Oil and gas company “Rosneft” in the Russian Federation

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 19 Октября 2012 в 17:31, курсовая работа

Краткое описание

The purpose of this work – to define and consider strategic management of the Rosneft petroleum company which led it to success and to popularity not only in Russia, but also in other countries. In this work in aim to show the process of strategic planning we suggest this scheme: to determine goals and objectives, to determine the characteristics of environment, SWOT analyse, BKG Matrix, to determine strategy.


Executive Summary 3
1.About oil and gas company “Rosneft”. 4
2.Theoretical aspects of the Strategic Management 6
3.PESTanalyse 12
4.Porter’s Five Forces Model 15
5.Strategic Group Analysis 17
6.Porter’s Value Chain 21
7.Straegic resorces analysis 21
8.Portfolio analyse. Boston Matrix (BCG BOX) 23
9.SWOT-analyse 25
Conlusion. 28
References 29

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