Companys strategic behavior in terms of oligopoly

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 21 Ноября 2012 в 12:55, курсовая работа

Краткое описание

Current economic situation is a combination of different forms of relations between economic actors. Certainly the key relationship in the system is market relations. Market relations, as a set of commodity-money relations between seller and buyer, are a broad economic category. The type of market structure depends very much. In today's world, among the four market structures are only two real: oligopoly and monopolistic competition. Deserve the most attention is oligopoly markets, because large corporations, which operate on oligopoly markets determine economic conditions and economic development trend of various countries and international economic relations, which is especially important in crisis changes vector relationships. Therein lays the relevance of this work.
The objective is to conduct research firm’s strategy on oligopoly markets.
For the purpose of work, was formed several tasks:


1.1 Types of markets: definition and principles of functioning 5
1.2 Models of company’s strategic behavior on the oligopoly market 12
2.1 Peculiarity of company’s strategic behavior on Ukrainian mobile-communication market 20
2.2 Evaluation the company’s behavior in the air transportation 22
2.3 Problems, that appears in national companies on the oligopoly market……......23
2.4 The ways of improvement the national company’s strategic behavior on oligopoly market…………………………………………………………………....26

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Therefore, there are a number of issues with the functioning of markets oligopoly that still remains unresolved.




In assessing the oligopolistic market structures, it should be noted, first, the inevitability of their formation as an objective process, arising from the open competition and the desire of enterprises to achieve optimal scale of production. Secondly, although both the positive and the negative assessment of oligopolies in modern economic life, we should recognize the inevitability of their objective existence.

The positive evaluation of oligopolistic market structures associated primarily with the achievements of scientific and technological progress. Indeed, in recent decades in many industries with oligopolistic structures has made significant progress in the development of science and technology (space, aviation, electronic, chemical, oil industry). Oligopoly has huge financial resources, as well as the obvious influence in the political and economic circles of the society that allows them to varying degrees of availability to participate in the implementation of beneficial projects and programs funded, often by public funds. Small competitive firms generally do not have sufficient funds to implement the existing developments.

The negative assessment of oligopolies determined by the following points. It is above all that oligopoly is very similar in structure to a monopoly, and therefore can expect the same negative effects as in the monopoly market power. Oligopoly by entering into secret agreements leave the control of the state and create the appearance of competition while in fact seeking to profit at the expense of buyers. Ultimately, this affects less effective use of available resources and the deterioration of society's needs

Despite the considerable financial resources, concentrated in oligopolistic market structures, the majority of new products and technologies developed by independent inventors and small and medium enterprises engaged in research activities. However, the technological possibilities of practical implementation of science and technology often have the only large enterprises that are oligopolistic structure. In connection with this oligopoly use the opportunity to achieve success in the field of technology, production and market-based development of small and medium business that does not have sufficient capital for their technological implementation.

Based on the study can be concluded that although an oligopoly does not satisfy the abstract conditions of effective use and allocation of resources, in reality it is effective as an important contributor to economic growth, participating actively in research and development of new products and technologies, as well as implement these inventions into production.

Many Western economists argue that the oligopolistic structure is best suited for long-term, expensive, basic research and development and implementation of the results obtained in production. It is alleged that, as members of oligopoly are constantly faced with a pronounced competition from its main rivals, they, unlike the monopolist, there are clear grounds to actively use technological advances to improve their market position.

In addition, members of oligopoly with significant profit, which is the result of the existence of barriers to entry into the industry and their ability to avoid price competition.


The list of recommended literature


  1. Perloff, J: Microeconomics Theory & Applications with Calculus page 445. Pearson 2008.
  2. Colander, David C. Microeconomics 7th ed. Page 288 McGraw-Hill 2008
  3. Samuelson, W & Marks, S: 100. Managerial Economics 4th ed. page 415 Wiley 2003
  4. Sullivan, arthur; Steven M. Sheffrin (2003). Economics: Principles in action. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458: Pearson Prentice Hall. pp. 153. ISBN 0-13-063085-3.
  5. Hirschey, M, Managerial Economics Rev. Ed, page 451. Dryden 2006.
  6. Negbennebor, A: Microeconomics, The Freedom to Choose CAT 2007
  7. Melvin & Boyes, Microeconomics 5th ed. page 267. Houghton Mifflin 2006
  8. This statement is the Cournot conjectures. Kreps, D.: A Course in Microeconomic Theory pag 326. rinceton 2005.
  9. Kreps, D.: A Course in Microeconomic Theory page 326. Princeton 2000.
  10. Pindyck, R & Rubinfeld, D: Microeconomics 5th ed. Prentice-Hall 2001
  11. There is nothing to guarantee an even split. Kreps, D.: A Course in Microeconomic Theory page 331. Princeton 2003.
  12. This assumes that there are no capacity restriction. Binger, B & Hoffman, E, 284-85. Microeconomics with Calculus, 2nd ed. Addison-Wesley, 2000.
  13. Simply stated the rule is that competitors will ignore price increases and follow price decreases. Negbennebor, A: Microeconomics, The Freedom to Choose page 299. CAT 2001
  14. Media Industry Profile: Australia, Datamonitor, October 2008
  15. Beer Industry Profile: United Kingdom, Datamonitor, Dec. 2008
  16. Makkonel K.R., Bruy S.L.     “Economics”, October 2008
  17. Amir D. Akzel “Business Statistics”, December 2009
  18. Гребенников П.И. Леусский А.И., Тарасевич Л.С. “Микроэкономика”, С - Пб. 96
  19. Лившиц А.Я. “Введение в рыночную  экономику”, М.91
  20. Линдсей Д.И., Долан Э.Д. “Рынок: микроэкономическая модель”, С - Пб.92
  21. Макконел К.Р., Брю С.Л. “Экономикс”, М.93
  22. - Official web-site of “Kyivstar”
  23. - Official web-site of “Life”
  24. - Official web-site of Parliament of Ukraine
  25. - Official web-site of Government of Ukraine
  26. - Economy of Ukraine: Political and Economic Journal
  27. – Economic news of Ukraine
  28. Economic news of Ukraine
  31. - UNIAN News


Информация о работе Companys strategic behavior in terms of oligopoly