Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 19 Марта 2014 в 07:08, лекция
The beginnings of technology can be traced to what is known as Paleolithic or old stone age, when the earliest men made tools of flint, wood and bone, such as axes, knives, needles, spears and bows. The Paleolithic age was succeeded, about 5000 B.C., by the Neolithic or new stone age, in which men still used mainly store-for their tools, but turned from hunting to agriculture. Neolithic man indented textiles to clothe himself, instead of skins, and produced the first primitive machines for spinning thread and weaving cloth. Some time in the millennium before 3000 В. C, the smelling and easting o1 metals were discovered. By heating certain types of stone with charcoal, copper was produced and later it was found that the addition of a small quantity of tin to copper gave rise to a harder metal, bronze.
The Beginnings of Technology
(1) The beginnings of technology can be traced to what is known as Paleolithic or old stone age, when the earliest men made tools of flint, wood and bone, such as axes, knives, needles, spears and bows. The Paleolithic age was succeeded, about 5000 B.C., by the Neolithic or new stone age, in which men still used mainly store-for their tools, but turned from hunting to agriculture. Neolithic man indented textiles to clothe himself, instead of skins, and produced the first primitive machines for spinning thread and weaving cloth.
(2) Some time in the millennium before 3000 В. C, the smelling and easting o1 metals were discovered. By heating certain types of stone with charcoal, copper was produced and later it was found that the addition of a small quantity of tin to copper gave rise to a harder metal, bronze.
(3) The earliest civilizations arose in the river valleys of the Tigris-Euphrates, the Nile and the Indus. Here were the plough, the domestication and harnessing of systems of irrigation, the wheeled card and the ship. The agricultural workers were able to produce a sufficient surplus of food to maintain the ruling castes of nobles and priests and also smiths, potters and other specialist craftsmen.
(4) The Sumerians, whose bronze-age civilization flourished about 3000 В. С in the valley of the Tigris-Euphrates, devised a system of writing, consisting of triangular wedges indented in soft clay tables, known as cuneiform script, and the Egyptians developed a hieroglyphic script, written with ink on papyrus, made from the pith of reeds. Simple methods of calculation, representing the earliest form of arithmetic, were invented, and several geometrical facts useful in surveying were discovered. The Babylonians divided the circle into 360 degrees, and it is to them, that we owe the fact that there are sixty minutes in an hour, and sixty seconds in a minute.
(5) The clear and glittering skies of Babylonia and Egypt attracted men's attention to the notions of the heavenly bodies and it was in astronomy that empirical knowledge was first systematized.
Science is the knowledge of consequences and dependence of one fact upon another.
Primary task of technology it would seem is to lighten the burden of work man has to carry in order to stay alive and develop his potential