Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 27 Февраля 2013 в 20:40, курсовая работа
Translation is a process and the result of turning a text from one language into another, which means expressing the same by the signs of a different language. Bearing in mind that every sign has two planes (plane of expression and plane of content) the essence of translation could be described as changing the elements of the plane of expression while the plane of content remains constant.
The language of the original text is called "source language", the language into which the text is translated is called "target language" (the corresponding Russian terms are "исходный язык" and "переводящий язык").
1.1 Translation Theory. ……………………………………………………………5
1.2 Classification of Translation…………………………………………….……...6
1.3 Main Types Of Translation. …………………………………………………...6
2.1 Literary translation as functional interaction of languages…………………...11
2.2 Context and its role in literary translation…………………………………….12
2.3 Literary translation of words having no correspondence in target language…13
2.4 Culture-Specific Items in Literary Translation……………………………….14
2.5 Literary Translation And Literary Translators………………………………..16
3.1 Literary translation of specifically English grammatical forms and constructions………………………………………………………………………19
3.2 Lexical transformations…………………………………………………...…..20
3.3 Grammar Transformations……………………………………………...……23
3.4 Complex Transformations….…………………………………………………24
Generally speaking, translation of specifically English grammatical constructions consists of two stages: first it is necessary to understand their meaning and then find a corresponding way of expressing it in Russian. For the purpose of translation, grammar does not exist separately. It is not the grammatical form but the grammatical meaning that is of primary concern for a translator or an interpreter. A mistake in grammar (whether it is a misunderstood construction of SL or a wrong variant in TL) always tells on the sense and logic of the text. As soon as the sense and logic of a sentence stop to be transparent it is necessary to stop and look for a mistake in the translation.
3.2 Lexical transformations
They say that translation starts where dictionaries end. Though somewhat exaggerated, this saying truly reflects the nature of literary translation. Dictionaries list all regular correspondences between elements of lexical systems of languages. Translation deals not so much with the system of language but with speech (or to be more exact - with a text, which is a product of speech). So in the process of translating one has to find it by himself which of the meanings of a polysemantic word is realized in a particular context, to see if under the influence of this context the word has acquired a slightly new shade of meaning and to decide how this new shade of meaning (not listed in any dictionary) can be rendered in TL. E.g. no dictionary ever translates the verb "to be" as "лежать", nevertheless it is the best way to translate it in the sentence "She was in hospital" - "Она лежала вбольнице". Moreover, it has already been said that every language has its specific way of expressing things, a way that may be quite alien to other languages. That is why a literal (word-for-word) translation of a foreign text may turn out clumsy (if not ridiculous) in TL. To avoid it one has to resort to some special devices worked out by the theory of translation and known as lexical transformations (or contextual substitutions). There are several types of such transformations.
1. The first type of lexical transformations is used in translating words with wide and non-differentiated meaning. The essence of this transformation lies in translating such words of SL by words with specified concrete meaning in TL. When translating from English into Russian they use it especially often in the sphere of verbs. If English verbs mostly denote actions in rather a vague general way, Russian verbs are very concrete in denoting not only the action itself but also the manner of performing this action as well: "to go (on foot, by train, by plane, etc.)" - "идти пешком", "ехать поездом", “лететь самолетом ", etc. The choice of a particular Russian verb depends on the context. It does not mean, of course, that the verb "to go" changes its meaning under the influence of the context. The meaning of "to go" is the same, it always approximately corresponds to the Russian "перемещаться", but the norms of the Russian language demand a more specified nomination of the action. The same can be illustrated with the verb "to be": "The clock is on the wall", "The apple is on the plate and the plate is on the table" - "Часы висят на стене", "яблоко лежит на тарелке, а тарелка стоит на столе", though in all those cases "to be" preserves its general meaning "находиться". The sentence "He's in Hollywood" in J.D. Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye" should be translated as "Он работает в Голливуде", but if "Oxford" were substituted for "Hollywood" the translation would rather be "учится". This transformation is applicable not only to verbs but to all words of wide semantic volume, no matter to what part of speech they belong: adverbs, adjectives, nouns, etc.
The English pronoun "you" deserves special attention. It can be translated only with the help of differentiation, i.e. either "ты" or "вы". The choice depends on the character, age, the social position of the characters, their relations, and the situation in which they speak. One should remember that the wrong choice can ruin the whole atmosphere of the text.
2. The second type of transformation is quite opposite in its character and is usually called "generalization". In many cases the norms of TL make it unnecessary or even undesirable to translate all the particulars expressed in SL. Englishmen usually name the exact height of a person: "He is six foot three tall". In Russian it would hardly seem natural to introduce a character saying "Он шести футов и трех дюймов росту"; substituting centimeters for feet and inches wouldn't make it much better: "On 190,5 сантиметров росту". The best variant is to say: "Он очень большого роста".
