Business organization

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 01 Апреля 2011 в 13:46, контрольная работа

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During the life every person is more or less connected with various organizations; there is no organization without people, there no people which are not connected with an organization. Here we will speak about a business organization (a commercial enterprise), exercising the function of managing production, distribution and sale of goods and services for the buyers’ benefit and sellers’ profit. If a group of people wants to form of an organization, they should consider the following conditions: a) presence of at least two persons; b) presence of at least one general goal; c) presence of a team of members who have intention to work together in order to achieve this general goal.

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    6. Good habits should be second nature.

    7. Make sure that every day you are in control. Be focused and don’t put things off until tomorrow. It can be a bad habit.

    8. Communicating is a powerful force, and that doesn’t mean you should be doing all the talking. You must listen.

    9. How you relate to people in your business is extremely important. Treat them with respect.

    10. A good leader will learn from others. Do not allow your ego stop you from seeking advice from people that have been there before you. Learn from their mistakes.

    11. Pressure and stress are two different animals. Pressure makes a person more focused. Stress robs you of it and harms your performance.

    12. Anyone can be great for a short time, but to be successful over the duration of your life, you must be persistent. The essence of persistence is not to quit. Take this word out of your vocabulary.

    13. How you handle adversity is a sign of your maturity. Do not be afraid of it, meet it head on and take immediate action, because it won’t go away by itself.

    14. If you fail, accept it. You learn by failure and you’ll be better prepared and wiser the next time around.

    15. Keep striving for excellence.


    Text 8 . Leadership and organizational values

    “Organizational values” is an over used and perhaps an abused term in companies across the world. You find a well decorated and eye catching board carrying values statement or credo statement in every executive’s room and at many prominent places in a company. Why are values so important and how are they useful for the organization?

    Why are values important?

    Values signify the principles or moral standards of a person, group or organization that are considered to be valuable or important. Values are basic beliefs and convictions which govern behavior of people in their work, dealing and decision making. But is it sufficient? Is the leadership role limited to facilitating the process of strategic planning in an organization?

    Organizational values establish standards of behavior, which serve to encourage or discourage certain behaviours. In other words organizational values help people to identify priorities at workplace.

    It all starts with leadership

    Leaders are not only the source but also the most important means of establishing organizational values. Leaders not only set direction for the organization, they also establish the means to achieve the goals. These represent the beliefs and behaviours that can not be compromised for the sake of results. It is through this handle of values that leaders shape people’s behaviour and build organizational culture.

    For example, Masaru Ibuka, the founder of Sony, had spelt out his ideology during 1946 – long before Sony had made its first profits, as teamwork, technological innovation, ethical and fair practices, and emphasis on ability and performance. This ideology had driven Sony for no less than three decades.

    Creating common understanding

    Putting the values in writing is important and more important is to create common understanding of the values in the organization. Leaders must clearly communicate why the value is important for achievement of goals. In other words leaders clarify the meaning of the quoted values for the organization. J&J credo says service to customers is their top priority, even ahead of their shareholders. The credo statement clearly articulates organization’s responsibility towards each of the stakeholder.

    Enabling and encouraging people to live by values

    Leadership must very clearly specify the positive behaviours and negative behaviours with respect to the values and must put in mechanisms to encourage positive behaviours. The legendary Jack Welch’s story of linking individual performance with compliance to organizational values is well known. At GE he said that there is always a second chance for people who acted according to GE values and yet could not deliver the results. And those who achieved the results by exhibiting positive behaviours with respect to values are people who go up the ladder. Decision was equally easy with people who could not deliver on either aspects – they had only way to go – out. Difficulty was with people who delivered on performance but not believing in GE values. Such people would be warned to mend their ways and if they still persisted with their old behaviours, the direction for them was the same – out.

