Generation Gap and the possible way out

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 17 Мая 2015 в 13:20, сочинение

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Through many centuries one problem arises over and over, and the name for it is “generation gap”. To be more lucid, it is a situation in which older and younger people do not understand each other because of their different experiences, opinions, habits, and behaviour. The most obviously we observe this problem between teenagers and their parents.

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Generation Gap and the possible way out
Through many centuries one problem arises over and over, and the name for
it is “generation gap”. To be more lucid, it is a situation in
which older and younger people do not understand each other because
of their different experiences, opinions, habits, and behaviour. The most
obviously we observe this problem between teenagers and their parents.
There are many reasons for this. To begin with we should say that most of
teenagers are trying to get freedom, trying to do everything on their own.
They think that they are adults already and can make their independent
decisions. In contrast, parents forget their feelings which they had in the
youth. They forget that they did exactly the same. But now they know how it
feels to have a child, and when it is trying to isolate itself from them and
become independent, they are getting really pushy and importunate. Here
goes the mistake. Because of their pushiness children get isolated even
more. The only resolution here is to be tolerant to each other. Children should
understand that their parents worry about them and are doing their best in
order to make their life happier and more safety. And parents in their turn
should give their kids personal space and should become more liberal and
less pushy. Of course everyone should find the golden mean. We don’t
persuade children to become crazy and uncontrolled; and we also don’t
persuade parents to let upbringing slide; we just want everybody to respect
each other and to treat each other just the way everybody is.

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Taking everything into account, we should say that this problem will be for
keeps; maybe because of this fact that a man can’t listen to others and this is
our problem. It’s up to us whether to be tolerant or not, whether we respect
our relatives or not, but until humanity don’t listen to each other, don’t hear
each other, the problems such as generation gap will be.

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