Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 14 Сентября 2013 в 17:06, контрольная работа
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The horse is a one hoofed mammal, a subspecies of one of seven species of the family Equidac. The horse has evolved over the past 45 to 55 million years from a small animal into to the large one of today. People began to domesticate horses around 4000 BC. Although most horses today are domesticated, here are still some populations of the Przewalski’s Horse, the only remaining true wild horse, as well as more common wild horses which live in the wild, but are bread from domesticated ancestor. Horses are widely used by men up to the present days. But their importance has fallen in connection with mechanization development. Their anatomy enables them to make use of speed to escape their animus and they have a well-developed sense of balance and a strong fight-or-flight instinct. Related to this need to run away from the animus in the wild is an unusual trait: horses can sleep both standing up and lying down. The male horses are called stallions. A castrated is called the gelding.
Гродненский Государственный Аграрный Университет
Контрольная работа по английскому языку
Вариант №10
1-го курса НИСПО
Медведев О.В.
Вариант 10
The horse is a one hoofed mammal, a subspecies of one of seven species of the family Equidac. The horse has evolved over the past 45 to 55 million years from a small animal into to the large one of today. People began to domesticate horses around 4000 BC. Although most horses today are domesticated, here are still some populations of the Przewalski’s Horse, the only remaining true wild horse, as well as more common wild horses which live in the wild, but are bread from domesticated ancestor. Horses are widely used by men up to the present days. But their importance has fallen in connection with mechanization development. Their anatomy enables them to make use of speed to escape their animus and they have a well-developed sense of balance and a strong fight-or-flight instinct. Related to this need to run away from the animus in the wild is an unusual trait: horses can sleep both standing up and lying down. The male horses are called stallions. A castrated is called the gelding.
Female horses, called mares, carry their young for about 11 months, and a young horse, called a foal, can stand and run soon after its birth. Most domesticated horses begin training under saddle between the ages of 2 and 4 years. They rich full adult development by the age of 5, and can live 25-30 years. There are over 300 breeds of horses in the world today developed for many different uses. At house horses ears of the moderate size (much less half of a head), a long neck and a trail covered by long hair. Its color may be very different: black, red, grey, brown often with white stains on a head and feet. Feed for horses can be divided into three categories: pasture, hay and concentrates. The most natural food for horses is a good quality pasture. Hay is the basic food of domestic horses. But hay alone cannot provide enough feedstuffs for horses. They also need concentrates. Fresh water is a vital part of the horse’s diet. Horses drink from 5 to 10 gallons a day.
- Копытное млекопитающее
- Одомашненные лошади
- Обеспечивать достаточно корма
- Полное взрослое развитие
- Пастбища хорошего качества
3. Письменно ответить на следующие вопросы по тексту.
1) What family does the horse belong to?
2) How many breeds of horses are there in the world today?
3) Do female horses called mares; carry their young for 11 or 14 months?
4) When do horses reach full adult development?
5) Name 3 main categories of feed for horses.
4. Выбрать наиболее подходящее местоимение в скобках. Перевести предложения на русский язык.
1) Horses are widely used by (no; many; much) farmers.
2) Mares carry (its; their; his) young for nearly 11 months.
3) (How much? How many? Where? ) breeds of horses are there in the world today?
4) There are (no; some; any) populations of the Przewalski’s Horse today.
5) Horses supply (our; us; him) with working power, meat, skin and some by-products.
5. Перевести предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий. Подчеркнуть их.
1) People began to domesticate horses more than 4000 years ago.
2) The horse is one of the most selective grazes.
3) Horses are as important to men as cows, sheep and poultry.
4) Its most typical feature is the foot having only one finger covered by a hoof.
5) The more agricultural machines are used on farms the less horse power is needed for a farmer.
6. Подчеркнуть и указать видовременную форму глагола в английских предложениях. Перевести предложения на русский язык.
1) Farmers often use horses as a good draft power.
2) A house horse has evolved much as compared to its wild relative.
3) Most horses are domesticated nowdays.
4) People began to use horses many thousand years ago.
5) The evolution of the horse will continue.
7. Поставить существительные в скобках во множественном числе. Перевести предложения на русский язык.
1) Small (horse) or (pony) are suitable for heavy work.
2) Horses as well as (sheep) and other farm animals can be of different color.
3) There are different (purpose) for which a horse is used.
4) This (foal) have brown (foot).
5) 4 (man) were riding horses.
8. перевести на русский
язык сочетания
- mechanization development
- horse breeds selection
- a specific riding purpose
- a horse color
- life stages
9. перевести предложения
на русский язык и подчеркнуть
модальные глаголы в
1) We cannot improve our breeds unless feeding conditions are good.
