Контрольная работа по английскому

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 08 Декабря 2013 в 15:14, контрольная работа

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Переведите письменно существительные (1-10). Выберите определения (a – j), соответствующие существительным:
1) economics
a) investigation undertaken in order to discover new facts, get additional information, etc.
2) self-interest
b) debate, argument
3) prize
c) science of the production, distribution and using up
of goods

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I. Переведите письменно существительные (1-10). Выберите определения (a – j), соответствующие существительным:

1) economics

a) investigation undertaken in order to discover new facts, get additional information, etc.

2) self-interest

b) debate, argument

3) prize

c) science of the production, distribution and using up

of goods

4) research

d) analyzing, e.g. a book, a situation, information, etc,

possibly with comment and judgment

5) resolution

e) resolving, solution (of a doubt, question, etc)

6) price

f) one’s own interests and personal advantage

7) dispute

g) number of persons united for business or commerce

8) company

h) the activity of controlling and organizing

9) analysis

i) something (to be) awarded to one who succeeds in a

competition, etc.

10) affair

j) sum of money for which something is (to be) sold or




1) economics – экономика

c)  science of the production, distribution and using up of goods

2) self-interest – собственный  интерес

f) one’s own interests and personal advantage

3) prize – приз

i) something (to be) awarded to one who succeeds in a competition, etc.

4) research – исследование

a) investigation undertaken in order to discover new facts, get additional information, etc.

5) resolution – резолюция (разрешение, решение)

e) resolving, solution (of a doubt, question, etc)

6) price – цена

j)  sum of money for which something is (to be) sold or bought

7) dispute – диспут (спор)

b) debate, argument

8) company – компания

g) number of persons united for business or commerce

9) analysis – анализ

d) analyzing, e.g. a book, a situation, information, etc, possibly with comment and judgment

10) affair – дело

h) the activity of controlling and organizing


    1. a) Выполните КОПР № 3, 5.


КОПР № 3:

  1. When I came to work, she was looking through the contract.
  2. He was calling to his partner yesterday at 5 o’clock.
  3. She is going to apply for admission soon.
  4. During our last meeting we were discussing a new project.
  5. Slow down! You are driving too fast.
  6. When he was the manager, the company was making much profit.
  7. What are you doing tomorrow evening?
  8. When I came, she was writing a report.
  9. Nowadays people are investing money into real estate.
  10. When I last saw him, he was working as a salesman.
  11. What are you laughing at?
  12. She is looking for a new job at the moment.
  13. What are you looking for?
  14. He was writing a letter to his friend when the director entered.
  15. They are working at a very important project now.

КОПР № 5:

  1. The shareholders has been waiting for dividends for 3 months.
  2. Why have you been waiting so long before asking this question?
  3. They have been investing money into car production for many years.
  4. She had been paying off her mortgage for 20 years before she lost her job.
  5. He had been reading the balance sheet for 2 hours before she came.
  6. The accountant had been reconciling the balance for 4 hours before she entered the room.
  7. They have been planning their business trip for 2 months.
  8. He has been paying off his debt for a long time.
  9. She had been working on this project for two years by that time.
  10. The company has been producing goods for the past 6 years.
  11. They had been doing the market research for 2 years before the company became bankrupt.
  12. I have been working on this project for 2 years.
  13. He has been negotiating with the company representatives since September.
  14. It’s a very important meeting. She has been preparing the presentation for 2 days.
  15. Have you been waiting for dollar to rise for a long time?

б) В следующих предложениях подчеркните глагол-сказуемое, определите его видовременную форму и  залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1) Thousands of new products are being presented at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.

2) More companies are using 3-D printing to directly manufacture some products.

3) The Committee on Banking Supervision has been working on a set of recommendations.


1)  Thousands of new products are being presented at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.

are being presented – Present Continuous, Passive Voice

Тысячи новых товаров  представляются на Международной потребительской  выставке электроники в Лас-Вегасе.

2) More companies are using 3-D printing to directly manufacture some products.

are using – Present Continuous, Active Voice

Все больше компаний используют 3-D печать для непосредственного производства некоторых товаров.

3) The Committee on Banking Supervision has been working on a set of recommendations.

has been working – Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice

Комитет по банковскому надзору  разрабатывал ряд рекомендаций.


    1. a) Выполните КОПР № 1.


КОПР № 1:

  1. Managers have to decide if it’s worth risking the money.
  2. The sales manager is the first to know about the clients’ wants.
  3. He is glad to work at this company.
  4. Our company must to decrease the international standards.
  5. Let’s postpone the meeting till tomorrow.
  6. It is important to finish the report on time.
  7. We can provide a discount when you buy goods in bulk.
  8. The financial crisis made people revaluate their financial budgets.
  9. Our company must meet the international standards.
  10. The employees want the company to increase the salary.
  11. The financial director failed to solve the financial problem.
  12. People expect the President to fulfill his promises.
  13. Prices are likely to grow next year.
  14. What do you want us to do?
  15. Russia’s population is expected to fall by 22% between 2005 and 2050.

б) В следующих предложениях подчеркните герундий и инфинитив. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1) Consumer spending is seventy percent of the economic activity in the United States.

2) Commercial properties face two serious problems: falling prices and refinancing.

3) After the recession jobs have continued to disappear, though at slower rates.


    1. Consumer spending is seventy percent of the economic activity in the United States.

spending - Gerund

Потребительские расходы  составляют семьдесят процентов  деловой активности в Соединенных  Штатах.

    1. Commercial properties face two serious problems: falling prices and refinancing.

(to) face - Infinitive

Владельцы коммерческой недвижимости (коммерческого имущества) сталкиваются с двумя серьезными проблемами: падением цен и рефинансированием.