Generalization is also used in those cases when a SL a word with differentiated meaning corresponds to a word with non-differentiated meaning in TL ("a hand" - "рука", "an arm" -"рука", etc.).
3. The third type of transformation is based upon logical connection between two phenomena (usually it is a cause-and-effect type of connection), one of which is named in the original text and the other used as its translated version. This transformation presupposes semantic and logical analysis of the situation described in the text and consists in semantic development of this situation. If the situation is developed correctly, that is if the original and translated utterances are semantically connected as cause and effect, the transformation helps to render the sense and to observe the norms of TL: "Mr. Kelada's brushes ... would have been all the better for a scrub" (S.Maugham) - "Щетки мистера Келады …. не отличались чистотой". It may seem that the translation "не отличались чистотой" somewhat deviates from the original "would have been all the better for a scrub". However, the literal translation "были бы много лучше от чистки" is clumsy while " не отличались чистотой " is quite acceptable stylistically and renders the idea quite correctly: why would they have been all the better for a scrub? - because they не отличались чистотой. Another example: "When I went on board I found Mr. Kelada's luggage already below" (S.Maugham) ". . . я нашел багаж мистера Келады уже внизу" is not Russian. The verb «нашел» or «обнаружил» do not render the situation adequately. It is much better to translate it as "... багаж мистера Келады был уже внизу ", which describes the situation quite correctly: why did I find his luggage below? - because он был уже внизу.
These two examples illustrate substitution of the cause for the effect: the English sentence names the effect while the Russian variant names its cause. There may occur the opposite situation - substitution of the effect for the cause : "I not only shared a cabin with him and ate three meals a day at the same table..." (S.Maugham) - "…три раза в день встречался с ним за одним столом "; "Three long years had passed ... since I had tasted ale..." (Mark Twain) - "Целых три года я не брал в рот пива..." In these examples the English sentences name the cause while the Russian versions contain the effect (I ate three meals a day at the same table with him, so Я три раза в день встречался с ним за одним столом; three long years had passed since I tasted ale, so целых три года я не брал в рот пива).
4. The fourth type of transformation is based on antonymy. It means that a certain word is translated not by the corresponding word of TL but by its antonym and at the same time negation is added (or, if there is negation in the original sentence, it is omitted in translation): "It wasn't too far." - "Это оказалось довольно близко" ("far" is translated as "близко" and negation in the predicate is omitted). Not far = близко.
The necessity for this transformation arises due to several reasons: 1) peculiarities of the systems of SL and TL, 2) contextual requirements, 3) traditional norms of TL.
5. The fifth transformation is usually called "compensation".
To be exact, it is not so much a transformation but rather a general
principle of rendering stylistic peculiarities of a literary text when
there is no direct correspondence between stylistic means of SL and
TL. This transformation is widely used to render speech peculiarities
of characters, to translate puns, rhyming words, etc. The essence of
it is as follows: it is not always possible to find stylistic equivalents
to every stylistically marked word of the original text or to every
phonetic and grammatical irregularity purposefully used by the author.
That is why there should be kept a general stylistic balance based on
compensating some inevitable stylistic losses by introducing stylistically
similar elements in some other utterances or by employing different
linguistic means playing a similar role in TL. Suppose a character uses
the word "fool-proof” which is certainly a sign of the colloquial
register. In Russian there is no colloquial synonym of the word "надежный"
or "безопасный". So the colloquial "fool-proof”
is translated by the neutral "абсолютно надежный"
and the speech of the character loses its stylistic coloring. This loss
is inevitable, but it is necessary to find a way of compensation. There
is another variety of compensation which consists in creating the same
general effect in TL with the help of means different from those used
in SL. A combination of phonetic and grammatical mistakes is used by
G.B.Shaw to show that his character is an uneducated person: "Old
uns like me is up in the world now". It is impossible to make the
same mistakes in the corresponding Russian sentence: "Такие
старики, как я, сейчас высоко ценятся".
Nevertheless, speech characteristics are very important for creating
the image of Beamish, so it is necessary to make him speak in an uneducated
manner. With the help of these five types of transformations one can
overcome practically all lexical difficulties.
3.3 Grammar Transformations
Grammar transformations are morphological or syntactical changes in translated units. They are subdivided into the following types:
1. Grammar substitution, when a grammar category of the translated unit is changed. Thus a passive construction can be translated by an active voice verb form: Martin Heidegger is generally regarded as one of the most influential founders of existentialism. – Мартина Хайдеггера обычно считают одним из самых значительных основоположников экзистенциализма. The reason for this transformation is stylistic: in English the passive voice is used much more often in neutral speech, whereas in Russian this category is more typical of the formal style.
