Американский английский акцент

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 02 Декабря 2014 в 20:33, творческая работа

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Prior to the Revolutionary War and American independence from the British in 1776, American and British accents were similar. Both were rhotic i.e. speakers pronounced the letter R in hard. Since 1776, the accents diverged but English accent in America has changed less drastically than accents in Britain. Non-rhotic speech is used in Britain today. While most American accents, however, remained rhotic.

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American English 

is a set of dialects 

of the English language used mostly in the United States.

English is the most common language in the

United States and it is considered the de facto language of the United States because of its widespread use.  The use of English in the United States was a result of English  colonization. The first wave of English-speaking settlers arrived in North America in the 17th century. Since then, American English has been influenced by the languages of the Native American population.

American accent

Prior to the Revolutionary War and American independence from the British in 1776, American and British accents were similar. Both were rhotic i.e. speakers pronounced the letter R in hard. Since 1776, the accents diverged but English accent in America has changed less drastically than accents in Britain. Non-rhotic speech is used in Britain today. While most American accents, however, remained rhotic.

Differences between General American and British 

Differences in use of tenses


British English


American English


Have you heard the news?


Did you hear the news?


He’s just gone out.


He just went out.


I've misplaced my pen


I misplaced my pen.




In British English the present perfect is used to express an action that has occurred in the recent past that has an effect  on the present moment, while in American English, the use of the past tense is also permissible

Differences in Vocabulary


British English


American English


Athlete (is one who participates in track and field events)


Athlete (is one who participates in sports in general)


Rubber (tool to erase pencil markings)


Rubber (condom)


advert, anticlockwise, barrister, cat's eye (are widely used in British English and seldom in American English)


Airplane, catsup, cell phone etc. (are common in American English and not used very often in British English)


While some words may mean something in British English, the same word might be something else in American English and vice versa.

Differences in Spelling


There are many words that are spelt differently in both forms of English.


American English spelling


British English spelling

























Spelling differences fall into the following categories: 



Latin-derived spellings



    • -our (British) and -or (American). e.g. colour vs color
    • -re (British) and -er (American). e.g. centre vs center
    • -ce (British) and -se (American). e.g. defence vs defense




Greek-derived spellings



    • -ise (British) and -ize (American). e.g. centralise vs centralize
    • -yse (British) and

    --yze (American) e.g. analyse vs analyze

    • -ogue (British) and og (American). e.g. dialogue vs dialog

Differences in the use of prepositions


American English


British English


on a team


in a team


on the weekend


at the weekend


in school


at school


please write me soon


please write to me soon

Differences in Verb usage


  • the verb "to dream", Americans would use the past tense dreamed while the British would use dreamt in past tense;
  • the verb "to learn", Americans would use the past tense learned while the British would use learnt in past tense;
  • the verb "forecast“, Americans use forecast while the British would say forecasted in simple past tense;

Differences in Pronunciation 


American English




British English














«e-ther, ne-ther»


either, neither


«I-ther, ni-ther»



















Time telling in British vs American English 


American English




British English


quarter after or even a quarter after ten.




quarter past ten 


half past


thirty minutes after the hour


half past


6:00 (colon)


digital times


6.00 (point)

Video explaining the differences 



The reasons of American English appearance was the massive wave of emigration from the West Europe, concurred the North America. The main goal for the wave of migrants was to create a common well-understood language for everybody, the main function of which was the logic and austerity as in the understanding as in the writing. And even now the modern American English continues simplify.

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