Доклад по "Английскому языку"

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 13 Декабря 2012 в 15:18, доклад

Краткое описание

With development of market relations though the former financial mechanism has been broken, budgetary process remained one of few levers really providing controllability of economy.

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With development of market relations though the former financial mechanism has been broken.doc

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With development of market relations though the former financial mechanism has been broken, budgetary process remained one of few levers really providing controllability of economy. However, if organizational, administrative, institutional structures of budgetary process are inefficient, they become destabilizing factors. Loss of the state control over receipt and an expenditure of means of the federal budget, absence of the detailed account of these means generated the irresponsible relation to them at all levels, have led to easing of budgetary discipline, and information asymmetry in the conditions of sharp insufficiency of budgetary funds didn't allow to rearrange financial resources for their most rational use in market transformations to economy.

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