Role and place of Information Technology in Education

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 20 Февраля 2013 в 12:10, реферат

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As modern devices like tablet computers, laptops and PDAs develop more of a presence in our school system, it becomes more important for educators, students and parents to understand the role of information technology in education today. New technology is not only a subject in and of itself, but can be applied to any subject, enhancing the learning experience and equipping students to join an increasingly global workforce. These advancements can assist the students to reach higher levels of education, which can lead to higher level careers.

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Student: Tanya Zhurba

Ponochovna T.M.

National University of  Tax Service of Ukraine

(Irpin, Ukraine)

Role and place of Information Technology in Education

As modern devices like tablet computers, laptops and PDAs develop more of a presence in our school system, it becomes more important for educators, students and parents to understand the role of information technology in education today. New technology is not only a subject in and of itself, but can be applied to any subject, enhancing the learning experience and equipping students to join an increasingly global workforce. These advancements can assist the students to reach higher levels of education, which can lead to higher level careers.


Mobile devices that utilize information and communication technology give students and teachers more sources of information, which makes learning nearly anything more accessible. By connecting to the information and people on the Internet, students can collaborate with their peers both in the classroom and around the world, leading to a more interactive and rich learning experience.


Digital ink is a major advance in information technology, and could potentially save schools money while making it easier for faculty and students to complete tasks. Teachers can enter grades and assignment updates on-line, rather than in a paper grade-book. Libraries with a digital database in place of a traditional card catalog make their resources available for students to search anywhere with an Internet connection. Staff members can find and send transcript information and other records quickly by accessing a digital filing system, saving time and paper.


With advancements in information technology like multimedia applications and interactive software, teachers can increase literacy and understanding in any subject. Lessons with audio and video components that directly engage students reach more types of learners in comparison with traditional lecture methods of teaching, encouraging more students to participate in class and raising their level of understanding. New technology also helps disabled or disadvantaged students participate in subjects they were once unable to join, thanks to assistive programs and devices.


Information and communication technology opens the doors for better distance learning programs, allowing those in disadvantaged areas to have access to the same education as the privileged. Because this technology makes information accessible from nearly any location with a mobile device or laptop, courses can be more flexible, meaning those with full schedules who may not have the time or opportunity to further their education can choose to enroll in courses on-line and complete assignments on their own time.


Information technology provides teachers an endless choice of multimedia, software, applications and devices with which to create more exciting, interactive lessons. The traditional lecture-based lesson, while effective to a point, does not stimulate every type of learner. By adding a dimension to their lessons, teachers have the opportunity to engage more students and lead a more involved, energetic class.

Multimedia Presentations

Multimedia presentation software empowers both educators and learners to organize, present and consume information in novel ways. For example, multimedia software enables educators to create a tailor-made presentation pertaining to any subject matter involving a complete audio-visual narrative experience. In addition, advanced multimedia software can empower educators to design audio-visual narrative themes involving the student's actual participation (learning video games). Adobe Flash offers industry-standard products assisting developers in creating such applications.

Video Conferencing

Video conferencing represents a major benefit of information technology to education. Video conferencing allows seminars and lectures to occur regardless of proximity. For example, a classroom full of students can participate in a lecture from a remote location while it's actually occurring. Students' resulting greater accessibility to leaders of academia pertaining to their subject matter benefits both education and society as a whole. 
Technology in the Future

An education in IT is also important because students will need to use technologies in the future. Colleges, technical universities and postgraduate schools require a certain amount of technologic training to admit students. Most jobs required a degree of technologic know how, even if it is only to clock in and out on the computer. Some jobs require a vast array of technology training.

Knowing How to Figure Out New Technologies

An education in IT is also important because students will spend the rest of their lives being exposed to new technologies. Learning how to use the computer at the level of technology that is currently present enables a student to be able to figure out new computers when they are developed. Working with the type of technology available today gives students a basic understanding of how to deal with new technologies in the future.


Information technology has greatly impacted the way students are educated. Technology used in the classroom enhances lessons and instruction. Having up to date information and research available with only a mouse click and the Internet ensures the student will have accurate and viable information. Technology has redefined the term " interactive learning". In the past, students were limited to who they were able to interact with. With the current technology, students are able to interact with students and other cultures around the world.


Information technology has paved the way for teachers to interact with colleagues around the world. Email provides a faster method of communication, and through video conferencing, face to face interaction from different geographical locations is made possible. Teachers are able to enhance instruction with the use to technology. This enhancement will help maintain student motivation and attention. Online grade books are often available for teachers. Using an online grade book will allow the teacher to post grades from any computer with internet access. If an online grading system is tied to the school data system, the teacher will be able to post both daily grades and report card grades with comments without changing systems, making grading easier and more convenient.

In the educational world, information technology has gained an important role in education in not only the day to day events, information technology is a vital part of the educating process of the students. Because of the growth of technology in society, educational institutions must prepare students for a future saturated with technology. 
1. Joshua Wallace What Are the Benefits of Information Technology in Education?

2. Kara Page The Advantages of Information Technology in Education

3. Karen Hollowell Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Education

4. LynDel Randash Role of Information Technology

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