An outstanding person of the England: Leonardo da Vinci

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 23 Октября 2011 в 19:40, реферат

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В реферате на английском языке рассмотрена биография и творчество Леонардо да Винчи как деятеля искусства, мыслителя и литератора.


1 Biography
1.1 Early years
1.2 Mature period of creativity
1.3 Late works
1.4 Painting, drawing
2 Achievements
2.1 Arts
2. 2 Thinker
2. 3 Literature
2.4 Aphorisms of Leonardo da Vinci
2.5 Mystery of Leonardo da Vinci
3 End of Life

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    His main heir Francesco Melzi was: in addition to money, he got pictures, tools, libraries, etc. Salai and his servant got over half the vineyards of Leonardo.

    "I am claiming for death"

    Last years of Leonardo, which he spent at the French court, were overshadowed by the fact that his numerous technical projects were not called for. Except maybe the similarity of the modern deep-water suit, and the device, which allows underwater breathing. But this is an invention he made in Italy in the service of the famous general and adventurer Cesare Borgia (his father was Pope Alexander IV). According to legend, Duke used the offer da Vinci in the capture of the small port of Senigallia on the Adriatic coast, and two days later to execute all captives. This is so impressed by Leonardo that he left the service, and his invention never mentioned "because of the evil nature of people who are committed to slaughter on the seabed by the destruction of ships from the bottom and sinking them together with those on board people."

    In fact, the da Vinci suggested that the Ottoman sultan to build a bridge across the Strait of Bosporus, and even prepared a draft - the bridge deck has three arc-span, resting in the ground. The bridge would have been 240 meters. Then the proposal was not supported, and only 500 years later, this bridge, and made of wood, was built in the Norwegian town of Al. However, its total length of 100 meters, but only because the Norwegians have not found a suitable fjord. Surprisingly, in the early sixteenth century, Leonardo's sketch of parachutes and gliders with movable wings. In some of his figures show cars that are very similar to modern helicopters. By the way, recently on da Vinci's drawings of the antediluvian materials was built glider where the pilot managed to climb to a height of 10 meters and hang in the air 17 seconds. So it was proved the main thing - design by Leonardo flew. In contrast to the first aircraft. The fact that during the life of the designer of his model was not shot up, possibly due to his manner of writing. Da Vinci wrote from right to left, turning the mirror all the letters. Now this is a misunderstanding is a cipher, but in fact Leonardo was a lefty and he wrote as he was more comfortable. That's only read his works could only be using a mirror.

    Da Vinci died May 2, 1519 away from his homeland, France. Before his death, according to his first biographer Vasari, he was asked to call the priest, with tears confessed and repented, and received Holy Communion. " Many of Leonardo's contemporaries were very surprised by this, as in life he was distinguished piety and not adhered to the monastic way of life. The last words of "Florentine sorcerer" were: "I feel like water in a river. Takes me for death ... " 


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Информация о работе An outstanding person of the England: Leonardo da Vinci