Importance of translation in our contemporary life

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 21 Ноября 2012 в 23:24, реферат

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Many years ago, according to the Bible, all people living on the Earth spoke the same language. As they had had a great desire to reach the God, they began building a very high tower to be closer to him. The God decided to punish them and one morning when they woke up they were speaking the different languages and could not understand each other. Since that very time people have been needing interpreters. Functionally, an interpreter is a person who converts a source language to a target language. The interpreter’s function is conveying every semantic element (tone and register) and every intention and feeling of the message that the source-language speaker is directing to the target-language listeners.


Section 1. Definition of translation and the earliest mentions of translations…….…………...……………………………………………………….4
Section 2. The importance of translation ( in industry, culture, business )………...6

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