Or there may be substitution of the noun number category, the singular by the plural or vice versa: Her hair is fair and wavy. – У нее светлые волнистые волосы. This transformation is due to the structural difference between the English and Russian languages: in English the analyzed noun is Singularia Tantum, in Russian it is used in the plural.
Parts of speech, along with the parts of the sentence, can be changed: He is a poor swimmer. – Он плохо плавает, where the noun is substituted by the verb, the adjective by the adverb; simultaneously the predicative is substituted by the simple verb predicate. The reason for this transformation can be accounted for by language usage preferences: English tends to the nominal expression of the state, Russian can denote the general state by means of the verb.
2. Word order change. Usually the reason for this transformation is that English and Russian sentences have different information structures, or functional sentence perspective. For example, A new press conference was held in Washington yesterday is naturally equivalent to Вчера в Вашингтоне состоялась новая пресс-конференция, where the adverbial modifiers, subject and predicate are positioned in a mirrorlike fashion.
3. Sentence partitioning is the replacement of a simple sentence in the source text with a complex sentence (with some clauses), or a complex sentence with several independent sentences in the target text for structural, semantic or stylistic reasons: I want you to undestand this transformation. – Я хочу, чтобы вы поняли эту трансформацию. Моя машина не завелась, поэтому я не смогла заехать за вами. – My car wouldn’t start. Therefore, I couldn’t pick you up.
4. Sentence integration is a contrary transformation. It takes place when we make one sentence out of two or more, or convert a complex sentence into a simple one: If one knows languages, one can come out on top. – Зная языки, можно далеко пойти. In ancient Rome, garlic was believed to make people courageous. Roman soldiers, therefore, ate large quantities of it before a battle. – Перед боем римские воины съедали большое количество чеснока, поскольку в Древнем Риме полагали, что чеснок делает людей мужественными.
5.Grammar compensation is a deliberate change of the grammar category by some other grammar means. Compensation takes place when a grammar category or form does not exist in the target laguage and, therefore, cannot produce the same impact upon the target text receptor. This can be illustrated by translating a sentence with a mistaken pronoun form from English into Russian. Since a similar mistake in using the pronoun is impossible in Russian, it is compensated by a mistaken preposition: ''Take some of the conceit out of him,'' he gurgled. ''Out of who?'' asked Barbara, knowing perfectly well that she should have said 'whom' '' - «Поубавь немного у него тщеславия,» - буркнул он. «С кого?» – спросила Барбара, хорошо зная, что ей следовало сказать ‘у кого’». As a result, the translator showed the character's illiteracy.
3.4 Complex Transformations
This type of transformations concerns both the lexical (semantic) and grammatical level, i.e. it touches upon structure and meaning. The following techniques can be associated with lexical and grammatical transformations:
1.Explicatory translation, that is, rewording the meaning into another structure so that the receptor will have a better understanding of the phrase. Sometimes this transformation is named as explicitation, defined as the technique of making explicit in the target text information that is imlicit in the source text. This transformation is often accompanied by the extension of the structure, the addition of new elements: I have a nine-to-five job. –Я работаю с 9 утра до 5 вечера. Leslie Mill’s play, which was also included in the FORUM, was taken up with children from grades 1-5. – Пьеса Лесли Милла, которая также была опубликована в журнале «Форум», была поставлена детьми 1-5 классов. The reason for which this transformation is made is that the target text receptor has different background knowledge. Sometimes this transformation is required because of the dissimilarity between the language structures, with the source language structure being incomplete for the target language, like gun licence is удостоверение на право ношения оружия.
2.Reduction (omission, implicitation) is giving up redundant and communicatively irrelevant words: Elvis Presley denied being lewd and obscene. – Элвис Пресли отрицал свою непристойность. The reduction is a must if a source language expresses the notion by a phrase and the target language compresses the idea in one word: сторонники охраны окружающей среды – conservationists. There is a general tendency of the English language to laconic and compressed expressions as compared with Russian: внебюджетные источники финансирования – nonbudget sources; контроль за ходом проекта – the Project control.
3.Integral transformation is the replacement of a set phrase with another clichéd structure that has the same speech function: How do you do! – Здравствуйте!; Wet paint. – Осторожно, окрашено. Help yourself. – Угощайтесь.
4.Antonymic translation is describing the situation by the target language from the contrary angle.
It can be done through antonyms: the inferiority of friendly troops – превосходство сил противника. The reason for this transformation is the lack of a one-word translation equivalent to the word inferiority.
