Вредные привычки

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 07 Ноября 2012 в 00:56, доклад

Краткое описание

Всемирная Организация здравоохранения (ВОЗ) считает курение одной из глобальных угроз здоровью и благополучию населения планеты. По данным международной организации, ежегодно от связанных с курением болезней умирают более 5 миллионов человек. Каждые восемь секунд в мире преждевременно умирает курильщик, причем каждый десятый из них - россиянин.

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d) Computers improve students' achievements (1,19).


e) Computers accelerate children's development, mainly intellectual (6,7,19).


f) Computers may provide a free environment for learning (7,8,18).


g) Computers may promote social (and family) cohesion (20,21).


h) Computers provide a fascinating learning environment, one that attracts children and young people (13,16,18).


i) Computers provide for a challenge of traditional educational methods and values (11,14,15,17).


j) Computers induce a certain vision of the world (12).


k) Computers make it possible to learn without tensions and pressures (10,13,18).


l) Computers (through the Internet) make students get interested in foreign cultures and people (5).


m) Computers develop self-control (19).


n) Computers may provide for a more humanistic teaching (9).


o) Computers may enhance imagination and creativity (8).


p) Computers may be used to make children conscious of their own thinking process (6,7,19).


q) Computers provide for an individual way and pace of learning (8).


We want to add the following patterns that did not appear in the quotations:


r) Children have to learn computers otherwise they will be afraid of them at adult ages.


s) Children who don't use a computer at home may develop psychological and social problems (e.g. a sense of inferiority).


t) Through the Internet, computers make it possible for students to access all sorts of information not available through other means.

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