    1. After the recession jobs have continued to disappear, though at slower rates.

to disappear – Infinitive

После рецессии рабочие места  продолжали исчезать, хоть и более  низкими темпами.


IV. Перепишите и письменно  переведите на русский язык  следующие предложения. Помните, что инфинитивные обороты часто соответствуют придаточным предложениям.

1) Growth in the United States is expected to reach about two and a half percent in two thousand ten.

2) Experts say the situation is likely to continue until investors feel more sure about signs of economic recovery.

3) The Delegation is reported to have left London.


1) Growth in the United States is expected to reach about two and a half percent in two thousand ten.

Ожидается, что в две  тысячи десятом году экономический  рост в Соединенных Штатах достигнет  около двух с половиной процентов.

2) Experts say the situation is likely to continue until investors feel more sure about signs of economic recovery.

Согласно мнению экспертов, ситуация вероятно останется прежней  до тех пор, пока инвесторы не почувствуют  больше уверенности в признаках  восстановления экономики.

  1. The Delegation is reported to have left London.

Делегация, как сообщается, покинула Лондон.


V. Прочитайте и устно  переведите на русский язык весь текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите абзацы 3, 4.

Nobel Recognizes Research into Economic Governance

1. Economists usually study markets. Now, two Americans have won the Nobel Prize in economics for not studying markets. They will share almost one and a half million dollars for their analysis of economic governance. This is the study of how economic activity is governed within companies, communities and other groups.

2. The winners are Elinor Ostrom of Indiana University in Bloomington and Oliver Williamson of the University of California, Berkeley. The prize in economic sciences has gone to sixty-three men since it was first awarded forty years ago. Elinor Ostrom is the first woman. And, like other winners over the years, her training is not limited to economics. She is a professor of political science and of public and environmental affairs.

3. Today, economic theory suggests that good resource management requires ownership, either private or public. If not, the thinking goes, then self-interest will lead to overuse and destruction of shared resources. Ecologist Garrett Hardin described this idea in nineteen sixty-eight as «the tragedy of the commons». Elinor Ostrom showed how local decision making can lessen the tragedy. Her research has deepened understanding of how people balance their needs with those of others who depend on the same resources. She studied communities like farmers in Southern California who depended on a commonwater supply. She documented how people who use resources often develop ways to share them. One example is forest management.

ELINOR OSTROM: «One of the absolutely key, most important variables as to whether or not a forest survives and continues is whether local people monitor each other and its use. Not officials, locals».

4. Oliver Williamson has studied big companies and found that they often are better than markets at doing complex jobs. Under his theory, businesses act as structures for conflict resolution. For example, companies that own their suppliers can avoid long-term contracts and disputes over prices. This can make production more efficient and make better use of limited resources. But businesses can also abuse their power. Professor Williamson says the best way to deal with this is not by limiting the size of companies, but through industry regulation.

(From the VOA Special English Economics Report, written by Mario Ritter,

2009, October)


  1. Today, economic theory suggests that good resource management requires ownership, either private or public. If not, the thinking goes, then self-interest will lead to overuse and destruction of shared resources. Ecologist Garrett Hardin described this idea in nineteen sixty-eight as "the tragedy of the commons." Elinor Ostrom showed how local decision making can lessen the tragedy. Her research has deepened understanding of how people balance their needs with those of others who depend on the same resources. She studied communities like farmers in Southern California who depended on a common water supply. She documented how people who use resources often develop ways to share them. One example is forest management.

ELINOR OSTROM: "One of the absolutely key, most important variables as to whether or not a forest survives and continues is whether local people monitor each other and its use. Not officials, locals."

Хорошее управление ресурсами  сегодня, предполагает, согласно экономической  теории, один из видов собственности  – частной или общественной. В  противном случае, согласно существующему  мнению, приоритет личных интересов  приведет к злоупотреблениям и разрушению общих ресурсов. Эколог Гаррет Хардин описал эту идею в тысяча девятьсот  шестьдесят девятом году и назвал ее «трагедией ресурсов общего пользования». В свою очередь, Элинор Остром показала, как принятие решений на местах может  уменьшить негативные эффекты «трагедии». Ее исследование углубило понимание  того, как люди уравновешивают свои нужды с теми, кто использует те же ресурсы. Она изучила такие сообщества, как объединения фермеров в Южной Калифорнии, которые зависели от общего водоснабжения. Документально подтвердила, что люди, использующие ресурсы, часто находят пути их совместного использования. Одним из примеров является лесоводство.

ЭЛИНОР ОСТРОМ: «Один из абсолютно ключевых и самых важных моментов, от которых зависит выживание  лесов, это присутствие контроля со стороны местных жителей за их использованием. Не со стороны чиновников, а именно местных жителей.»

  1. Oliver Williamson has studied big companies and found that they often are better than markets at doing complex jobs. Under his theory, businesses act as structures for conflict resolution. For example, companies that own their suppliers can avoid long-term contracts and disputes over prices. This can make production more efficient and make better use of limited resources. But businesses can also abuse their power. Professor Williamson says the best way to deal with this is not by limiting the size of companies, but through industry regulation.

Оливер Уильямсон провел изучение крупных компаний и пришел к выводу, что зачастую они эффективнее  рынков в выполнении комплексных  работ. Согласно его теории, при разрешении конфликтов, фирмы действуют как  структуры. К примеру, компании, владеющие  собственными ресурсными базами, могут  избегать долгосрочных контрактов и  споров о ценах с поставщиками. Это позволяет сделать производство более эффективным и более  рационально использовать ограниченные ресурсы. Однако существует опасность  злоупотребления своей властью  со стороны таких компаний. Лучшим способом избежать этого, согласно мнению профессора Уильямсона, является не ограничение  размеров компаний, а решение проблемы посредством промышленного регулирования.

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