Using visual material in teaching Past tenses in 4th form

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 24 Октября 2011 в 21:00, курсовая работа

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The purpose of this study is to investigate the helping methods of using visual material in teaching Past tenses; to expose of variety of challenging often interesting activities and techniques in using visual material at the lessons of English.
To analyze scientific and define the mechanisms of formation of sentences expressing Past actions in the process of speech
To give useful information how Past tenses can be approached with the help of visual materials.
To present a variety of tasks provide effective practice with Past tenses learning strategies


INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………..3
Theoretical aspects in using visual materialS in
teaching Past tenses.….…………………….…………………….…….5
The system of past tenses……………………………………………….…5
The role of visual material in language teaching ………………………8
The classification of visual material………………………………….…12
Visual material and their methodology…………………………………18

The practice of using visual materials in teaching past tenses. in 4th FORM ….……………………………………………..20
Exercises for presentation a new material………………………….…..20
Tasks for revision …………………………………………………….….23

CONCLUSION ………………………………………………………………….26
BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………………………….27
APPENDIX ……………………………………………………..………………28

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iii) I___________________ on a giant switchback.

iv) I______________________________________ 

v) I______________________________________ 

vi) I_____________________________________

     Then at the third exercise pupils should describe, what they did on their holidays.

Bill did a lot of things on his holiday. Now you write 3 things you did on your last holiday.



iii)   …………………………. 

    1. Tasks for revision

     Pupils get from the teacher some lists with pictures and tasks. Together we remember all that we have learnt. We remember that we have read the story about Mr. Brown’s family and these tasks on our previous theme. We check our knowledge and logical meaning.

     There are some pictures on the list and pupils should tick true this statement or false according to this pictures and their remembrances about text.

     It starts with “Betty Brown went to London yesterday”. At the end of this exercise pupils should write 5 more statements and ask a friend if they are true or false.

Class: 4 A

Theme: Betty’s day in London (Past Simple)

    Aim: to teach pupil to use past tense in the right form, to find out the difference between present tense and past.

Objectives: educational – to develop pupils mental abilities, creative thinking

Cultural – to show pupils, how can we spend our holiday

Practical - to learn new theme, to teach pupils to use words and new material

Equipment:  auxiliary visual material, words on the blackboard,


Betty’s day out

Betty Brown went to London


Exercise 1

True or false?

Put a tick in the correct column.

Betty had lunch in an Indian restaurant.

They went to Trafalgar Square.

She forgot to feed the cat.

She drove all the way to London.

She met a friend at the station.

They bought a lot of presents.

It was dark when she got home.

Now you write 5 more statements and

ask a friend if they are true or false.




     On the second exercise we have to make questions in the Past with verbs, according to the example.

Exercise 2

Make questions in the PAST with these verbs.

        Did she drive to London?






In pairs ask and answer the questions.

forget …………………………….




buy ……………………………… 

     The third exercise we should imagine a conversation between Betty and “noisy neighbor” about her visit to London in sic questions and six answers, also we have to paint the picture in copy book.


Exercise 3

Write a conversation between Betty and a ‘nosey neighbour’  about her visit to London. The conversation should include 6 questions and answers. 


     In this course work have been investigated the significant theme of using visual material in teaching Past tenses on the English lessons.

     Investigation is finished and we can make a conclusion that a visual material plays an important role in teaching at all.

     Studying English language pupils meets many problem, and the main solution and our main purpose is to help them to understand it better with the help of visual materials.

     Through the visual materials we can teach pupils more information, than without it. Because lessons shouldn’t be just as an official plan, it should be always interesting, always exciting to everybody. Even lecture in institute, even lesson in primary school. They both need visual materials and with the help of it teacher could create special atmosphere which will be favorable for everybody.

     Teaching Past tenses through visual materials become easier and grateful when pupils will be interested in whole procedure.

     When they will see aids they will imagine real life and it will be good association when they will grow up. 


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