Manipulation through advertising – is advertising positive or negative?

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 26 Марта 2011 в 07:56, реферат

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Nowadays advertising became an integral part of human society, an element of its culture. For some time advertising is present everywhere, most of the information channels burdened with advertizing mediums or even paralyzed by them. Television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and internet – all in varying degree keep in balance the traditional media and advertising: the thing that we are interested in and what should be interesting for us. Advertisement can be viewed as a form of communication that tries to translate the quality of goods and services, and ideas on language needs and consumer demands. And these are not simple relations.


Essay question: Manipulation through advertising – is advertising positive or negative?

Thesis statement: Although, advertisement is controversial because it has both positive and negative sides that should be considered.

Advertising has discouraged participation in harmful behaviors.
Provided detailed information which consumers need to accurately conduct. product evaluations
Advertising has misled and deceived consumers resulting in misinformed and inappropriate product selections