    Most critical aspect – walking the talk

    No matter how genuine and moral your values be, no matter how well articulated your values be, no matter how well you communicate your values, as leader, what really matters is how you behave. People see, believe and do what you do, not what you say. However well articulated and publicized your values might be, it is only when people see their leaders “living the values”, and do they understand the spirit behind and understand the significance of values in the game plan of the company.

    Ability to “walk the talk” is ultimate test of leaders’ character. As the famous Hewlett-Packard story demonstrates role-modeling behavior by its co-founder Bill Hewlett, when he broke open a lock put on a store room and placed the lock with a short note on the manager’s desk. The note read that locked store rooms do not reflect the HP value of respect for employees.

    It is through such exemplified role modeling behavior that leaders create leaders at all levels which are in fact the extension of their own personality. The philosophy of leaders thus becomes a way of life for the organization. This is what differentiates winning leaders from the rest.


    Answer the questions:

    1. What does leadership consist of as an element of social interaction?

    2. What is leadership?

    3. Name three levels of leadership in organization?

    4. What are the main characteristics of an effective leader?

    5. Why is it necessary to learn how to lead?

    6. What does a value-based leadership mean and what is it based on?

    7. What are leadership attributes?

    8. How do you understand result-based leadership?

    9. Why is coaching a vital skill for a leader?

    10. What person can we call a super-leader?

    11. What are key benefits of super leader?

    12. What does the essence of leadership mean?

    13. What is the essential role of managers in business?

    14. What does leadership skill provide versus managerial skill?

    15. What is the difference between setting directions and setting goals? Who performs these tasks?

    16. What rules must be followed to be a successful leader?

    17. What do organizational values mean?

    18. Why are they important?

    19. Why is the role of leaders important in establishing organizational values?

    20. How can leader encourage people to leave by values?

    21. What does the ability “walk the talk” mean?

    Vocabulary to Unit 6

1. sense of excitement  чувство волнения, воодушевления

2. convince  v  убеждать

3. aspiration  n, C     стремление, сильное желание (достичь ч-л.)

4. distinguish v   различать, находить отличия

Syn.: differentiate

5. self-confident   adj.    уверенный в себе

Syn.: self-assured

6. tight ship    водонепроницаемый; здесь: надежный корабль

7. ivory tower   башня из слоновой кости

8. hide (away)  прятаться, скрываться

9. persuade     v    убеждать, уговорить

Syn.:  convince, induce

10. free-rain leadership     лидерство «свободных поводьев»

Syn.: laissez-faire leader – либеральный руководитель     

11. concurrence   1)согласованность; 2)стечение обстоятельств

12. willingly    adv.    охотно, с готовностью

13. outcome   n   итог, последствия, результат

Syn.: result, consequence

14.  enhance   v  увеличивать, усиливать, улучшать

Syn.: improve, increase; intensify, reinforce

15. enhancement  n  повышение, прирост; улучшение

16. cohesion    n      сцепление, связь, сплоченность, единство

17. consequence   n последствия, результат

18. outboss   v   здесь: переусердствовать

19. facilitate v     облегчать, содействовать, способствовать

Syn.: help, assist

20. excel   v   превосходить, превышать; выделяться

Syn.: exceed, surpass

21. exceed  v    превышать, переступать пределы, превосходить

22. forego (forewent, foregone)  предшествовать

23. insight    n  интуиция, понимание, проницательность

24. revelation   n   открытие, разоблачение, раскрытие (тайны)

25. energize  v   побуждать к действию, проявлять энергию

26. attribute  n  свойство, отличительная черта

27. attribute (to) v  объяснять (чем-л.), относить (to- за счет ч-л.)

