Law culture: lingual aspect

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 16 Декабря 2012 в 19:52, доклад

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Communication skills, language culture require any professional, but particularly this requirement applies to lawyers. In the field of communication is important first of all culture of speech that gives a feeling of confidence in your own ability to convince your companion. Mastering the culture of language is an ongoing process. Because of the increasing amount of law information, information stream is generally very important to briefly correct and appropriate to formulate opinions both orally and in writing form, because, slurred speech confirms the limited outlook, low morality.

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Law culture: lingual aspect

Communication skills, language culture require any professional, but particularly this requirement applies to lawyers. In the field of communication is important first of all culture of speech that gives a feeling of confidence in your own ability to convince your companion. Mastering the culture of language is an ongoing process. Because of the increasing amount of law information, information stream is generally very important to briefly correct and appropriate to formulate opinions both orally and in writing form, because, slurred speech confirms the limited outlook, low morality. Since the lawyer is subject to the law, its language culture requires to follow certain rules and regulations in conversations with citizens as in the service and beyond. Of the existing linguistic styles in judicial work prevails, of course, business. It is used in conversations with juveniles arrested, dangerous criminals in arrest and so on. Besides language is not only means communication but also an expression of the attitude to the interlocutor. This means that in law work is important language intonation, which helps to appropriately impact on the specific situation. Performing official duties, a lawyer spontaneously falls into the center of relations between the social status, mental characteristics, level of culture and education of people. This fact imposes on him a special responsibility requires maximum accuracy in communication. After all things that can get away with any person not pass unnoticed about lawyer. And of course, law culture, style of language should not only learn independently, but also teach in universities.

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