Тәуекел-менеджменттің банк қызметіндегі тиімділігін жоғарылату

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 30 Октября 2011 в 09:56, курсовая работа

Краткое описание

Зерттеудің өзектілігі. Қазақстан экономикасының тұрақтылығы көбінесе банк қызметінің тұрақтылығына байланысты. Республиканың банк жүйесі өзінің қарқынды дамуын әлі де жалғастыруда, өйткені банк қызметтері нарығының қалыптасу процесі жылдан-жылға кеңейіп, жетілдірілуде, сондай-ақ жаңа операциялар, қызметтер мен технологиялар енгізілуде. Сондықтан банк жүйесінің алдында жаңа міндеттер мен басқа да мақсаттар тұр.

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align="justify">     Theoretical and methodological basis of research work are works of the domestic and foreign economists, separate works of the international financial organisations, Kazakhstan Republic Government acts, standard documents of Kazakhstan Republic National bank and Kazakhstan Republic Agency on regulation and supervision of the financial markets and financial institutions. In the course of research various publications were used along with monographic and statistical material.

     Scientific novelty of the given research consists in stating its theoretical substantiation in banks risk-management activity perfection necessity and decision of complex questions directed on quality improvement and risk-management increase efficiency.

     Main regulations for defence:

     - author's definition of risk-management in bank activity taking into account it’s specific and branch features organisation in banks;

     - approaches to risk-management;

      - financial innovations and methods of security usage definitions, as means of minimisation of bank risks;

     - the scheme of the risk-management organisation and its principles;

     - controlling methods, as base element in risk-management;

     - bank risks estimation system according to active operations which have the raised risk degree.

      The practical importance of the work consists in the revealed and offered ways of risk-management activity perfection in banks. Realisation of its substantive provisions, conclusions and offers will allow bank management personnel (system of the inner control) to rise quality and efficiency in prevention process dealing with risks and risks control as a result to promote dynamic development, strengthening of stability and maintenance of bank system stability in general.

      Approbation of the basis results of research. Scientific positions and the results received in dissertational work were reported by the author and have met with approval at the international and republican scientifically-practical conference.  Results of research works are approved by introduction in educational process of the university «Miras» within the course reading upon "Banking", «Bank risks». The results of dissertational work are introduced in practical activity Shymkent’s branch of joint-stock company "Temirbank".

     Structure and work volume. The dissertational work consists of the introduction, three sections, the conclusion and the list of used sources, contains 33 tables, 10 drawings.  


    Басуға 16.03.2009. қол қойылды.  Пішімі 60×84 1/16.

    Көлемі  1,6 б.т. Таралымы 120 дана. Тапсырыс 4/142-09. 

    «Экономика» баспасы» ЖШС

     0500063, Алматы қ., Сайын к-сі, 81. 



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