Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 16 Декабря 2012 в 10:59, контрольная работа
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по дисциплине «АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК»
Серпухов, 2011/12уч. г.
Вариант 5
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The Moscow State Technical University "MAMI" (MSTU "MAMI") is a large higher educational institution in Russia, training specialists for machine-building plants as well as for car-and-tractor making plants, for research centers and firms dealing with design, manufacture, economics and marketing, servicing, diagnostics, certification and technical operation and maintenance of automobiles, tractors, their systems and aggregates.
Only for the last 60 years of its existance (the University was founded in 1939) it has trained more than 50 thousand specialists who work successfully at enterprises, design bureaus, in research centers, testing grounds, in educational institutions of our country.
Every year about 8 thousand students attend classes at 6 faculties of the University at its full-time, part-time and extra-mural departments.
The teaching staff of the University consists of more than 700 highly-qualified specialists, including academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Federation Academy of Sciences and branch academies, more than 130 professors, more than 300 assistant professors and Doctors of Sciences.
The MAMI scientific school which is deeply rooted and which is based on great achievements of the senior generation scientists is held in great respect and authority.
The MSTU "MAMI" is a member of many governmental and international professional public organizations. The University is a collective member of the Russian Association of Automobile Engineers and the USA Association of Automobile Engineers.
The University professors and lecturers have created a lot of educational aids that are used in the educational process not only in the University but also in other higher schools in Russia and abroad.
In honour of recognition of the MAMI's great services to Russian automobile industry in 1996 by decision of the Russian government the University was committed to organize and to host the International Scientific-Technical Conference "Centenary of Russian Automobile" which was participated by more than 400 specialists from Russia, Europe and America.
2. Заполните пропуски
в тексте данными словами и сло
broke, took place, small, reliable, fuel, placed, British, with no roof (без крыши), interested, design, engineer, fantasy, for 20 years, world-famous, comfortable.
Motor Cars
In 1896 a procession of motor cars was moving from London to Brighton to show how ... the new cars were. But in fact many of the cars ..., because the engine components were still not … and often stopped working.
The cars were very ..., two-seated,..., driven by the engine ... under the seat. Motorists had to carry much ... and many tyres.
Charles Rolls was a ... aristocrat and businessman, who was very ... in cars. Once he met Henry Royce, a famous car .... They decided to ... the most... and reliable car. In the early 20th it seemed to be a .... But in 1907 they could produce the ... Rolls-Royce car. It was so comfortable and reliable that one of the models Silver Ghost hadn't changed greatly ... since 1907.
3. Вставьте соответствующие
1.... was a new pneumatic system invented?
2.... is your job?
3.... doesn't understand this advanced technique?
4. ... of you studies French?
5. ... is the answer to my question?
6. ... was automobile industry created?
7. ... works are based on the discoveries made by Faraday?
4. Переведите словосочетания по
news program = программа новостей
school grades, standard tests, entrance and graduation exams, university building, exam paper, autumn and spring semesters, state university, high-school student (amer.), college testing program, Intelligence Quotient (IQ), thinking abilities, tuition fees, machine system.
5. Заполните пропуски
a) to differ (v.)- different (adj.)- difference (n.):
1. Specialized courses are ... at various universities.
2. What is the ... between private and state colleges?
3. The Harvard diplomas ... from those of state universities.
4. You may choose ... courses at the Universities.
5. Tastes ....
b) technical (adj.)- technology (n.)- technique (n.):
1. Colleges of ... provide more advanced courses than traditional technical colleges.
2. They research modern printing ... .
3. ... words and phrases are marked "tech" in the dictionary.
c) to enter (v.)- entrance (n.)- entrant (n.);
1. In order to become a pupil one must pass school ... examinations.
2. ... should send their papers by the end of this month.
3. They ... a university at an early age.
государственный Технический
Только в течение прошлых 60 лет за его существование (Университет был основан в 1939) он обучал больше чем 50 тысяч специалистов, которые работают успешно над предприятиями, проектируют бюро, в исследовательских центрах, проверяя основания, в образовательных учреждениях нашей страны.
Каждый год приблизительно 8 тысяч студентов посещают классы в 6 способностях Университета в его полном рабочем дне, частично занятых и заочных отделов.
Преподавательский состав Университета состоит из больше чем 700 высококвалифицированных специалистов, включая академиков и соответствующих членов Академии Российской Федерации Наук и академий ветви, больше чем 130 профессоров, больше чем 300 доцентов и Докторов Наук.
Научная школа МАМИ, которая глубоко внедрена и которая основана на больших достижениях старших ученых поколения, проведена в большом уважении и власти.
МГТУ "МАМИ" является членом многих правительственных и международных профессиональных общественных организаций. Университет - коллективный член российской Ассоциации Автомобильных Инженеров и Ассоциации США Автомобильных Инженеров.
Профессора университета и лекторы создали много образовательных пособий, которые используются в образовательном процессе не только в Университете но также и в других более высоких школах в России и за границей.
В честь признания больших услуг МАМИ к российской автомобильной промышленности в 1996 решением российского правительства Университет посвящал себя, организовывал и принимал гостей из Международной Научно-технической Конференции "Столетие российского Автомобиля", который участвовался больше чем 400 специалистами из России, Европы и Америки.
1. when
2. what
3. who
4. who
5. what
6. when
7. what
школьные сорта, стандартные тесты, вход и экзамены окончания, университетское здание, бумага экзамена, осенние и весенние семестры, государственный университет, студент средней школы, программа тестирования колледжа, Коэффициент умственного развития (показатель интеллекта), интеллектуальные способности, платы за обучение, машинная система.
3.to differ
3.to enter
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