Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 19 Апреля 2012 в 13:07, курсовая работа
Жұмыстың жалпы сипаттамасы. Диссертациялық жұмыс жастар арасындағы құқық бұзуға бейім мінез құлықтарға байланысты жасалған қылмыстардың криминологиялық сипаттамасына жан-жақты талдау жасауға арналған. Зерттеу жұмысында құқық бұзуға бейім жас адамдардың қылмысты жасау себептері мен жағдайлары, олардың жеке бас ерекшеліктері және қылмыстардың алдын-алу мәселелерін одан ары жетілдіру жолдары қарастырылған.
Теоретико-методической основой диссертационного исследования являются основные положения диалектико-материалистического метода познания и основывающиеся на нем наиболее общие частно-научные методы: исторические, сравнительные, системно-структурные, конкретно-социологические (анкетирование, анализ документов, статистическая обработка полученных данных), фундаментальные положения современной философии.
Нормативную основу исследования составляют официальные материалы и документы: Всеобщая Декларация прав человека, Конституция Республики Казахстан, Конвенции, Законы Республики Казахстан, Постановления Правительства Республики Казахстан, а также нормативные правовые акты стран ближнего и дальнего зарубежья. А также, опубликованные в периодической печати и литературе, данные статистики и конкретно-социологических исследований по вопросам преступности несовершеннолетних; материалы деятельности комиссии по делам несовершеннолетних и защите их прав; результаты изучения деятельности материалов ПДН ГОРРАЙОВД Республики Казахстан; ежегодные материалы статистической отчетности МВД и Генеральной прокуратуры Республики Казахстан о состоянии преступности и правонарушений в стране.
Основные результаты проведенного исследования, теоретические положения, основанные на них выводы и рекомендации, прошли апробацию на международных и республиканских научно-практических конференциях. Проблемные вопросы диссертационного исследования были опубликованы в журналах и научных сборниках, включенных в список Комитета по контролю в сфере образования и науки МОН Республики Казахстан.
и объем диссертационного
исследования отвечает целям и задачам
исследования. Диссертация состоит введения,
двух разделов, включающих шесть подразделов,
заключения, списка использованных источников
и приложения.
Of the thesis for submitting of the scientific degree
Candidate of Law Sciences
Reasons and
conditions promoting fulfilment of offences among young people, and
problems of their prevention
– criminal law and criminology; criminal-executive law
Zharkinbek Tagaibekovich
General characteristic in the work are analyzed state, the dynamics and the structure of the criminality of young people. There is given the comprehensive criminality characteristic of the personality of young people of those committed crimes, are systematized the reasons for condition, and also the criminality factors, which have an effect on molding not only personality, but also to their behavior, the system of the measures of warning the criminality of young people. Furthermore, in the thesis is given comparative static analysis about the level of the criminality of young people (2000-2008), the results of the questioning, conducted in the educational institutions of Almaty city.
The subject of a study is social relations in the region of crime control of young people in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The object of experiment is the determination of the personality of young person, its classification on the basis of psychological and pedagogical characteristic according to the sign dependent on age, and also forms and methods of organizing the preventive measures for warning of the crimes, perfected by young people and the basic principles of training.
Purpose of a study is determination of the system of the measures of fight with the involvement of the minor in the criminal activity, the correspondences standards of the acting criminal legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan about the responsibility for the accomplishments of this crime to the needs of practice, the production of effective means of improving the system of the measures for warning, including the optimum ways of further improvement of criminal legislation and the preventive maintenance of the forced criminality of minor in the family and working relations, and also the state of preventive activity for this sphere. The following problems are posed in accordance with the designating purpose: a study of the lawful aspects of domestic legislation in the sphere of the forced criminality of minor; the analysis of the contemporary state of the crimes, perfected by minor; the development of proposals and recommendations regarding the improvement of criminal legislation and other normative- lawful reports; to develop legislations in the region of crime control, including of minor; to place the proposals, directed for the development of the theory of warning criminality; the study of the personal characteristics of minor (social-demographic, in a cultured way- educational, emotional-volitional properties, need, interests, tendencies, value orientations, the special feature of legal conscience); the examination of the basic problems of the cooperation of the pedagogical associations of the general education schools of republic Kazakhstan with some subjects of the preventive maintenance of the antipropogandic behavior of the students of general education schools. Basic condition, verdict to the protection: Crimes perfected by juveniles can create threat health and life of that suffered, as a result of which: not attracting to the penal responsibility of minor, and also their impunity leads to the continuation with them criminal activity, namely to the accomplishment of heavy and separately heavy crimes inadequate behavior, the special features of the psychological state of minor serve as occasions for the accomplishment by them crimes; the personality of minor criminal is characterized by emotional instability, aggressiveness, roughness, impetuosity; by the circumstances, which determine the accomplishment of crimes not relations, and also the state of preventive activity in this sphere.