2) How may the horses be classified.
3) Horses should take much exercises to be in good breeding condition.(заводская кондиция)
4) Farmers must provide different kinds of feed for their farm animals.
5) The foal was born so weak that they had to dive him an injection of glucose.
Выполнение заданий
1. Лошади женского рода, названные кобылами, носят своих малышей в течение приблизительно 11 месяцев и молодая лошадь, названная жеребенком, может стоять и работать вскоре после своего рождения. Большинство одомашненных лошадей начинает обучение под седлом между возрастами 2 и 4 лет. Их полное взрослое развитие в возрасте до 5 лет, и могут жить 25-30 лет. Есть более чем 300 пород лошадей в мире, разработанных для различных целей. У домашних лошадей уши умеренного размера (намного меньше половины головы), длинная шея и хвост, покрытый длинными волосами. Их цвет может быть очень разным: черный, красный, серый, коричневый часто с белыми окрасками на голове и ногах. Подача для лошадей может быть разделена на три категории: пастбище, сено и концентраты. Самая естественная еда для лошадей - пастбище хорошего качества. Сено - основной корм для домашних лошадей. Но одно только сено не может предоставить достаточно кормов лошадям. Они также нуждаются в концентратах. Пресная вода - жизненно важная часть корма лошади. Лошади пьют от 5 до 10 галлонов в день.
2. – hoofed mammal
– domesticate horses
– provide enough feedstuffs
– rich full adult development
– a good quality pasture
3. 1) The horse belong to the family Equidac.
2) There are over 300 breeds of horses in the world today.
3) Female horses, called mares, carry their young for about 11 months.
4) A horse has rich full adult development by the age of 5.
5) There are pasture, hay and concentrates.
4. 1) Horses are widely used by many farmers.
2) Mares carry their young for nearly 11 months.
3) How many breeds of horses are there in the world today?
4) There are some populations of the Przewalski’s Horse today.
5) Horses supply us with working power, meat, skin and some by-products.
5. 1) People began to domesticate horses more than 4000 years ago.
Люди начали одомашнивать лошадей больше чем 4000 лет назад.
2) The horse is one of the most selective grazers.
Лошадь является одним из наиболее отборных травоядных.
3) Horses are as important to men as cows, sheep and poultry.
Лошади так же важны для мужчин как коровы, овцы и домашняя птица.
4) Its most typical feature is the foot having only one finger covered by a hoof.
Его самая типичная особенность - нога, покрывающая только один палец копытом.
5) The more agricultural machines are used on farms the less horse power is needed for a farmer.
Чем больше сельскохозяйственных машин используются на фермах, тем меньше лошадиных сил необходимо для фермера.
6. 1) Farmers often use (Present Continuous) horses as a good draft power.
Фермеры часто используют лошадей в качестве хорошей тягловой силы.
2) A house horse has evolved (Present Perfect) much as compared to its wild relative.
Дома лошадь развивалась лучше
по сравнению с его диким
3) Most horses are domesticated (Past Simple) nowdays.
В наше время одомашнено большинство лошадей.
4) People began (Past Simple) to use horses many thousand years ago.
Люди начали использовать лошадей много тысяч лет назад.
5) The evolution of the horse will continue (Future Simple).
Развитие лошади продолжится.
7. 1) Small horses or ponies are suitable for heavy work.
Маленькие лошади или пони подходят для тяжелой работы.
2) Horses as well as sheep and other farm animals can be of different color.
Лошади так же как овцы и другие сельскохозяйственные животные могут иметь различный цвет.
3) There are different purposes for which a horse is used.
Есть различные цели, в которых используется лошадь.
4) This foals have brown foots.
У этих жеребят коричневые ноги.
5) 4 man were riding horses.
4 человека были верхом на лошадях.
8. – развитие механизации
- лошадь порождает выбор
- определенная цель поездки
- цвет лошади
- этапы жизни
9. 1) We cannot improve our breeds unless feeding conditions are good.
Мы не можем улучшить наши породы, если условия питания не хороши.
2) How may the horses be classified?
Как лошади могут быть классифицированы?
3) Horses should take much exercises to be in good breeding condition. (заводская кондиция)
Лошади должны делать много упражнений, чтобы быть в заводской кондиции.
4) Farmers must provide different kinds of feed for their farm animals.
Фермеры должны обеспечить различные виды подачи для их сельскохозяйственных животных.
5) The foal was born so weak that they had to give him an injection of glucose.
Жеребенок родился настолько слабым, что они должны были дать ему инъекцию глюкозы.
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