Контрольная работа по "Иностранному языку"

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 19 Октября 2011 в 22:00, контрольная работа

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Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод простых и сложных причастий.
Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на бессоюзное присоединение определительных придаточных предложений.

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  1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод простых и сложных причастий.
  1. Serving as a means of exchange money is essential in economy.

Служащие  средством обмена, деньги важны для  экономики.

  1. Having introduced new technology the enterprise increased output.

Внедрив новые технологии, предприятие увеличило выпуск продукции.

  1. The commodities produced by the company were of high quality.

Товары, произведенные компанией, были высокого качества.

  1. Being traded openly on the stock exchange, government securities make monetary policy more flexible.

Продаваемые свободно (открыто) на фондовой бирже, государственные ценные бумаги делают валютную политику более гибкой

  1. Having been introduced extensively in the economy, barter transactions made the latte highly wasteful.

Так как  бартерные сделки были экстенсивно  представлены в экономике, они сделали  кофе-латте весьма разорительным. 

  1. Переведите  предложения на русский  язык, обращая внимание на бессоюзное присоединение  определительных  придаточных предложений.
  1. The information the economist relied upon was outdated.

Информация, на которую экономист опирался (полагался), была  устаревшей.

  1. Money can be used to buy things we wish to consume.

Деньги  могут быть использованы для покупки  вещей, которые мы бы хотели


  1. We must know the prices at the moment we need money for making expenditures.

Мы должны знать цены в тот момент, когда  нам необходимы деньги на расходы.

  1. The output of an agricultural commodity this year depends on decisions the farmer made last year.

Выпуск  сельскохозяйственной продукции в  этом году зависит от решений, которые  фермер принял в прошлом году.

  1. A government can restrict the choice a consumer can make.

Правительство имеет право ограничить выбор, который потребитель может сделать. 

  1. Переведите  предложения на русский  язык, обращая внимание на перевод отглагольного  существительного и  герундия.
  1. The planning of the firm performance is one of the essential tasks of the manager.

    Планирование  производительности фирмы – одно из важных заданий менеджера.

  1. The planning of production helps to avoid income losses.

Планирование  производства помогает избежать потери доходов.

  1. Planning production helps to avoid income losses.

    Планированное производство помогает избежать потери доходов.

  1. Governments redistribute incomes within the nation by levying taxes.

Правительство перераспределяет доходы внутри страны с помощью взимания налогов.

  1. Increasing labour productivity reduced the production cost.

Повышенная  производительность  труда сократила  стоимость продукции.

  1. Choosing proper decisions is of great importance in management.

Выбор надлежащих решений немаловажен  в управлении.

  1. Labour productivity may be increased by introducing new machinery

Производительность  труда может быть увеличена внедрением нового машинного оборудования.

  1. The expansion of production will largely depend on their investing adequate amount of money in this business.

Распространение продукции будет в значительной степени зависеть от их инвестирования достаточного количества денег в этот бизнес. 

  1. Раскройте скобки и употребите глагол в пассивном  залоге.
  1. The size of the company is often measured in terms of its assets.
  2. Partnerships are found most often in professions, such as law, medicine and accounting.
  3. In corporations, ownership is represented by shares of stock.
  4. Corporate income is taxed twice.
  5. First-line managers are usually called supervisors.
  6. The company’s account will be presented to the shareholders in May.
  7. Efficiency and effectiveness are interrelated.
  8. The Production Manager must see that our products are made properly.
  9. High profits would be earned by the company when the demand for its goods increased.
  10. The strategic decisions determine the areas in which the company’s resources are employed
  11. In the United Kingdom business companies have been required lately to register under different laws.
  12. Growth can be described as the process of transformation.
  1. Выберите  подходящий модальный  глагол из вариантов  a, b или c:


  1. In the short-term, we ……… continue to rely on the fossil fuels – oil, coal and gas. But we ……… also look to the future. Our policy ……… be flexible.

    a) must, must, needn’t     b) must, must, must        c) have, must, can’t   

    2. They ……… go to the meeting, it was their day off. Yet they went.

    a) needn’t      b) mustn’t      c) didn’t have to 

    3. Until the accident, BP was considered the ‘greenest’ of the big oil companies and ……… convince regulators not to impose tough controls.

    a) could           b) might         c) was able to  

  1. There are three main types of company that we ……… know about, though the first two are not in fact terribly common.

    a) may           b) can         c) should    

  1. Disadvantages associated with a sole proprietorship are that the owner ……… specialise in particular functions but ……… be a jack-of-all trades, and that the  finance available for the expansion of the business is limited to that which the owner ……… raise.

