Business consultant

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 05 Декабря 2011 в 17:30, аттестационная работа

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A business consultant has many different roles including working as a speaker, trainer, and writer as well as providing risk analysis and responding to questions and concerns posed by the clients. A business consultant works very closely with the management team, board of directors or business owner to research current information as required and to prepare and present findings in a meaningful way. The business consultant may be brought in to deal with one specific topic or issue or may be hired to help upgrade or update all the policies and procedures within the organization.
A business consultant may specialize in one type of industry such as environmental, manufacturing or finance. He or she usually has extensive personal experience in the field as well as having a background in business administration, business finance and personnel management. The consultant will determine risks associated with various business ventures, will make educated predictions about various policies and practices, and will provide specific information to the management team as required.


Business consultant……………………………………………………..3
Different types of business consultants………………………………....4
When your business needs a consultant………………………………...5
How to Choose a Business Consultant When You Want Results……....6

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