Mission and Vision Paper: Merck Company

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 13 Мая 2013 в 15:02, реферат

Краткое описание

Merck is one of the world leaders in innovative pharmaceuticals, biomedical solutions, and advanced technologies and materials. It operates in four divisions: Merck Serono (prescription medicine), Consumer Health (over-the-counter pharmaceuticals), Performance Materials (high-tech chemicals), and Merck Millipore (products for pharmaceutical research and biotechnology). Merck was founded in 1668 and is now the oldest pharmaceutical and chemical company in the world. But it still promotes fundamentally new technologies for the benefit of its patients and clients. It is guided by the principles of corporate responsibility, respect, integrity, transparency, courage, and achievements. Merck employs about 40,000 people in 67 countries around the world.

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