The scientific novelty of a dissertation study consists of that the work at the monographic level is carried out a comprehensive study of the special features of the criminality of young people, and also the state of preventive activity in this sphere, taking into account age-qualification and psychological, social and moral, demographic and lawful special features. The theoretical significance of a dissertation study consists in the substantiation of the mechanism of the creation of counteracting forces to criminal violence in the society and the family, which includes new social institutes from the civil sector. The practical significance of a study is determined by the fact that the positions and the conclusions, presented in it, can be used: for improving the standards of administrative, criminal, criminal procedure and criminal- executive law; with the development of legislation in the region of crime control, including of minor; with further development of the theory of warning criminality; in the use of law practice for an improvement in the guarantee of rights and protection of minor. Some recommendations and proposals can find their reflection in the activity of law-enforcement agencies, and also can be realized with the preparation of the normative decisions of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Substantive provisions born on protection:
1.The biosocial concept in criminalistic is a direction of the person interrelation in infringement of character and mental change.
2. Change aggressive action in a society, it not only depends on the state social and economic politics, but also depends on education of the person.
3. The reasons determining matters - it is not defined in private and the general criminal character, because it not exists.
4. Character of the person is defined with mental aspirations, but during decision-making the basic role is played with will of the person. If there is no will of the person then diminished responsibility and the concrete case which has shown the reason of a crime which releases the person from the criminal liability takes place.
5. The adverse social circumstance in a society and material lacks of the person (unemployment, poverty and so on) directly operates on mentality of the person (there is an aggression, revenge and so on). Such circumstances influence the person, but is not the factor of perfection of crimes, therefore any actions depend on the person of the person.
6. " The person of the criminal " is criminalistic qualification, it gives concept of "the public relation". It is realized by education, knowledge of introduction (it - measures uses in offences).
7. The spirit and morals of the nation - should renew on the basis of religious customs, its norms are necessary for reflecting in the modern practical concept. Offers the families directed on strengthenings, improvements of study and education at school, improvement ideologies, increases of a level of education of youth and preventive maintenance of their illegal behaviour there should be stipulated; offers on necessity of acceptance of laws "About protection of children from needy families", "About rendering of the medicine-sanitary help to young families", "About protection of restored health of citizens", to employees of divisions on affairs of minor offenders, pupils of schools.
Theoretical- systematic the basis of a dissertation study: the historical, comparative, system-structure, concrete sociological (questioning, the analysis of documents, statistical processing of obtained data), fundamental positions of contemporary philosophy.
Official materials and documents compose the normative the basis of a study: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, conventions, the laws of Republic Kazakhstan, the decisions of the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and also the normative lawful reports of the countries of near and far abroad. And also, published in periodicals and the literature the data of statistics and concrete - sociological researches on questions of criminality of minors; materials of activity of the commission on affairs of minors and protection of their rights; results of studying of activity of materials on affairs minor city regional internal affairs Republic of Kazakhstan; annual materials of the static reporting of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Office of Public Prosecutor of Republic Kazakhstan about a condition of criminality and offences in the country.
The basic results of the conducted investigation, the theoretical positions, based on them conclusions and recommendation, passed approval at the international and republic practical-scientific conferences. Problematic questions of a dissertation study were published in the periodicals and the scientific the collections, included in the list of committee on supervision in the sphere of formation and science Respublic of Kazakhstan.
Structure and volume of a dissertation study answers purposes and tasks of a study. Thesis consists of title page, list of designations and reductions, introduction, two divisions, seven subsections, conclusion, list of the used literature and application.