Translate the sentences from English into Russian

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 11 Мая 2012 в 17:49, контрольная работа

Краткое описание

Task I. Translate the sentences from English into Russian:
1. A number of well-known people both in Russia and abroad worked for the Customs and contributed to its development.
2. We’ll complete the customs formalities fast if you don’t have anything to declare.
3. The customs officer seized the cargo because you hadn’t declared it.
4. A common reason for violation of customs regulations has always been and still is foreign currency.
5. They’ll have filled in their declaration forms by the time the customs inspection starts.
6. How long have you been working in the Customs Service?
7. The first Russian Customs Statute was handed down in 1667.
8. Customs declarations are filled in when leaving or entering the country.

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