Контрольная работа по "Английскому языку"

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 30 Октября 2011 в 18:02, контрольная работа

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Для того чтобы правильно выполнить следующую работу, необходимо знать следующие разделы курса:
Оборот ‘there + to be’.
Имя существительное. Образование множественного числа существительных. Определенный и неопределенный артикли. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные.
Местоимения: личные, притяжательные, указательные, возвратные, вопросительные, неопределенные.
Прилагательное. Степени сравнения прилагательных.
Глагол. Вспомогательные глаголы. Модальные глаголы.
Четыре группы времен (Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous)
Страдательный залог.

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Контрольная работа № 1.

Вариант 1 

   Для того чтобы правильно выполнить следующую работу, необходимо знать следующие разделы курса:

  1. Оборот ‘there + to be’.
  2. Имя существительное. Образование множественного числа существительных. Определенный и неопределенный артикли. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные.
  3. Местоимения: личные, притяжательные, указательные, возвратные, вопросительные, неопределенные.
  4. Прилагательное. Степени сравнения прилагательных.
  5. Глагол. Вспомогательные глаголы. Модальные глаголы.
  6. Четыре группы времен (Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous)
  7. Страдательный залог.
  1. Подчеркните сказуемое в следующих предложениях. Переведите предложения письменно на русский язык.

    1. There are too many interesting articles in this magazine.

          2. Is there a telephone in this room?

          3. Will there be any interesting programmes on TV tomorrow?

          4. There were several solutions of that task.

          5. This year there has been an increase of 5 per cent.

          6. There weren’t any questions so the meeting ended.

          7. There was a terrible accident in Western Road yesterday. 

II.Употребите слова в скобках во множественном числе. Внесите соответствующие изменения.

    1. Can you go to the shops? We need some (potato) ................

    2. Most (family)..........................enjoy going on holiday together.

    3. (a saleswoman)                                    must be a polite person.

    4. Jack decided to make some (bookshelf)..........................for his bedroom.

    5. My little brother has got two white (mouse)..........................as pets.

    6. Do you think you could help me wash the (dish)..........................?

    7. The room was full of mothers with their (baby)...........................

    8. My dentist told me to brush my (tooth)                          after every meal.

    9. There were a lot of (businessman)                                 in the office.

    10. In the afternoon we went to the zoo with (a child)......................... 

III. Выберите верный вариант в каждом предложении.

    .1. There isn’t many/much food in the fridge, I’m afraid.

    2. There were a little/a few letters for me this morning.

    3. Could I have a/some water, please?

    4. I went to the supermarket because there was little/few milk in the jag.

    5. I’ve got too much/many work to do today.

    6. Sorry, we don’t have some/any paper left.

      7. Have you got a/any money that I can borrow?

    8. Don’t worry about lunch. I’ve brought any/some sandwiches

    9. Hurry up. We haven’t got many/much time.

    10. We don’t have many/much rain this summer. 

IV. Напишите три формы прилагательных.

    1. long …………………………

    2. big .........................................

    3 funny .........................................

    4. interesting ...................................

    5. good ...........................................

    6. bad .........................................

    7. wide .........................................

    8. thin.........................................

    9. large .........................................

    10. little........................................


V. Выберите верную форму прилагательного в каждом предложении

    1. This is the better/best) restaurant in the town.

    2. This castle is one of the older/oldest in Europe.

    3. Your hotel is more/most comfortable than ours.

    4. This is the worse/worst holiday I have ever had!

    5. Bill is the richer/richest person in the world.

    6. George is happier/happiest than he was.

    7. This film is more/most interesting than the last one.

    8. The blue coat is cheaper/cheapest than the others. 

VI .Сделайте каждое предложение отрицательным.

      1. I work on Saturday but I …………………on Sunday. (not to work)

      2. Roger speaks English but he …………………German. (not to speak)

      3. My friends play football but they …………….hockey. (not to play)

      4. Last year we often went skiing but we……………..skating. (not to go)

      5. The children will fly to the Crimea next summer but their parents               with them. (not to fly) 

VII. Прочитайте текст и напишите вопросы на данные ответы


      Two. How many children have Joe and Pam got?