    a) cannot, must, can    b )may not, has to, must  c) cannot, may, may 

  1. A joint-stock company ……… be either a private limited company or a public limited company.

    a) need                 b) can               c) cannot 

  1. The shares of a private company ……… be offered for sale to the public and thus are not traded on the Stock Exchange.

    a) needn’t             b) can               c) cannot 

  1. Some people are clearly good at management, and others are not. Some people will ……… to put management techniques into practice.

    a) be unable              b) can          c) cannot 

  1. To be more precise, we ……… to begin by realising that management styles in any organisation will vary according to the personality and the temperament of the individual manager.

    a) should               b) must                 c) ought     

  1. Какие английские предложения  соответствуют следующему русскому предложению:

    “За снижением потребительского дохода последовало увеличение спроса на низкокачественные товары”. 

    1. After the decrease of the consumer’s income followed the increase in the demand of inferior goods.
    2. The increase of the demand for inferior goods followed after the decrease of the consumer’s income.
    3. The decrease in the consumer’s income was followed by the increase in the demand for inferior goods.
    4. The decrease in the consumer’s income has been followed by the increase in the inferior goods demand.
    5. The increase in the inferior good demand was followed by the decrease in the consumer’s income.

    7. Переведите на английский язык части предложений в скобках, используя герундий. 

  1. The increase of stock holders’ dividends greatly depends on increasing in aggregate  income of the company.
  2. The company had to compensate for damaging goods due to the wrong packing.
  3. Although stock holders have the right to vote at the general meetings, they are not involved in daily managing a company.
  4. The company manager and the board of directors are responsible for conducting general policy of the company.
  5. The high corporation equity was due to decreasing of the production costs (expenses) and the right managing capital assets.
  6. Programmers of many countries are still thinking of improving of computer programs for processing of account  information
  7. Both the bank and the company gained from signing an agreement about loan.
  8. The company being unable to pay its debts to the creditors it was useless to protect against selling of company’s property.

    8. Вставьте в предложения следующие причастия и наречия, образуя соответствующую форму степени сравнения.


high  important (2) many  large  low  effectively

much  great  clear  reliable strong (2)  quickly 

  1. Command economy relies more on planning than on prices.
  2. Knowledge of foreign languages is of the greatest. importance now than it was some 40 years ago.
  3. The degree of government regulation in present – day Russia is lower than in the Soviet Union.
  4. Government intervention in Sweden is as strong as in Denmark or, probably, stronger
  5. Land quality is more important for agriculture than for other industries.
  6. If we want to have a clear picture of economic life in the country, we must have the most reliable information.
  7. In the 18th century the largest part of national income in many. European countries came from import and export tariffs. Those days they play a more important role.
  8. Governments can influence for whom goods are produced effectively in economies with high. levels of government regulation.
  9. If other things are equal, this firm will do the work more quickly than the others.
  1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на сложные формы инфинитива.
    1. The use of several national currencies is said to be more wasteful than one common currency for a number of countries.

Говорят, что использование различных  национальных валют более неэкономно, чем одной валюты для числа стран.

    1. Economists expect euro to be used alongside national currencies in the European Community countries as long as 2003.

Экономисты  ожидают, что евро будет использовано вместе с национальными валютами в странах ЕС до 2003г

    1. Temporary unemployment is believed to be transformed into permanent one due to unemployment benefits.

Верят, что временная безработица будет  превращена в постоянную, из-за пособий  по безработице.

    1. The 1990 tax reform in Sweden put an end to a number of conditions under which taxes might be reduced and the payment of a tax might be deferred.

В 1990г  налоговая реформа в Швеции положила конец некоторому количеству условий, при которых налоги должны были сократить и уплату налогов отсрочить.

    1. Most European banks were reported to start offering accounts in euro and trading in euro as soon as the latter was introduced.

Сообщал, что большинство европейских  банков начали предлагать счета в  евро и обмен в евро, как только последние упомянутые были введены.

    1. Loans provided by commercial banks, building societies, etc. must be considered as the essential source of credit in an economy.

Займы, предоставленные коммерческими  банками, строительными сообществами и т.д. считаются важным источником доверия в экономике.

    1. The incomes policy is an attempt to affect wages and other incomes directly.

Политика  регулирования доходов – это  попытка повлиять на зарплату и другие доходы непосредственно.

    1. The government can adopt a tight policy to ensure a low inflation rate.

Правительство может принять упорный курс, чтобы  обеспечить низкий уровень инфляции.

    1. A steady increase in money supply is to cause inflation.

Постоянное  увеличение в снабжении деньгами вызывает инфляцию. 

 10. Раскройте скобки и вставьте соответствующую форму причастия. 

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