Variants of English language

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 11 Мая 2014 в 12:17, лекция

Краткое описание

Every language allows different kinds of variations: geographical or territorial, perhaps the most obvious, stylistic, the difference between the written and the spoken form of the standard national language and other.
The problem of the work is concerned with variants of English in different various countries of the world. The reason why we have chosen this theme is that of enlargement of our knowledge of English language, of penetration in its historical past. These materials will help us to evaluate and understand the peculiarities of English language variants.


Introduction 3
1. Varieties of the English Language
1.1. Spread of the English Language. 5
1.2. Modern English 8
2. Variants of the English Language
2.1. Phonetic Peculiarities of the Language Variants 13
2.2. Vocabulary Peculiarities of Variants of the English Language 16
Conclusion 22
List of Literature 23
Appendix 25

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