Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 17 Февраля 2013 в 11:31, реферат
In this assignment analyses of pharmaceutical industry and Agilent Technologies are going to be described.
The aim of the work is to reveal profitability of company, barriers to enter new market, its strengths and weaknesses. With the help of SWOT analyses make strategic recommendations, what should the company do with its problems.
Taking into account all data it can be concluded that: pharmaceutical industry is almost the most trusted industry all over the world, inside it strong competition are exist, competitors are Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, Merck.
The second part is company analyzes. The main competitors of AT are Danaher Corp and Teradyne inc. AT has the third level of the revenue, net income and gross margin comparing with its competitors.
The third part is about pharmaceuticals. This are not produced withing the company,but company produces equipment, required for medicine manufacturing and health treatment, supplying its devices to the leading pharmaceutical producers in more than 100 countries all over the world.
The forth part is SWOT analyses. It results may conclude that AT has more strengths than weaknesses. Its best sides are strong Research and Development., partnerships with strong recognition in the industrial field But if we will talk about weaknesses: high indebtedness and high dependence on electronic measurement market.
Opportunities and threats were described in the level of industry. The main threat is industry consolidation, the main opportunity is arrival of innovations and new technologies.
The last part is strategic recommendations; with its help company can change weaknesses into strengths and keep them on the same level and even higher.
2. www.agilent.com
3. http://en.wikipedia.org
4. www.wiki-invest.com
5. www.forbes.com
6. www. base.safework.ru
7. Agilent Annual Report 2011
8. www.investing.businessweek.com