Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 09 Октября 2011 в 12:16, курсовая работа
The formation of the stable relations concerning the purchase and sale of foreign currency and their legal consolidation historically led to the formation of the first national and then the international monetary systems. Although monetary relations brought to life primarily by the development of the international trade (through the movement of goods and services overseas), as well as the international capital movements, they have relative independence, which in the global economy has a tendency to increase. Currency relations’ impact on the production becomes more perceptible. To a large extent, this is the result of the further economic life internationalization, the deepening of integration trends in different regions of the world, significantly increasing role of external factors in the national reproductive process of industrial production, a huge increase in world currency trading, and the emergence and rapid spread of new financial instruments.
So, nowadays, in the era of the globalization and growing interdepence of nations it is very important to know not only how monetary system of every single country is carried out, but also how the international monetary system works.
The research project on a theme “The international monetary system and its evolution” is devoted to the problems of the international monetary system and its particular elements functioning showed through its gradual development.
The object of research of the work is the international monetary system. The subject of the research project is functioning of the international monetary system and its evolution stages. The purpose of this research project is the analysis of its object.
For achieving the purpose of the project it is necessary to fulfill such tasks, as:
• The analysis of the theoretical bases of the international monetary system functioning;
• The analysis of the stages of development of the international monetary system, as well as the leading organization of the modern international monetary system – International Monetary Fund (IMF).
• The research of functioning of the international monetary system's key elements;
• An overview of the international monetary system problems and prospect.
Methods for achieving the tasks of the research project are as follows: analytical, comparative, observant, statistical and research.
As a result of this research project modern consisting and functioning of the international monetary system and its elements through the process of its evolution must be clear.
Chapter I
The essence of monetary system
The notion of money, its types, categories and functions………………..…...4
Main features of monetary system……………………………………...........11
Monetary policy and Central banks………………………………………….15
Chapter II
Monetary system of Ukraine and other countries
2.1. History of Ukrainian monetary system and its nature…………………….….18
2.2. The USA monetary system…………………………………………….……..25
2.3. Monetary system of European Union……………………………………...…29
Chapter III
Modern tendencies in monetary system of Ukraine
3.1. Current situation in monetary system of Ukraine………………….…………34
3.2. Problems in monetary system of Ukraine and ways of their solving…….…..43
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