Стилистические особенности газетно журнальной статьи

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 20 Ноября 2014 в 10:13, курсовая работа

Краткое описание

Газета, как известно, является самым доступным источником информации, который оперативно освещает политические события страны. Обращение к этой проблематике обусловлено несколькими причинами:
1)газетный текст – это особый и показательный вид текстовой деятельности, предполагающий, соответственно, особый подход к его исследованию. Одной из его главных отличительных особенностей является донесение до аудитории видение мира, ситуации, проблемы в наиболее чёткой выразительной форме;

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Этим обусловлено стилистическое многообразие данного функционального жанра. Ввиду множества рассматриваемых тем, данный стиль наполняется разнообразным по видам словарным запасом; приобретает стилистические черты различных стилей. Но именно это и выделяет его из множества других функциональных видов речи, делает его сложным и вместе с тем уникальным объектом исследования.

Так, словарный состав данного функционального стиля можно разделить на 3 пласта:

  1. Общественно-политическая лексика
  2. Оценочная лексика
  3. Безоценочная лексика, распределяющаяся на следующие подгруппы:
    1. Слова, означающие время и место («информационные» слова);
    1. Строевые слова.
    2. Стилистически публицистика отличается следующими чертами:
    3. Материал данного жанра носит разговорно-фамильярный характер.
    4. Он характерен употреблением употреблением жаргонизмов, перифраз и т.п.
    5. Отмечается официальный характер титулов и обращений.
    6. Так же примечателен особый способ выделения абзацев.
    7. С точки зрения этимологии исследователи отмечают обилие интернациональных слов, заимствований, а также стремление к инновациям.
    8. Публицистические тексты нередко используют лексику, характерную для других жанров речи.

Рассмотрев теоретические основы, мы постарались проанализировать тексты их следующих публикаций «The Washington Post» и «Los Angeles Times» и применить полученные знания и увиденные особенности на практике.

Ввиду того, что статьи носят разный характер направленности материала, можно проследить разнообразие как лексики, так и стилистических  приемов в публицистических материалах.

Так, первая статья – “Doctor Who: Day of the Doctor’ anniversary special is hot ticket item” относится к аналитическому жанру (обозрение) и обладает оценочной, экспрессивной лексикой, выполняет побуждающую функцию материала - призывает посетить мероприятие.

Вторая же статья  “Merkel, Hollande want to forge new intelligence pacts with U.S.”носит информационный характер (отчёт) и даёт читателю обзор одной из сторон политической деятельности страны. Ввиду данной функции, сам материал носит сухой, описательный характер, наполнен политическими терминами и не отличается экспрессивностью.

Таким образом, цели и задачи, которые были поставлены, можно считать выполненными. Целью работы являлся анализ текстов публицистического стиля и выявление их лексико-стилистических характеристик.














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  18. ‘Doctor Who: Day of the Doctor’ anniversary special is hot ticket item [Электронный ресурс] 25.10.13 URL: http://herocomplex.latimes.com/tv/doctor-who-day-of-the-doctor-anniversary-special-is-hot-ticket-item/#/0 (Дата обращения 28.04.14) Загл. с экрана. Яз. англ.
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                                                                                             Приложение 1

“Doctor Who: Day of the Doctor’ anniversary special is hot ticket item”

Excited to see “Doctor Who: Day of the Doctor,” the highly anticipated “Doctor Who” 50th anniversary special, on the big screen? You’re not alone.

Tickets for the upcoming theatrical screenings of the 75-minute anniversary special went on sale Friday morning, and stateside fans of the landmark English series seemed eager to snap up seats for the events, set for Nov. 23 and Nov. 25.As our sister blog Showtracker reported Thursday, “Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor” will screen in select movie theaters in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Seattle, Washington, D.C., San Francisco, Dallas, Houston, Atlanta and Minneapolis Nov. 23 in RealD 3D, coinciding with a worldwide simulcast of the special in 75 countries, including the U.S.GRAPHIC: Meet the many faces of ‘Doctor Who’Orchestrated by BBC Worldwide, the simulcast and screenings were part of an effort to avoid spoilers and plot leaks.An additional 300 theaters nationwide will screen the special Nov. 25 in RealD 3D.The anniversary special marks Matt Smith’s penultimate appearance as the Doctor after he announced earlier this year that he is leaving the show following the Christmas special. Scottish actor Peter Capaldi has been named as Smith’s successor.Last week, new images were released from the special — check them out in the gallery above — of Smith (who plays the 11th incarnation of the Doctor), along with his popular predecessor David Tennant (the 10th Doctor) and newcomer John Hurt. Hurt was introduced as the Doctor in May’s season finale, though fan speculation abounds as to whether Hurt’s character is a previous iteration, a future iteration or an alternate-timeline version of the time traveler, or else another character altogether.

ESSAY: A love letter to ‘Doctor Who’

The special also stars Jenna Coleman, who plays the Doctor’s current traveling companion Clara Oswald, and Billie Piper, who portrayed fan-favorite traveling companion Rose Tyler, the first female lead after the show’s 2005 reboot.

