Sociology of personality

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 08 Декабря 2010 в 17:31, реферат

Краткое описание

The main problems of sociological theory of personality associated with the process of personality formation and development of its needs in inextricable connection with the operation and development of social communities, learning regular relationship of personality and society, individuals and groups, regulation and self-regulation of social behavior of the individual. Sociology as a whole contains a lot of personality theories, which differ from each other cardinal methodological attitudes.


Basic concepts, personality and main problems of sociological theory 2
Relation between the personality and individuality 2
The main approaches to the study of personality 3
Socialization of personality 4
Main stages of socialization 4
Conclusion 5

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Report on theme

« Sociology of personality»


                      Performed by:

                      Kazban O.A.

                                                 student of gr.


Checked by:

 L. T. Mazitova

docent of department

of sociology 

Ufa 2010

Ufa State Aviation Technical University 

Course paper

« Sociology of personality»


                      Performed by:

                      Kazban O.A.

                                                 student of gr.


Checked by:

L. T. Mazitova

docent of department

of sociology 

     Ufa 2010

Информация о работе Sociology of personality