Филологический анализ текста

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 23 Июня 2014 в 20:05, контрольная работа

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Part 1. The author and his book, the problems he deals with.
Part 2. The setting, the structure and the plot.

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Филол анализ-схема1.doc

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- the author's individuality is clearly revealed through his particular devotion to certain stylistic means and their arrangement


6) title – suggestive

       -  misleading

                  - based on the author's message

7) personal impressions: to enjoy the story (for several reasons)

                                         to be favourably impressed by

                                         to do the author justice

                                         to side with the author completely on the assumption that …

                                         to share his views

                                         to touch on a sensitive problem

                                         to be of educational value

            pure entertainment: not to see eye to eye with the author

                                        to resent smth

to assess highly

                                        not to think much

                                        to object to the idea




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