The newly released images also include a peek at Jemma Redgrave as Kate Stewart — a character first introduced in a 1995 direct-to-video story “Downtime.” She appeared in last season’s episode “The Power of Three,” in which she served as the head of scientific research at UNIT.Although tickets appeared to be selling briskly in the morning, a quick check showed that seats are still available for the Nov. 25 screenings in Los Angeles at the Regal L.A. Live Stadium 14 and the Edwards Alhambra Renaissance Stadium 14 & IMAX.Are you excited for a chance to see “Doctor Who” on the big screen? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below. 
– Noelene Clark and Gina McIntyre

Приложение 2

«Merkel, Hollande want to forge new intelligence pacts with U.S.»

BERLIN — The leaders of Germany and France on Friday proposed the creation of new cooperation agreements between U.S. and European intelligence services, taking the first steps toward resolving a diplomatic crisis in the wake of reports alleging that the National Security Agency had monitored the phone conversations of more than 30 world leaders.

Saying that trust in the United States had been damaged, German Chancellor Angela Merkel pledged Friday that she and French President François Hollande would quickly forge new pacts that would expand guidelines for U.S. intelligence operations on European soil. She did not elaborate on her demands.

Merkel is planning to send the heads of Germany’s foreign and domestic intelligence agencies to the United States to discuss the issue on “relatively short notice,” a spokesman said Friday, an unusual measure that suggests Germany is pushing for a quick end to the diplomatic uproar and the domestic outrage accompanying it. He said the visit would aim to clarify past U.S. spying efforts on German soil.

France and Germany “individually will get in contact with the United States and the security community there and try to work out a framework for further cooperation,” Merkel said at a news conference in Brussels, where she was attending a European summit.

She did not give details and declined to say whether she was seeking an agreement along the lines of a mutual “no-spying” pact between United States, Britain and several other English-speaking countries.

“We need something clear-cut that is also in line with the spirit of an alliance,” Merkel said. She said she hopes to achieve an agreement by the end of the year.

Hollande echoed Merkel’s comments. “There are behaviors and practices that cannot be accepted,” he said. “What is in play is preserving our relationship with the United States.”

The extent of the potential damage to other cooperative efforts between the United States and Europe remained unclear Friday. Merkel said she did not think that complex negotiations over a U.S.-E.U. trade pact should be put on hold, as several top European officials had suggested Thursday.

But she expressed sympathy for an effort in the European Parliament to pause a program that gives U.S. intelligence agencies access to information about the financial transactions of suspected terrorists that is routed through the Brussels-based electronic banking system known as SWIFT.

In a statement Friday, the leaders of the 28 E.U. member nations said they “took note of the intention of France and Germany to seek bilateral talks with the USA with the aim of finding, before the end of the year, an understanding on mutual relations in that field.” Other E.U. countries “are welcome to join this initiative,” the statement said.

In Washington on Friday, State Department spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki said no decision had been made on proposed talks with the European Union about surveillance.

“It is no secret that over the last few months a series — these unauthorized disclosures of classified information have, of course, led to criticisms of our intelligence activity by many of our friends and partners,” Psaki said. “It’s created significant challenges in our relationships with some of our partners and has been, of course, a public distraction, as we even saw over the last couple of days.”

She repeated the administration’s main defenses — that the activity is akin to intelligence gathering carried out by governments worldwide, that the information gleaned is often shared with friends to mutual benefit and that there is internal U.S. oversight over intelligence gathering.

“While our capabilities are unmatched, the U.S. government is not operating unrestrained,” Psaki said.

Meanwhile, Brazil and Germany have joined forces to press for the adoption of a U.N. general resolution that promotes the right of privacy on the Internet, marking the first major international effort to restrain the NSA’s intrusions into the online communications of foreigners, according to diplomatic officials familiar with the push.

Brazilian and German diplomats met in New York on Thursday with a small group of Latin American and European government officials to consider a draft resolution that calls for expanding the privacy rights spelled out in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights to the online world. The draft does not refer to the flurry of revelations about U.S. spying that have caused the current furor, particularly in Brazil and Germany. But it was clear that those revelations provided the political momentum for Thursday’s move.

The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights was written in 1966 and came into force in 1976, decades before the Internet transformed the way people around the world communicate. Article 17 of the covenant states that “no one shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to unlawful attacks on his honor and reputation.” It also declares that “everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.”

“The covenant was formulated at a time when the Internet didn’t exist,” said a diplomat familiar with the talks who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss confidential diplomatic negotiations. “Everyone has the right to privacy, and the goal of this resolution is to apply those protections to online communications.”

Brazil and Germany are expected to formally introduce the resolution early next week. The draft has not been made public and is subject to negotiation among U.N. member states.

“This is not just about spying,” the diplomat said, but also about ensuring the “privacy of citizens in their home states under their own home legislation.”

“It calls on countries to put an end to violations of that right,” the diplomat added. “People have to be protected offline and online.”




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