Sergey Yesenin (Esenin) (03.10.1895 - 27.12.1925) - Russian lyrical poet

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 07 Мая 2015 в 15:23, биография

Краткое описание

• In 1914 in the children's magazine "small World" were first published poems of Yesenin.
• The first Yesenin’s book was published in 1916. It was called Radunitsa. Yesenin became one of the most famous poets in those days for his touching poesy about simple life and love.
• In September 1918, Yesenin founded his own publishing house called "Трудовая Артель Художников Слова".
• In 1924-1925 Esenin visited Azerbaijan, has released a collection of poems in the printing of the "Red East", published in the local publishing house. There is a version that here, in may 1925, was written a poetical "Epistle to the Evangelist Demian". Lived in the village of Mardakan (a suburb of Baku). Now here are his house-Museum and memorial plaque.