The dawn comes up like a thunder

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 28 Октября 2011 в 04:43, сочинение

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This story is about one event which had a great influence on the life of our future friend.
In the beginning he was an ordinary Spanish master. There was nothing at all important for him in his life. He lived alone. His works were priced too critical by critics and they were not in demand among people

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The dawn comes up like a thunder

This story is about one event which had a great influence on the life of our future friend.

In the beginning he was an ordinary Spanish master. There was nothing at all important for him in his life. He lived alone. His works were priced too critical by critics and they were not in demand among people.

Eventually this is normal in the society. Every genius gets their acknowledgement after their death. It is always problematically for the artistic persons.

So our master solved to make something unforgettable, in other words – a masterpiece. For it he needed some new extraordinary feelings and emotions. And he chose one modern country for his impressive journey. It was Canada.

It was 11.30, October, 15, when our Spanish friend was in the plane on the way to America. He knew only approximate hour when he would arrive. So at the moment he was enjoying the flight. In a few hours he landed at last. He was impressed with architecture of Canada, its nature and friendly people. At that moment he realized that it was right choice to come here. He rented an apartment   on the outskirt of the city. Every day he went for a walk to the Central Park. There our master finished his drawings which he had begun drawing in Spain. As he didn’t know English at all it was too hard to live there. But later he met a group of smiling and joking students in the Park during one of his walks. They were students of faculty of foreign languages. He became best friends with them. They have been spending a good time for about two weeks. He told them about his aim of his journey. And they in their turn taught him some English words. But it was very difficult for him and our master had to pronounce the words many times. In the beginning he funny spelt in a drawl the word “flower” with a Spanish accent.

One day he made acquainted with charming lady. She was Elizabeth Fisher, the mother of one of his friends-students, Carlotta. She was lovely, delightful and perfect woman. They were always together; she has shown him beauty of our world. He was completely fascinated by her. And Spanish master has created the perfect masterpiece of passion – the unforgettable picture named by “The dawn comes up like a thunder”. Admittedly it was noticed by American government. And our friend got a suggestion to sell his picture to the government. Government’s aim was to put the picture on a global level as a national treasure. But he couldn’t sell his dream so easy so he refused.

At any rate it was a time preparing for Halloween. Every child and even every adult were waiting forward this holiday. Our master with his friends and Elizabeth has already chosen Halloween costumes for them. It was night, October, 31, when this event has happened. That night was busy by holiday troubles and Carlotta was chief for the costumes for everyone of their company. At that moment when our master was talking with children who came to them for some sweets Carlotta had gone to change her costume. Our friend’s talking was broken with squeak from Carlotta’s room. It seemed no cause at the first sight to commit the abduction but Carlotta was lost. They were in a great grief. This holiday became for them a misfortune.

But next morning our master got a letter with a suggestion about exchange Carlotta for his masterpiece. In the letter there was an address where Spanish master had to get his picture to. So he decided to sacrifice his art creation and take Carlotta back home. That day he understood by all his heart how he loved all his friends. Friends have become for him like invaluable treasure. Although American government has reached its aim – to put Spanish master’s picture on a global level as a national treasure, our friend didn’t despair. He was sure that essential of his picture “The dawn comes up like a thunder” had come true. We can’t know when we fall in love, but this feeling’s too abrupt and so wonderful. His masterpiece will be always among us.

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