This transformation can also take place when we change the negation modality of the sentence: She is not unworthy of your attention. – Она вполне достойна вашего внимания. In the English sentence we deal with double negation, called understatement, which, according to logic rules, means the positive expressed in the Russian sentence. Through understatement, English-speaking people avoid expressing their ideas in too a categoric tone.
Shifting the negation is another manifestation of the antonymous translation: I don’t think I can do it. – Думаю, я не смогу сделать это., which is a result of linguistic tradition peculiar to this or that language.
5.Metonymical translation is the transferance of meaning and structure based on the contiguity of forms and meanings of the source and target languages: The last twenty years has seen many advances in our linguistic knowledge. – В последние 20 лет наблюдается значительный прогресс в лингвистике. In the English sentence, time is expressed by the subject of the sentence, whereas in Russian it is more typical to express it by the adverbial modifier. This causes grammar restructuring of the sentence.
6.Complex compensation is a deliberate change of the word or structure by another one because the exact equivalent of the target language word or phrase is unable to produce the same impact upon the receptor as does the source language word or phrase. For example, we often have to compensate on the lexical level the meaning of the Past Perfect in the Russian text translation, since there is no similar tense category in Russian: Their food, clothing and wages were less bad than they had been. – Теперь их еда, одежда и зарплата были не такими уж плохими, как когда-то. Puns, riddles, tongue-twisters are often compensated; for example, Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. – Во дворе трава на траве дрова. Compensation exercises the translator’s ingenuity; however, the effort it requires should not be wasted on textually unimportant features.
To make a conclusion, literary translation has a great role in cultural development of humanity. Thanks to literary translation people can get introduced with history, literature of different countries. Literary translation activities are characterized by a great variety of types, forms and levels of responsibility. The translator has to deal with works of great authors of the past and of the leading authors of present days. Also as it is considered in this course work, translator should be aware of translating literary texts following the original words exactly. In this work it is proved that translation shouldn’t be literal. It is one of the most important things in literary translation. That is why the main target of the course work was to study linguistic difficulties of literary translation and adequate literary translation. Theoretical and practical research concerning this problem confirmed the topicality of the course work.
Here are given resumes after investigation of the course work:
Taking into consideration all these factors
there is no wonder that literary translation causes interest of different kind of scholars, and above all linguists.
And it’s natural, that translator couldn’t get through this field
either, who is always looking forward to finding adequate equivalence
in his (her) native language. There is a huge tasks standing behind
the translator in translating literary texts. For this reason, literary
texts should be translated very carefully; otherwise their meaning is
distorted, this problem arises scholars’ and our interest greatly.
We consider that this work has a significant contribution in studying
linguistic difficulties in literary translation and ways of their solution.
1. Бреус Е.В. Основы теории и
практики перевода с русского
языка на английский. – М.: Просвещение,
2000. – 183 с.
2. Гарбовский Н.К., Беллин Н.Ф., Ширяев А.Ф.
Перевод как лингвистическая проблема.
Сборник статей. – М., 1982. – 232c.
3. Катцер Ю., Кунин А. Письменный перевод
с русского языка на английский.- М., - 1964.
– 45-47c.
4. Комиссаров В.Н. Лингвистика перевода.
– М.: Высшая школа, 1980. – 121-123c.
5. Комисаров В.Н., Рецкер Я.И., Тархов В.И.
Пособие по переводу с русского на русский.
– М.: Просвещение, 1960. – 187c.
6. Комиссаров В.Н. Пособие по теории перевода.-
М.: Высшая школа, 1963.- 87 c.
7. Нелюбин Л.Л. Перевод и прикладная лингвистика.
– М.: Высшая школа, 1983. – 142-143c.
8. Пиввуева Ю.В., Дройнина Е.В. Пособие по
теории перевода (на английском материале).
– М., 2004. – 36-38c.
9. Рецкер Я.И., Тархов В.И. Лингвистика перевода.-M.,
Просвещение, 1961. – 57-58c.
10. Ширяев А.Ф. Перевод и прикладная лингвистика.-M.,
Высшая школа, 1983. – 76-79c.
11. Bellin N.F. Theory of translation.-M., 1983. – 142p.
12. Komissarov V.N., Koralova A.L. A manual of translation from English
into Russian. – M.: Высшая школа, 1990. – 101-103p.
13. Levitskaya T.R., Fiterman A.M. Theory and practice of translation.-Moscow,1963.
– 15-17p.
14. Nida E. Toward a Science of Translating. – 65-68p.
15. Sipovich V.S. Translation course. - Minsk, 2004. – 38-39p.