Education in Kazakhstan

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 11 Февраля 2013 в 12:45, реферат

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The education in Kazakhstan is conducted in two languages-Kazakh and Russian.The constitution prohibits any discrimination on the basis of language and guarantees equal rights in education regardless of nationality.Secondary education is compulsory in Kazakhstan .Children start school at the age of 7 and finish at 17 as a rule a child attends the school ,located in the neighborhood .However ,in big cities there are so -called special schools, offering deeper studies of the major European languages(French,English ,German)or the advanced courses in physics and mathematics and children ,attending one of there may have to commute from home.

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Education in Kazakhstan

The education in Kazakhstan is conducted in two languages-Kazakh and Russian.The constitution  prohibits any discrimination on the basis of language and guarantees equal rights in education regardless of nationality.Secondary  education is compulsory in Kazakhstan .Children start  school at the age of 7 and finish at 17 as a rule  a child attends the school ,located in the  neighborhood .However ,in big cities there are so  -called special schools, offering deeper studies  of the  major European languages(French,English ,German)or the advanced courses in physics and mathematics and children ,attending one of there may have to commute from home.

The first stage  of education  in  Kazakhstan is elementary school for grades one through four.The second  is secondary school for middle grades from  five through nine.Upon graduation from secondary school students are given the  choice of either continuing to attend  the  same  school or entering   a vocational or technical  school.Both  of these schools are  meant to provide one ,along with certificate of  secondary education   with a namber of useful skills (e.g. those of an electrician, technical or computer operators).Having completed one's secondary education,one can either become a part of work force  or go on college (institution  of higher learning-Institute).

To be admitted to the institute one has to pass a series of oral or written tests.Marks in the certificate of secondary education are also taken into account .Entry  to higher institution is quite ompetitive.Some collage departments (law,journalism ,foreign language-especially English) have   dozens  of applicants for one prospective student's position.The system of higher education  prepares highly -skilled experts on economy,transport ,agricultre, medicine,languages and others.

Education in Kazakhstan  has until recently been free on all levels.Collage students with  good marks are rewarded with stipend.The government subsidized all institutions of higher  learning.Now  that the country  is changing to a market place  economy ,the system of  education  is also  bound to undergo profound  changes.In 1990 the first  private school appeared in Almaty.Today there are more than  200 private  secondary  and high schools  the country.For the last two years the number  of non-government higher education institutions is evaluated  by a special  accreditation commission,which gives  out a special license . Today  the young people  of the Kazakhstan have the opportunity to choose and  acquire various  types of  education and build  their lives according to their  ambitions.


University education in Kazakhstan

Secondary education is compulsory in our country.Citizens of Kazakhstan have the right to education,which is guaranteed  by the Constitution .Nowadays thousanndsof young men and women enter Universities and Institutes .After  finishing secondary  school some people can contiue  their  studies  to get  higher  education. All applicants take competitive  examinations.Rectors head  higher  educational establishments.Vice -rectors  are in charge of  the  academic and scientific process.Deans head the faculties.There  are chairs (departments) within faculties.

Almost all the students bget stipends and  have  hostels  accommodations.At the 1 of each term they have  vacations.

Most of higher educational establishments in the RK have two-staged system.Students study four years to get a Bachelor's  Degree and two years to a Master's  Degree.Postgraduates write and defend  a dissertation to receive a Doctorate Degree.

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