28. array  n   совокупность, набор, комплект

29. coaching n    кураторство, наставничество

30. breed    n    поколение, потомство

      breed    v   воспитывать, обучать, пестовать

31. cognitive skills     когнитивные, познавательные навыки

32. flexibility   n   гибкость, приспособляемость

33. in absence  в отсутствие, за неимением, недостатком

34. tangible results    ощутимые, реальные результаты

35. embody   v   воплощать, олицетворять; объединять, включать

36. drudgery   n  тяжелая, монотонная работа

Syn.: labour

37. diversify  v     вводить разнообразие, диверсифицировать

38. enduring direction  устойчивый курс, направление

39. sweeping   adj.  1) широкий, с большим охватом; 2)огульный

40. world-shattering    пошатнувший мир

41. align  v      ставить в ряд, равняться, вставать в один ряд

  align oneself with    действовать заодно

42. lose sight     упустить из виду, потерять

43. stray adj.    заблудившийся

     stray v    сбиться с пути, отбиться, отклониться

44.vigilance  n      бдительность

     display, exercise, show vigilance проявлять бдительность

45. push (oneself) v    подталкивать себя

46. relate to…   реагировать, соотносить, определять соотношение

47. persistent  adj.   устойчивый, стабильный; упорный

48. adversity   n   бедствия, неприятности, несчастья

      handle adversity   справляться с неприятностями

49. maturity     зрелость

50. belief    n, C       вера, доверие; мнение, убеждение

Syn.: conviction; opinion

51. compliance    n    одобрение, согласие; соответствие

52. walk the talk поступать в соответствии с убеждениями/

провозглашаемыми  принципами


    Unit 7. Business Culture and Business Ethic.

    Text 1. What is culture?

    Culture in general is concerned with beliefs and values on the basis of which people interpret experiences and behave. Broadly and simply put, “culture’ refers to a group or community with which you share common experiences that shape the way you understand the world.

    The same person, thus, can belong to several different cultures depending on his or her birthplace, nationality; ethnicity, family status; gender, age; language, education; physical condition, religion, profession, place of work and its corporate culture.

    Culture is a “lens” through which you view the world. It is central to what you see, how you make sense of what you see and how you express yourself.

    Four cultural dimensions. Cultures – both national and organizational – differ along many dimensions. Four of the most important are:

    1. Directness (get to the point versus imply the massages.

    2. Hierarchy (follow orders versus engage in debate)

    3. Consensus (dissent is accepted versus unanimity is needed)

    4. Individualism (individual winners versus team effectiveness).

    Cross-Cultural Communication Challenges. Culture is often at the root of communication challenges. Exploring historical experiences and the ways in which various cultural group have related to each other is key to opening channels for cross-cultural communication. Becoming more aware of cultural differences, as well as exploring cultural similarities, can help you find yourself in a confusing situation, ask yourself how culture may be shaping your own reactions, and try to see the world from the other’s point of view.

    Cultural Shock. Failure to identify cultural issues and take action can lead to a culture shock. In order of priority, the most often found symptoms of culture shock are:

    - feeling isolated

    - anxiety and worry

    - reduction in job performance

    - high nervous energy

    - helplessness.

    Not coping with culture shock symptoms when they appear can lead to a very negative situation.

    Respecting Differences and Working Together. Anthropologists discovered that, when faced by interaction that we do not understand, people tend to interpret the others involved as “abnormal”, “weird” or “wrong”. Awareness of cultural differences and recognizing where cultural differences are at work is the first step toward understanding each other and establishing a positive working environment. Use these differences to challenge your own assumptions about the “right” way of doing things and as a chance to learn new ways to solve problems.

    Building Trust across Cultural Boundaries.

    Research indicates that there is a strong correlation between components of trust (such as communication effectiveness, conflict management) and productivity. Cultural differences play a key role in the creation of trust, since trust is built in different ways and means different things in different cultures.

    For instance, in the U.S., trust is “demonstrated performance over time”. Here you can gain the trust of your collegues by “coming through” and delivering on time on your commitments. In many other parts of the world, including many Arab, Asian and Latin American countries, building relationships is a pre-requisite for professional interactions. Building trust in these countries often involves lengthy discussions on non-professional topics and shared meals in restaurants. Work-related discussions start only once your counterpart has become comfortable with you as a person.

Информация о работе Business organization