Russians and Americans. Senior Project

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 07 Сентября 2014 в 02:38, реферат

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There are many differences among people: race, ethnicity, nationality, gender; religion; social status; economic class; age; ability and sexual orientation. And every country has its own culture. It shapes the way we see the world, others and ourselves. Most people think that the rules of their culture are just the way things are, and the way things should be. Our way of thinking and acting is natural and normal to us.
Misconceptions about different cultures often prevent people from understanding each other adequately. They create serious barriers in international relations that may result in alienation, stereotyping, and formation of enemy images. People become frustrated if their self-image does not coincide with the way they are seen by others.


Part I. Stereotypes……………………………………………………………..4
The term “stereotype”…………………………………………..4
Stereotypes in our life……………………………………….….8
Part II. Cultures and national stereotypes……………………………………10
2.1. National stereotypes………………………………………….….10
2.2. Stereotypes of America……………………………………….…12
2.3. Stereotypes of Russia……………………………………………16

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