      In a small village in North Yorkshire, there’s a big old farmhouse where three families live together: Alice and George and their three children, Joe and Pam and their two children, and Sue and her baby daughter. The adults divide up the work between them. George does the cooking, Joe and Sue do most of the housework, Pam looks after the shopping and does the repairs, and Alice takes care of the garden. Alice, George and Sue go out to work; Joe works at home designing computer systems, and Pam, who is a painter, looks after the baby during the day. Two of the children go to school in the village, but the three oldest ones go by bus to the secondary school in the nearest town, ten miles away.

      The three families get on well, and enjoy their way of life. There are a few difficulties, of course. Their biggest worry at the moment is money - one of the cars needs replacing, and the roof needs some expensive repairs. But this isn’t too serious - the bank has agreed to a loan, which they expect to be able to pay back in three years. And they all say they would much rather go on living in their old farmhouse than move to a luxury flat in a big city. 

1) In North Yorkshire.

2) In a big old farmhouse.

3) Three.

4) Sue has.

5) The cooking.

6) The housework.

7) The garden.

8) At home.

9) Computer systems.

10) She’s a painter.

11) Two of them.

12) By bus.

13) In the nearest town.

14) Ten miles.


VIII. Переведите предложения письменно на английский язык, употребив модальные глаголы.

    1. Я могу разговаривать по-английски, но я не могу говорить по-немецки.
    2. Можно войти?
    3. Можно задать вам вопрос?
    4. Должна я напечатать этот документ сегодня?
    5. Нет, не нужно этого делать (Это можно не делать).
    6. Вы можете сделать это завтра.
    7. Можно я воспользуюсь вашим словарем?
    8. Вам помочь?
    9. Не могли бы вы повторить ваш вопрос?
    10. Он вынужден был подписать этот контракт вчера.

IX.Подчеркните грамматическую форму сказуемого, определите время и переведите предложения письменно на русский язык.

  1. What foreign language are you taught at your Institute?
  2. When I heard that he had passed his examination, I phoned him to congratulate him with his success.
  3. It is going to snow heavily. Have you listened to the weather forecast for tomorrow?
  4. The headmaster was immediately sent for.
  5. We have been advertising for six month in national newspapers.
  6. I will tell her your idea if I see her this afternoon.
  7. Money serves several purposes in society.
  8. Have you ever been to London?
  9. Of course, this space flight to the Moon will be much talked about.
  10. The laboratory was going to test the new product in May.
  11. He was refused an entry visa.
  12. Have you seen any paintings of Rembrandt?
  13. I’m sure you are capable to do this work yourself.
  14. She informed that she wouldn’t sign the document on Monday.

X. Прочитайте текст, переведите его письменно на русский язык. Ответьте на вопросы после текста. 


   The United States leads all industrial nations in the proportion of its young men and women who receive higher education. Why is this? What motivates a middle-income family with two children to lake loans for up to $120,000 so that their son and daughter can attend private universities for four years? Why would both parents in a low-income family take jobs to support their three children at a state university—each at an annual cost of $4,000? Why should a woman in her forties quit her job and use her savings to enroll for the college education she did not receive when she was younger?

  Americans place a high value on higher education. This is an attitude that goes back to the country's oldest political traditions. People in the United States have always believed that education is necessary for maintaining a democratic government. They believe that it prepares the individual for informed, intelligent political participation, including voting.

   Before World War II, a high school education seemed adequate for satisfying most people's needs, but the post-war period produced dozens of complex new questions for Americans, including issues such as use of atomic power, experiments in splitting genes, space programs and foreign aid. Americans rarely express a direct vote on such complex matters, but the representatives they elect do decide such issues. In recent years, as a result, many Americans have begun to regard a college education as necessary to deal with such questions as an informed American voter.

   In addition to idealistic reasons for going to college, however, most Americans are concerned with earning a good (or better) income. For some careers—law, medicine, education, engineering—a college education is a necessary first step. Some careers do not require going to college, but many young Americans believe that having a degree will help them obtain a higher salary on their first job. Today, that first job is likely to involve handling information: More than 60 percent of Americans now work as teachers, computer programmers, secretaries, lawyers, bankers, and in other jobs involving the discovery, exchange and use of data (facts). A high-school diploma is not sufficient preparation for most such employment. 


  1. What is this text about?
  2. What do you think of higher education

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