but developing strategies for dealing with conflict is essential to the organizational climate.
In order to manage conflict, the manager must first analyze the following factors:
1. The type of conflict –between individuals, between individuals and groups, or between work groups.
2. The source of conflict – shared resources, differences in goals, role conflict, etc.
3. The level of conflict – how heated the situation is.
When these factors have been determined, the manager’s challenge is to select the appropriate strategy. The manager may attempt to reduce the level of conflict or resolve the conflict. In special situations he may attempt to increase the level of conflict.
1.Limited resources. Conflict can arise in organization because limited resources must be shared by the organizational members. A manager of a work unit depends on the allocation of money, personnel, equipment, materials, and physical facilities in order to accomplish objectives.
Some managers, despite the system used for allocations, will inevitably receive fewer resources than others. This can lead to lack of cooperation and eventually open conflict.
2. Differences in goals. Individuals may have goals different from those of the organization they work for. An individual’s goal may require promotion within a three-year period. The organization may have a tradition of “seasoning” an employee over a longer period. There may be conflict in this situation.
4. Nature of work activities.
Conflict can result between individuals and groups concerning the quantity of work assigned as well as relationship among the work units in performing the work. Individuals and groups compare the workloads each has relative to the other. If there is inequity there can be conflict.
If the work is not on time or is of poor quality, open conflict can result. Another conflict situation can be created when two work groups or individuals are placed in competition with each other. If management has set it up so that both groups have the opportunity to win, positive results can occur. But if it is a win-lose situation, conflict may be the outcome.
5. Individual approaches. People have different styles and approaches in dealing with others and with situations. One person may be reflective, speak little, but deliver words of wisdom when ready to talk about a topic. Another person may be combative in nature, with an argumentative approach, immediate response with little thought, and pressure for agreement.
- Do not avoid the conflict, hoping it will go away. Trust me. It won’t. Even if the conflict appears to have been superficially put to rest, it will rear its ugly head whenever stress increases or a new disagreement occurs. An unresolved conflict or interpersonal disagreement festers just under the surface in your work environment. It burbles to the surface whenever enabled, and always at the worst possible moment. This is not an option.
- Do not meet separately with people in conflict. If you allow each individual to tell their story to you, you risk polarizing their positions. The person in conflict has a vested interest in making himself or herself “right” if you place yourself in the position of judge and jury. The sole goal of the employee, in this situation, is to convince you of the merits of their case.
- Do not believe, for even a moment, the only people who are affected by the conflict are the participants. Everyone in your office and every employee, with whom the conflicting employees interact, is affected by the stress. People feel as if they are walking on egg shells in the presence of the antagonists. This contributes to the creation of a hostile work environment for other employees. In worst case scenarios, your organization members take sides and your organization is divided.
How to Mediate and Resolve Conflict
Meet with the antagonists together. Let each briefly summarize their point of view, without comment or interruption by the other party. This should be a short discussion so that all parties are clear about the disagreement and conflicting views. Intervene if either employee attacks the other employee. This is not acceptable.
Ask each participant to describe specific actions they’d like to see the other party take that would resolve the differences. Three or four suggestions work well. An example is, “I’d like Mary to send the report to me by Thursday at 1 p.m. so I can complete my assignment by my due date of Friday at noon.” A second example is, “I would like to have responsibility for all of the business development and follow-up with that client. The way the work is divided now causes Tom and I to never know what the other person is doing.”
Sometimes, as in the second example above, you, as the supervisor, must own some of the responsibilities for helping the employees resolve their conflict. Always ask, “What about the work situation is causing these staff members to fail?”
- If the situation needs further exploration, use a process in which you ask each participant to additionally identify what the other employee can do more of, less of, stop and start.
- All participants discuss and commit to making the changes necessary to resolve the conflict. Commit to noticing that the other person has made a change, no matter how small. Commit to treating each other with dignity and respect. It is okay to have reasonable disagreements over issues and plans; it is never okay to have personality conflicts that affect the workplace.
- Let the antagonists know that you will not choose sides, that it is impossible for a person external to the conflict to know the truth of the matter. You expect the individuals to resolve the conflicts proactively as adults. If they are unwilling to do so, you will be forced to take disciplinary action that can lead to dismissal for both parties.
- Finally, assure both parties that you have every faith in their ability to resolve their differences and get on with their successful contributions within your shared organization. Set a time to review progress.
Mediating a conflict is challenging, but as a manager or supervisor, the role of mediator comes with your territory. Your willingness to appropriately intervene sets the stage for your own success. You craft a work environment that enables the success of the people who work there. Conflict mediation is an example of “practice makes perfect.”
1. Do you agree that conflicts in a work environment are inevitable? Can you give reasons and explain sources of such conflicts?
2. What factors must be analyzed in order to manage conflict?
3. What conflict situations do you know? Can you give your own example?
4. Should you, as a manager, intervene in conflict?
5. Should you wait for conflict to go away?
6. Why is it not advisable to meet people in conflict separately? Do you agree with this advice?
7. Why do conflicts affect everyone in the office, not only conflicting parties?
8. What recommendations for resolving conflicts do you know?
9. Who are mediators and why is their role important for creating a good work environment?
Vocabulary to Unit 9
1. inevitable adj. неизбежный, неминуемый
2. perception n 1)восприятие, ; 2) понимание, осмысление, осознание
3. be helpful in smth быть полезным в чем-либо
4.handle a conflict справляться с конфликтом
5. heat the situation накалять ситуацию
6. resolve the conflict решить конфликт. Syn.: settle, solve
7. allocation n распределение, размещение, выделение средств
8. eventually adv. В конечном счете, в итоге, в конце концов
Syn.: ultimately, in the end
9. overtime work hours сверхурочные часы работы
10. obvious adj. очевидный, явный
Syn.: evident
11. workload n объем работы
12. inequity n несправедливость, пристрастность
13. outcome n итог, последствие, результат
Syn.: result, consequence
14. words of wisdom мудрые слова, благоразумие, здравый смысл
15. combative adj. боевой, агрессивный, воинственный
16. be reflective of adj. мыслящий, размышляющий
Syn.: thoughtful, intellectual
17. argumentative approach аргументированный, логический подход
18. response n ответ, отклик; реакция
19. turf wars борьба за влияние
20. escalate v расширять, обострять (ситуацию, конфликт)
21. intervene v вмешиваться, возникнуть (с целью помешать)
Syn.: interfere
22. burble v бормотать, болтать, трещать
23. vested interests заинтересованные круги
24. walk on egg shell ходить очень осторожно, быть осмотрительным
25. commit to (doing smth) v держать обещание, выполнять обязательства
26. proactively adv. проактивно, упреждающе
Intercultural learning can be viewed as following a process. The starting point, level one, is a state of unawareness – a state of not recognizing that cultural differences exist. It is an attitude of ‘our way is the only way’ or ‘everyone is like us’.