Степени сравнения прилагательных

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 13 Декабря 2011 в 10:02, контрольная работа

Краткое описание

I. Образовать степени сравнения прилагательных:
Young-younger-the youngest
Thin-thiner-the thinnest
Fine-finer-the finest
Attentive-more attentive-the most attentive
Few-fewer-the fewest

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Министерство  образования Иркутской области

Областное государственное образовательное  учреждение

среднего  профессионального образования

«Ангарский  педагогический колледж» 

Контрольная работа

по  дисциплине «Английский  язык» 

Тема: Степени сравнения прилагательных 

                Составила студентка

                IV курса заочного отделения

                Ф.И.О. Валисевич Т.И.

                Адрес: г. Тайшет 

                Проверила: Бабенцева Татьяна Лаврентьева

                                                                             преподаватель иностранного                                            

                                                                              языка высшей категории



I. Образовать степени сравнения прилагательных:

Young-younger-the youngest

Thin-thiner-the thinnest

Fine-finer-the finest

Attentive-more attentive-the most attentive

Few-fewer-the fewest

Easy-easier-the easieat

Good-better-the best

Bad-worse-the worst

Expensive-more expensive-the most expensive

II. Распределить прилагательные в три колонки:

1                                            2                                            3

Nice                                      Nicer                                      Nicest 

Reasonable                           dearer                                     most important

Dear                                      worse                                     cheapest

Bad                                        more important                     deavest

Cheap                                    cheaper                                  worst

Important                               more reasonable                    most reasonable

III. Дать ответы на вопросы:

1. Which is  higher: a mountain or a hill?

A mountain is. A mountain is higher than a hill.

2. Which is  longer: a sea or a river?

A sea is. A ser is longer than a river.

3. Which is  more convenient: to ride a horse or to go by Cadillac?

To go by Cadillac is. To go by Cadillac is more convenient than to ride a horse.

IV. Раскрыть скобки в предложениях:

1. February is (cold) than March.

February is colder than March.

2. Lake Baikal is (deep) than this lake.

Lake Baikal is deeper than thin lake.

3. Our flat is (more/less) comfortable than yours.

Our flat is more comfortable than yours.

4. This bird is (more/less) beautiful than ours.

This bird is less beautiful than ours.

V. Исправить ошибки в предложениях:

1. Cleveland is now one of the most cleanest cities in North America.

Cleveland is now one of the cleanest cities in North America.

2. The London Underground is worst than the Tokyo Underground system.

The London Underground is worse than the Tokyo Underground system.

3. Their prices are very high in compared to ours.

Their prices are higher in compared to ours.

4. Ireland is not as larger as Sweden.

Ireland is not as larger as Sweden. 

Информация о работе Степени сравнения прилагательных