Give characteristics of the mass circulation papers in Britain

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 19 Августа 2011 в 18:15, доклад

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Newspapers play a very important role in modern society. They supply us with the latest news and keep us informed about the changing events of the world. They give an extensive coverage of home and foreign news. They discuss social economic, political, literary and scientific topics. They keep on increasing our knowledge regarding every walk of life.

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1. Give characteristics of the mass circulation papers in Britain.



Newspapers play a very important role in modern society. They supply us with the latest news and keep us informed about the changing events of the world. They give an extensive coverage of home and foreign news. They discuss social economic, political, literary and scientific topics. They keep on increasing our knowledge regarding every walk of life.

All information we want to have we can easily know from newspapers. Newspapers guide the people and shape public opinion. Generally, all newspapers are free of state control and don’t support any political views, it means that all newspapers are objective in their character, so they are used to highlight political events impartially. To wide extent, this can be called “freedom of speech”.

Newspapers publication is dominated by the national press. Nearly 80% of all households buy a copy of one of the main papers every day. Each of the national papers can be characterized as belonging to one of two distinct categories.

  Quality papers (broadsheets) Popular papers (tabloids)
1. format big handy tabloid (which means small-sheet)
2. type of readers educated and the elite lower middle classes and working class people, and also commuters
3. main topics -politics


-social issues

-world news

-sport events etc.

-human interest stories and scandals

-different sections

(Advice/Comment sections.

Joke section.

Advertising section.

Clothes section.)

-private lives of celebrities etc.

4. aims -to give an extensive coverage of home and foreign news;

-to educate in some way

-to attract readers’ attention;

-to increase circulation

5. style


matter-of-fact, highbrow and sometimes literary style an emotional, colloquial and informal style

colorful adjectives; sentences of 16-30 short words; phrases do not repeat themselves etc.

6. illustrations, pictures, photos not many a lot of
7. headlines straightforward in most cases shocking, teasing; include a wide variety of appealing and exciting words that would make the reader anxious to read on.
8. peculiarities There is a wide range of feature articles (e.g. on legal or financial affairs). Articles are mostly written by experts. Sunday papers include color supplements with articles on travel, food, wine and leisure topics. Lack of fact-checking; falsification of entire incidents; damage peoples’ reputations by lies; over-exaggerate stories etc.
10. examples The Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, The Independent The Daily Mail, The Daily Mirror, The Sun, The Daily Express, The Daily Star

Press in Britain

The British press, which caters for a much larger reading public than in many other countries, is unrestricted by censorship or state control. It is considered to be an instrument of controlling and criticizing government and decision-makers. It has considerable influence in public affairs and therefore is sometimes called the "Fourth Estate".

None of the big national newspapers belong to a political party. However, each paper has an idea of what kind of reader it’s appealing to and a fairly predictable political outlook.


Newspapers today play a vital role in human affairs. Their importance has not been diminished by the appearance of the radio or the television. Men no longer have travel to get information. Though the radio and television convey important news and messages quicker than newspapers, they seldom give the details of an incident. Newspapers, on the other hand, give not only more details about a particular incident but they also contain more new items. Moreover newspapers educate people in some way, train our memory and attention.

Информация о работе Give characteristics of the mass circulation papers in Britain